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Attended the meeting with the Delegation of Indonesian Ministry of Transportation at Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, regarding the procurement of rolling stock for Makassar~Pare-pare railway, Sulawesi island.
1unit of Helicopter AS355N has been stuffed onto 1x40’HIGHCUBE CONTAINER at Shizuoka Heliport in Japan on May 13, 2021 and shipped from Yokohama to Vancouver via M/V. RDO CONCEPTION
2021年05月13日、静岡ヘリポ-ト様にて1x40’HIGHCUBE CONTAINERにAS355N型ヘリコプタ-のVAN積めが行われ、 横浜港からVANCOUVER港向けに本船 RDO CONCEPTIONにて船積みされました。
From 2018 to 2020, our procurement of JR Musashino Line 205 Series, 42 train sets (336 Rolling Stocks) for PT.KCI (PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia) has been completed.
On 21st of October, 3 train sets (24 Rolling Stocks) of the final shipment arrived at Chiba Central Port with a lot of farewell greetings by railway fans.
We could complete the trucking of Rolling Stocks without any accidents not only because of our security management, but also the courteous railway fans.
Until the end of 2019 shipped from Niigata port, and from the beginning of 2020 shipped from Chiba port, using in total 12 chartered vessels we have transported the Rolling Stocks to Tanjunk Priok port. After the on-rail operation at Pasoso station, the Rolling Stocks towed by the locomotive and carried up to Depok Depot of KCI. After recompositing of Rolling stocks, official running test, make up work of interior and color designed, the completion of inspection by the ministry of transport of Indonesia, they will be operated for the passenger use.
With above mentioned shipment we have delivered in total 1,010 Rolling Stocks to PT. KAI since 2000. For the details please refer to the RECORDS of our web site. All staff members of JAGRO TRANS will make even more effort for the contribution for the economic development of Indonesia.
10月21日、多くの鉄道ファンに見送られ、最後の船積み3編成(24両)が千葉中央港に到着。 事故無く無事に陸送が完了したのも、関係各社の安全対策のみならず、節度ある鉄道ファンのおかげです。
2019年末までは新潟港から、2020年からは千葉港から、計12隻のチャーター船を起用し、ジャカルタ・タンジュンプリオク港へ海上輸送。 現地でオンレールした後、デポック車両基地まで甲種輸送。 車両の再組成、試運転、塗装や内装など化粧直しを施したのちに、インドネシア運輸省の検査合格後、順次運用開始。
以上をもちまして、2000年以来インドネシア国鉄への納入実績は計1,010両となりました。 (詳細は当サイトRECORDSをご覧ください。) ジャグロトランス社員一同、鋭意努力して、今後もインドネシア経済の発展に寄与していきたいと願っています。
As the fourth shipment in this year from Chiba Port, we completed the loading of 3 train sets, 24 EMUs of JR Musashino Line 205 series.
Our charter vessel, MV Heerengracht sailed to Jakarta Tanjung Priok Port.
From 2018 in 3 years, the total amount of 205 series EMUs delivery to KCI Kereta Commuter Indonesia will be 39 train sets, 312 EMUs.
24両を載せた弊社チャーター船MV Heerengrachtはジャカルタ、タンジュンプリオク港へ向けて出港しました。
At the beginning of June, 3 train sets, 24 EMUs of JR East Musashino Line 205 Series were stored at Chiba Port. We loaded these train sets safely onto our chartered vessel MV Houtmangracht. The vessel sailed to Jakarta and 10th July, MV Houtmangracht arrived at Tanjung Priok Port. 24 EMUs were discharged and transported to Depok Depot. From 2018 we delivered 36 train sets, 288 EMUs to KCI(Kereta Commuter Indonesia)
As of July 2020
The deliveries of JR East 205 Series from Jagro Trans to PT. KCI are as follows:
2020年6月上旬、JR東日本武蔵野線205系3編成、24両が千葉港に搬入。 弊社チャーター船、MV HOUTMANGRACHTに無事船積みされジャカルタへ向けて出港。 7月10日、24両を積んだが本船がTanjung Priok港に到着。Depok車両基地まで輸送しました。 2018年からKCIジャカルタ首都圏通勤鉄道への205系譲渡36編成、288両のデリバリーが完了しました。
Our Transport of EMU, JR Musashino Line 205 Series, these export to KCI Kereta Commuter Indonesia were introduced on Yahoo News.
日没後、辺りが暗くなったころ、丸目の懐かしい車両が静かにやってきた。 205系だ。 JR東日本の京葉車両センターから機関車に引かれ京葉臨海鉄道の千葉貨物駅まで来る。 そこでトレーラーに積み込み千葉中央ふ頭まで陸送する計画だ。 205系は1985年から1991年まで製造されていた。 この車両は、山手線などで使用されたのち、武蔵野線として活躍していた。 日本国内での運用を終え、インドネシアのジャカルタに向かう。 車体、台車を分離せず、破損などのトラブルを回避するために独自のノウハウや治具が必要となる。 国内での輸送から輸出、ジャカルタでの運用のためのメンテナンスまで一手に行っている株式会社ジャグロトランスはこれらのノウハウを今まで培ってきた。 ラフタークレーン2機で重心やバランスを保ちながら慎重に吊り上げられ、トレーラーを滑り込ませる。 そして、一般道を使い安全に港まで届けるのだ。 205系ジャカルタ行きを積んだトレーラーは千葉中央ふ頭へと向かう。 ひときわ大きなトレーラーはゆっくりと先導車、後導車に挟まれ、一般道を慎重に走る。 沿道には鉄道ファンが待ち受け、この一大イベントを撮影している。 無事、千葉中央ふ頭に到着した。 このピストン輸送を何度も繰り返し、港に一旦プールする。 千葉貨物駅から陸送された車両は、港にプールされ、二機のラフタークレーンで再度トレーラーに積み込む。 そこから、すぐ近くに停泊しているクレーンを搭載した巨大な重量貨物船までピストン輸送する。 この作業を繰り返し行う。 ジャグロトランスの担当者は 「船内でのラッシング(固縛)等、船による輸送を想定していなかった車両を無事に現地まで届けることは容易ではないが、信頼性の高い日本の車両を現地に届け、人々の生活に欠かせないインフラとして活躍させることに大きな意味がある」と語る。 従来の鋼鉄製からステンレス製に代わり軽量化に成功した車両だが、約30トンのこの重量物は わずかなミスでも被害は甚大だ。積み込みの作業員にも緊張感が走る。 こうして、段取りよく積み込まれた205系は一路ジャカルタへと旅立ち、人々の生活と夢を乗せて走り続ける。 撮影:株式会社アフロ 取材協力 : 株式会社ジャグロトランス/千葉県千葉港湾事務所/京葉臨海鉄道株式会社
Total 21 units of Used Diesel Railcar Model KIHA 40, 47 and 48 shipped out of Niigata by M/V. FRIEDA arrived at MITT, Yangon, Myanmar on May 8, 2020 and have been discharged during May 11~13. Those 21units were donated by Japanese Government and will operate on Yangon Circular Railway.
On 21st and 22nd of April we loaded total 21 units of used diesel railcar, model KIHA 40, 47 and 48 onto the chartered vessel MV FRIEDA at Niigata East Port as a part of Japan’s Official Development Assistance. The vessel sailed on 23rd of April to Yangon MITT port and is supposed to arrive at beginning of May.
4月21日~22日の二日間に渡り、日本政府無償援助(ODA)のミャンマー国鉄向けキハ40系21両を新潟東港にて弊社チャーター船MV FRIEDAに積み込みました。4月23日に出港し、ヤンゴンMITT港には5月初旬到着予定です。
1unit of Helicopter AW139(AgustaWestland AW139) and its 12 units of autoparts loaded onto RORO Vessel NYK M/V.ALTAIR LEADER and sailed from Savova, Italy on FEB 24 and arrived at Toyohashi Port on April 2. Upon arrival, AW139 was Transloaded onto Low-Bed Trailer with Air Suspension and being Trucked up to Kagoshima International Airport door and delivered on April 9.
AW139型ヘリコプタ-1機が本船 ALTAIR LEADERに2月24日にイタリア・サヴォナ港にて積まれ4月9日に豊橋港に到着しました。本船からRoll-Offされた後、低床トレ-ラ-(エアーサスペンション付) に積まれ、夜間陸送と内航船での輸送の後、4月9日に鹿児島国際空港株式会社様へ搬入を致しました。
<AW139’s Specification>
For the development of the public transport infrastructures in Myanmar, in the frame of Japan’s Official Development Assistance, Jagro Trans procured Second Hand Diesel Multiple Units, KIHA 40 Series from JR East and deliver them to Myanma Railway.
From 18th of March to 9th of April, we transported 21 Diesel Multiple Units from Niitsu depot to Fujiyose on Rail. At Fujiyose we loaded them onto the low bed trailer and carried to Niigata East Port.
In the middle of April these 21 railway cars will be loaded in a chartered cargo vessel and will be delivered to Yangon MITT port.
ミャンマーにおける交通インフラ整備支援、日本政府無償援助(ODA)の一環でジャグロトランスが中古気動車キハ40系をJR東日本から買い取り、ミャンマー国鉄へ寄贈します。 3月18日~4月9日まで4回に渡り、計21両を新津運輸区から藤寄まで甲種輸送。藤寄にてレールオフし新潟東港まで陸送しました。 4月中旬に全21両を新潟東港でチャーター船に積み、ヤンゴンMITTへと輸送します。
24 units of JR205 series Second Hand Rolling Stock loaded onto M/V. COE LENI and sailed out of Chiba Port on March 23, 2020.
She arrived at Tanjunk Prok on April 04, 2020. Cargos are handed over to PT. Kereta Commuter Indonesia.
2020年03月23日、中古鉄道車両JR205系輸送第9船24両を積んだM/V. COE LENIが千葉港を出港しました。
On 12th February we carried out the 4th trainset of JR205 series from Chiba Freight Station to Chiba Port by using two cranes and multi-low bed trailers. At customs bond of Chiba Port we store these 8 Rolling Stocks until the next Shipment.
From December last year to January this year we transported JR205 series of Musashino Line, 3 train sets, 24 cars in total, on the new route as follows:
JR Keiyo Depot~Soga Station~Chiba Freight Station~Chiba Port
As first time at Chiba port we loaded these 24 cars into MV Marsgracht from 5th February to 7th February. The vessel sailed on 7th February from Chiba Port to Jakarta Tanjung Priok Port
昨年12月から今年1月にかけて、JR東日本205系武蔵野線3編成、24両を新搬出ルートにて(JR京葉車両センター~蘇我駅~千葉貨物駅~千葉港)千葉港へ搬送しました。2月5日から2月7日にかけて千葉港では初となる鉄道車両の船積みを行いました。本船MV Marsgrachtは2月7日にジャカルタ、タンジュン・プリオク港に向けて出港しました。
5 units of KIHA 40series loaded onto MV BBC DOLPHIN and sailed from Niigata Port on January 11, 2020.
She arrived at Myanmar International Terminal Thilawa (MITT) on February 02, 2020.
5units discharged during February 05~07.
This shipment executed under Japan’s Grant Aid for The Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
In the frame of Japan’s Official Development Assistance Jagro Trans is in charge of handing over of Second Hand Diesel Multiple Units to Myanmar.
After take over at Niitsu Station 5 Units of KIHA 47 were transported to Fujiyose on Rail.
After rail off work at Fujiyose multiple low bed trailers carried them to Niigata East Port.
At beginning of January Diesel Multiple Units will be shipped and at middle of February they will be discharged at Yangon MITT.
In spring 2020 we hand over 21 Units to Myanmar Railway.
From 8th shipment we load Rolling Stock at Chiba Port instead of Niigata.
After hand over at Soga Station, our partner Keiyo Rinkai Railway carried Rolling Stock on rail to their freight terminal.
On this day first rail off work took place at Chiba Freight Station.
and multiple low bed trailers transported first 8 Rolling Stock to Chiba Port.
At beginning of February we load 24 Rolling Stock into our charter vessel and export them to Jakarta.
7th shipment, 24 units of JR205 series Second Hand Rolling Stock loaded onto M/V. JULE sailed from Niigata Port on December 11, 2019
and arrived at Tanjunk Prok on December 26, 2019. Cargos are handed over to PT. Kereta Commuter Indonesia.
This year Jagro Trans shipped 144 Rolling Stock to Indonesia.
In 2020 we are going to export 120 Rolling Stock to PT. KCI.
2019年12月11日、中古鉄道車両JR205系輸送第7船24両を積んだM/V. JULEが新潟港を出港しました。
6th shipment, 40units of JR205 series Second Hand Rolling Stock loaded onto M/V. HAPPY STAR sailed from Niigata Port on October 10, 2019
and arrived at Tanjung Priok on November 06, 2019.Cargoes are destined for PT. Kereta Commuter Indonesia.
5th shipment, 40units of JR205 series Second Hand Rolling Stock loaded onto M/V. PAUWGRACHT sailed from Niigata Port on August 02, 2019
and arrived at Tanjung Priok on August 16, 2019. Cargoes are destined for PT. Kai Commuter Indonesia.
2018年3月~2020年10月の期間、JR205系 武蔵野線 計336車両をインドネシア国鉄 PT. KCI社へ納入致します。
1unit of Helicopter AW189 loaded onto M/V.RHEA LEADER and sailed from Savova, Italy on March 12 and arrived at Toyohashi Port on April 22.
Upon arrival, AW189 was Transloaded onto Low-Bed Trailer with Air Suspension and being Trucked upto NAKANIHON AIR SERVICE and delivered on April 23.
AW189型ヘリコプタ-1機が本船RHEA LEADERに3/12にイタリア・サヴォナ港にて積まれ4/22に豊橋港に到着しました。本船からRoll-Offされた後、低床トレ-ラ-(エアーサスペンション付) に積まれ、夜間陸送後、4/23に中日本航空株式会社様へ納入致しました。
<AW189’s Specification>
最大定員:19名 (日本で一番大きなSIZEのHELICOPTERです。)
4th shipment, 40 units of JR205 series’ Second Hand Rolling Stock loaded onto M/V. WARNOR MERKUR sailed from Niigata Port on April 18, 2018 and arrived at Tanjung Priok on April 30, 2019. Cargoes are destined for PT. Kereta Commuter Indonesia.
(株)ジャグロトランス 東京本社会議室にて
PT. KAI(インドネシア国営鉄道会社) の子会社である PT. KALOG (ロジスティクス部門 http://www.kalogistics.co.id/) Director MALIK氏と弊社代表取締役 田部井幹雄が代理店契約を交わしました。協力する案件の範囲は日本とインドネシアの間のみ関わらず、第三国についてもお互いに協力し合う事を協議致しました。
左からの順番で 金明娥(Kim Myung-A) 弊社副社長、田部井幹雄 弊社代表取締役 、Mr. MALIK PT. KALOG のDirector of Business development, ホラス(Horas) 弊社のDirectorになります。
Jagro Trans prepared one container under lashing to two skids for three new Suzuki Bike export from Yokohama to Jiangmen port, China.
Please be noted that Shipper details as follows and contact them if need to send or import special designed bikes.
Jagro Trans can assist export and import vehicles including customs clearance and declaration of cargo insurance as well as Bike clearance certificate
Cargo: REACTOR @168METRIC TON sailed from Kobe Port on January 09, 2019, arrived at Antwerp via M/V.GRIETJE.
Then Transshipped at Bodrogkisfalud, Hungary and being trucked upto Kazincbarcika, Hungary.
3RD shipment, 24units of JR205 series Rolling Stock destined for PT. Kai Commuter Indonesia sailed from Niigata Port on December 25, 2018 via M/V. LUCKY OCHO
and arrived at Tanjung Priok on January 06, 2019.
5TH shipment of MRTJ loaded 24units of Brand New Rolling Stock sailed from Toyohashi Port on November 21, 2018 via M/V. HHL MISSISSIPPI and arrived at Tanjung Priok on November 14, 2018.
18 units Trucked Midnight and delivered to Lebak Bulus during December 03 ~ 08, 2018.
4TH shipment of MRTJ loaded 18units of Brand New Rolling Stock sailed from Toyohashi Port on November 02, 2018 via M/V. FREDENSBORG and arrived at Tanjung Priok on November 14, 2018.
18 units Trucked Midnight and delivered to Lebak Bulus during November 19~23, 2018.
We are pleased to inform that Jagro Singapore office has been moved to following address.
<Address>: 300 Tampines Avenue 5, #09-02 Tampines Junction, S'pore 529653
Please kindly find office inside pictures where is including the meeting place.
As Singapore to World Wide Shipment for Air and Ocean Shipment has been increased 40% since last term, New Business Development Manager has joined Jagro as following contact details
Zenrick Lee, Business Development Manager
2ND shipment, 24units of JR205 series Rolling Stock destined for PT. Kai Commuter Indonesia sailed from Niigata Port on September 28, 2018 via M/V. THUNDER BIRD and arrived at Tanjung Priok on October 24, 2018.
3rd shipment of MRTJ loaded 18units of Brand New Rolling Stock sailed from Toyohashi Port on September 20, 2018 via M/V. SE POTENTIA and arrived at Tanjung Priok on October 16, 2018.
18 units Trucked Midnight and delivered to Lebak Bulus during October 18~23, 2018.
2nd shipment of MRTJ loaded 24units of Brand New Rolling Stock sailed from Toyohashi Port on August 03, 2018 via M/V. SE POTENTIA and arrived at Tanjung Priok on August 18, 2018.
24 units Trucked Midnight and delivered to Lebak Bulus during August 20~28, 2018.
Container handling volume of Jagro Trans, has been increased to average 260 TEU per month from Japan all sea port and Singapore port to all over the world Consignee plant door (North America Door, EU, South America, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Thailand, South Africa, South Korea, China etc ).
The delivery of 336 units of 205 series Rolling Stock to PT. Kai Commuter Indonesia have been started from March 2018 and will be completed in July 2020.
1st shipment of MRTJ loaded 12units of Brand New Rolling Stock sailed from Toyohashi Port on March 6, 2018 via M/V. ELLENSBORG and arrived at Tanjung Priok on April 4, 2018.
12 units Trucked Midnight and delivered to Lebak Bulus during April 8~12, 2018.
Jagro Singapore Pte. Ltd plans to increase the number of Singapore office staffs by increasing export and import volume and to expanding business.
Container handling volume of Jagro Trans, has been increased to average 260 TEU per month since last term in total of export and import from Japan all sea port to all over the world Consignee plant door (North America Door, EU, South America, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Thailand, South Africa, South Korea, China etc ).
Jagro Trans, does average US$680,000.00 in sales per month and main commodities are Haz, Non Haz Chemicals, Vehicle, Auto parts related to automotive
ジャグロトランスは月平均 260TEU のコンテナを日本各港より世界各地の工場(アメリカ、欧州、南アメリカ、マレイシア、インドネシア、インド、タイ、南アフリカ、韓国、中国など) まで輸出と輸入で輸送致しております。
売上は月平均 US$680,000.00 でモノは ケミカル品、車両、機械製品です。
Jagro Singapore Pte. Ltd , Container handling volume has been increased to average 190 TEU per month since last term in total of export and import from Singapore PSA sea port to all over the world Consignee plant door(North America Door, EU, South America, Malaysia, Indonesia , India, Thailand, South Africa, South Korea, China etc ).
Jagro Singapore Pte. Ltd, does average US$575,000.00 in sales per month and main commodities are Haz, Non Haz Chemicals, Vehicle, Auto parts related to automotive
ジャグロシンガポールは月平均 190TEU のコンテナを日本各港より世界各地の工場(アメリカ、欧州、南アメリカ、マレイシア、インドネシア、インド、タイ、南アフリカ、韓国、中国など) まで輸出と輸入で輸送致しております。
売上は月平均 US$575,000.00 でモノは ケミカル品、車両、機械製品です。
インドネシア・ジャカルタ MRTJ CP-108 96車両 新造車両納入案件に関しインドネシア輸送業者/ジャカルタ港湾局関係者と契約書を交わしました。
インドネシア PT. KCI 社本社にてPT. KCI 総裁のFADHILA氏と弊社代表取締役 田部井幹雄がJR205系 武蔵野線336両納入の契約を交わしました。
M/V. GUO XING 2 (3768 Deadweight Ton)
Cargo: Drum, HANGER & PIPE SUPPORT etc. 1,800m3
Sailed from Masan Port on December 05, 2017, destined for Kagoshima
M/V. ZI HONG (1980 Deadweight Ton)
Cargo: Drum etc. 100m3
Sailed from Masan Port on November 20, 2017, destined for Kagoshima
M/V.HIROI (2488 Deadweight Ton)
Cargo: Furnace, Evaporator etc. 500m3
Sailed from Masan Port on November 2, 2017, destined for Kagoshima
M/V. MV THAI LAKER (6730 Deadweight Ton)
Cargo: HEATER, ECONOMIZER etc. 1,800m3
Sailed from Yulchon Port on October 20, 2017 & sailed from Masan Port on October 23, 2017, destined for Kagoshima
MV TENG SHENG (4800 Deadweight Ton)
Cargo: CYCLONE ASSEMBLY etc. 1,500m3
Sailed from Masan Port on September 26, 2017 & sailed from Yulchon Port on September 28, 2017, destined for Kagoshima
M/V. MV JIA LONG (5278 Deadweight Ton)
Cargo: Column, Steel Structure 2,200m3
Sailed from Pyeongtaek Port on September 22, 2017 destined for Kagoshima
MV.XINHAI 88 (5304 Deadweight Ton)
Cargo: Bag Filter 1,800m3
Sailed from Shanghai on September 14, 2017 destined for Kagoshima
M/V. JC FAVOR (3791 Deadweight Ton)
Cargo: Pipe, Steel Structure etc. 2,000m3
Sailed from Pyeongtaek Port, Korea on August 29, 2017 & sailed from Masan Port on Sep 1, 2017 destined for Kagoshima
M/V. GUANG LIAN (4663 Deadweight Ton)
Cargo: COLUMN, GIRDER etc. 2,000m3
Sailed from Pyeongtaek Port, Korea on August 20, 2017 destined for Kagoshima
M/V XIN RUI 1 (5200 Deadweight Ton)
Cargo: HANGER & PIPE SUPPORT etc. 1,000m3
Sailed from Masan Port, Korea on August 15, 2017 destined for Kagoshima
M/V XIN HAI 888 (4200 Deadweight Ton)
Cargo: Steel Structure 2,300m3
Sailed from Pyeongtaek Port, Korea on August 8, 2017 destined for Kagoshima
Jagro Singapore Pte. Ltd has started to handle Containers Pre-carriage from Jurong Island, VIA Singapore port “ 20'DRY X 4 ” to Port of Kwangyang (South Korea).
4 Prime movers are heading to Singapore PSA on 9th of May 2017 under safety procedures.
Jagro Singaporeは“ 20'DRY X 4本 ” のトラック手配を2017年9月 Jurong islandからSingapore port経由で韓国のKwangyang 港へ輸送始めました。
東京メトロ6000系 20車両が積まれた本船FORESIGHTが東京港木材埠頭を4/19に出港し
ジャグロトランスは2000年都営三田線を皮切りに2016年末までに計 708両を海外(主にインドネシア)
ジャグロトランスは月平均 200TEU のコンテナを日本各港より世界各地の工場まで輸送致しております。
売上は月平均 US$500,000.00 でモノは ケミカル品、機械製品です。
ジャグロシンガポ-ルは月平均 150TEU のコンテナをシンガポ-ル港より世界各地の工場まで輸送致しております。
売上は月平均 US$375,000.00 でモノは ケミカル品、機械製品です。
また2017年1月から譲渡が始まる東京メトロ6000系60車両のインドネシア国鉄 への納入業務を新たに受注致しました。
2nd shipment composed of 20units of Tokyo Metro 6000 series shipped out of Tokyo Lumber Terminal at Tokyo Port on September 19 by M/V. VECTIS ISLE.
She arrived at Tanjung Priok Port on October 9, 2016 and discharged 20units.Has been transported upto PT KCJ Depot.
3rd shipment composed of 10units to be followed.
Jagro Trans Co.,Ltd. and PT KCJ of Indonesia jointly arranged the quality inspection on Tokyo Metro 6000 series at Tokyo Metro Ayase Depot.
30units of quality-approved Rolling Stock transported upto Tokyo Metro Shin-Kiba Depot by rail. Jagro picked up 30units of Rolling Stock Ex.On-Rail Shin-Kiba basis by arranging Cranes and Trailers and trucked upto Tokyo Lumber Terminal in Tokyo Port during May 17 ~ July 7, 2016.For the 1st shipment composed of 30units of Rolling Stock have been storing at Tokyo Lumber Terminal until M/V.NEW LEGEND RUBY arrived at Tokyo Lumber Terminal.
(This vessel has been chartered by Jagro’s own branch in Korea.)
Upon vessel’s arrival at Tanjung Priok Port in Indonesia, 30units of Rolling Stock to be transported upto PT KCJ Depot and will be released to them after the inspection completed and Ministry of Transportation issues Quality Certificate.
韓国 木浦港にて清水港向け HEAVY SHIPBLOCK 5pcs, 5000m3の船積みが行われました。
5pcs, 5000m3 of HEAVY SHIPBLOCK destined for Shimizu Port got loaded onto M/V.XINHAI 588 at Mokpo Port.
神戸港にてブラジル向け スラスター の船積みが行われました。
1unit of Thruster destined for Rio De Janeiro, Brazil got loaded onto M/V.THORCO LEGION at Kobe Port.
当社では2015年には、日本発、Singapore発合計で約2100 TEUのコンテナの出荷を取り扱いました。
主要仕向港:Hamburg/Rotterdam/Leixoes/Los Angeles/Salvador/Manzanillo/Port Elizabeth/Nhava Sheva
In 2015 we handled about 2100 TEU containers from main port and local port in Japan and Singapore to many ports in the world.
Major loading port in Japan: Tokyo/Yokohama/Nagoya/Yokkaichi/Kobe/Tokuyama
Major destination port: Hamburg/Rotterdam/Leixoes/Los Angeles/Salvador/Manzanillo/Port Elizabeth/Nhava Sheva
For the most of containers, we handle door deliver service at destination as well, not only ocean transportation
We expect to handle more containers in 2016.
ジャグロトランスはJR東日本南武線205系の最終回の車両、合計120両をインドネシア国鉄ジャカルタ首都圏PT. KCJのDepok電車区に納入しました
Jagro Trans has completed the final delivery of JR-East 205 Series of Rolling stock, totally 120 units to the Depot of PT. KCJ located in Jakarta.