1. Nazanin wrongly jailed in Iran
2. Boris Johnson fucks up and lands her with an even longer sentence
3. Tories waste 6 years denying fuck-up and refusing to pay debt
4. A free Nazanin calmly points out facts 1-3
5. Nazarin is the bad guy
Many of followers are not UK academics, so here's a quick on why higher education staff across the UK are on strike this week (and beyond). There are two big issues at play here: (1) pensions, and (2) the four fights. #UCUstrike#OneOfUsAllOfUs /1
Honestly the current situation in Japan, with the borders having been closed to foreign students and researchers for 2 years, is really making me reconsider my project of doing my master on japanese history (:
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This is hard to do but at this point it is necessary. Harvard is likely to throw everything at these 3 women. I have therefore made the decision to come forward. If we don't stand up to change things, nothing changes. Support unions for grad students
Nerd alert: I'm sure this was shared back around the switch to Reiwa, but this Japanese era name chart in the format of a railway timetable is very pleasing to me.
I do not think it is emotional or immature to believe that when you rely on women’s testimonies and life stories to make an argument, especially when they’ve told those stories at great personal cost, you are obligated to quote them accurately and render the context correctly.
Academic freedom is premised on academic integrity. Otherwise, it’s a meaningless concept - a free pass for lying as long as you’re a scholar and have footnotes.
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