■• ''-' " ~'il ' ' ' " ' V- 1<XV11....N~ 22,415. ■ T~~r~?t£?i2&* *,*, YORK, MONDAY, MARCH :\<K 1 908. -TWELVE PAGES.-^ffi^*. . TRICE THREE CENTS. WILL WELCOME DR. HILL OBJECTIONS KECJ 1.1.K1t. German Foreign Office Makes State •- • ment of Emperor's Views. Berlin. March — Emperor "William, having *t*~ 'u'ly advised as to the attitude at Prcsi 'ccrt Roosevelt and the feeling of th? American jrjfclic in regard to the alleged refusal of his -aaieffty to receive Dr. David Jayne Hill as pgjgrican Ambassador to Germany in succession - 0 Charlemagne Tower, has recalled all the expressions of disapproval he recently sent to President Roosevelt, and would be pleased to re ceive Dr. Hill as ambassador. The Emperor has caused this view to be com —ancsted to President Roosevelt. The German Foreign Office has sent to The Associated Press the following official declara tion en - -<■ subject : The notices which have appeared hitherto in .-.- foreign press in regard to the Kill affair _■„, 'originated in the erroneous Impression that It was intended in Berlin to recall the ap •rrva; given her«» last autumn to Mr. Hill's ap ,_■-.- This has never been thought of. -. i*s *-"" ue lhat < übt« subsequently arose as to KSiether Mr. Hill would feel himself comfortable tntae post of American Ambassador at Berlin, int" thrse doubts have been removed, so that nothing stands in the way of Mr. Hill's nomina tion to the Berlin Embassy. an/I he- will be wel come in Berlin now. as he would have been be'ore. or as any other unobjectionable repre wr-tative would ■■--. who should be named by president Roosevelt. ■■ is to be stated emphatically that through out the whole incident the ambassador, Mr. V«sjcjr. as not swerved for one instant from OS! straifrr-.t line Of absolutely loyal and hon- Ma We conduct, both toward his own govern .Jt-t and the imperial German government. B3mn yon Bternli rrg. the German A.mbasaador at Washington, has during the last forty-eight tours aam in (Be closest touch with the Foreicr-.i C&ce. --. has cabled fully concerning the mat jfr. He described the i ->(' i of ■ speedy ar ra=gement of the affair and President Boose v?:ts difficulties in meeting the Emperors in clinetion. and. furthermore, the unpleasant ef *ert the whole controversy was having upon American public opinion. Tb<s German Foreign Office since yesterday r:crnir.c has sent a number of dispatches to the Ejr.pfrcT at Venice, •--'_- Baron TenJnth, th? ifpreeentatlve of the Foreign Office who is with the Emi^eror. As man as a '!■■■■»« statement of the Em percr'r wishes was received by the Secretary for Fcreira Affairs. H'" vnn BCBOen. the Seer* I tar>- and Ambassador Tower bad a long con ;?r«T.ce --. Foreirn oflkae, at which the en tire F-jbJect as gone over At the conclusion of -v ennferenre B retary yon Schoen cabled the foregoing statement to the German An-.bas sao'-r at Washington, with complete additional esr'ans'SoriF. nwsassatur Tower also cabled in th« Beats DepertmeaH th e fullest detafls of a*] that had been done. n - aim of the Get man Foreign Office Is to rinse the incident in a manner satisfactory to --- President and The y.r,-. r of the United - .._. At first the Foreign Office, which is sensitive on any question relating to the Em p»»ror. -was BBCIiBCd *'■ '•■}■•■- that P. general denial of the f=tat«>ra»nt that the Emperor had declined M r *. ejve Dr. Kill as American Am bassador mi?ht quiet "h" rituation, pending a ]«i«ur-ly settlement. But it was evident from Baron yon -■ rnl»arg*s jHspatcnes on Friday in 6 Saturday - ; -.♦ public opinion, as well as the American c-rivrrnrr.*=nt. r*»r;u:rei pom" adequate and definite solution, and It was announced yes jprnsy that :h<° Emperor would delay the depart ure of th» Imperial yacht H<»henzoll«»rn from V«dce until Monday, presumably to afford time for the disposition of this matter. It is certain that if Dr. Hill -nee Jo Berlin as thp ATneri<nan Ambassador h^ will l>f> most cor- C:a"l« welcomed, and given every attention by ih* Eirp^ror and the German povemment. It is thought in Berlin that the Emperor's original purpose was merely to show friendly solicitude concerning American representation. Pans. Mar<"h 29 —Dr. David .layrse Hill, when Informed by The Associated Press to-night that the German Foreign Office had issued a state r^r.T ?ayjng thst. although then* had been some rppesi^ior;. --. German £ enuaeni was quite »-i!iir:2 to receive him as American Ambassador. Aeetaoed to ......... ... .-....,;,-. ,-,.- dignified j-corv^ Tvh'ch be has - ■ • lined throw* X* fa id: "I must decline to dir-euss any phase ■■■ this mau^r. Washington, in the end. will cpi-ide T-'nat cours° thai! ■-... pursued." — .-. news that th«? German government had rot d^c'ired to r<v?<?iv« Dr. Hill did ■ ••' come as tr- 3 t surprise to fiiplomatic •'-><; here, where the theory hold from th? beginning that Dr. Kili. ztA j-erhapF iV Emperor himself, had been lh» victims of -vcU .... overzealousness. The [ -■■-• •• •■• affair which has caused the raofT comment in Palis is the report that Arr.basFa^^r Tox-.-^r acterj as a medium for com s-j^icitins to Washington the objections for «ulat«"l against Dr. Hill, '.vhich. if true, ac co.*c:r;g to irr>vn\n*ni diplomat? ere, a Mild be £n irrejruiar proceeding and calculated to place the ambassador .-•■■: Dr. Hill. te;r.? tbe President's selection for the amaasaa- Corehip. thf- natural course, th*>y contend. -would for The retiring official to resist the slightest agave* that- the s^lertion was unsuitable c- - to insist tin any representation to that *~fcr should be made through ''■'■■' reapalar rep- rf the countty at Washington "^"feshir.rTiTi. Mar<-h 2U-— The curious fact *b->3tthe Hill incident is that to all of Its st.!*.-'* it fcis tal d no. official form. ">*• there has Baser be«n the slightest doubt in diplomatic «ir<-J«s her** of the accuracy of the first an sousce.T-;«-nt that Dr. Hill was not fully aecej>ta- Ie to Emperor nruiiam. The conclusion was r«tch<-d that this was a case that fully bore °at the wisdom of the old adage that it i.- un ■fc to niix but.ness and friendship. EayKror William was known to be of a warm. fccpslsive and .-yinp~th«:tic temperament, and it "-- readily understood how he aid have per -•sitteij his ft-f-ling of personal friendship for Am ta&Kiflor and Mrs. Tower to sway him to the Wot where he v.-as r^ady to look with disfavor *twi rheir displacement. Th<- oflice is one of a ■fcor.giy j^rsonal character. Jittering fa thai re •> frori a nvre mjn:st*-iial position. Si offl ■let . ■•, requires thai In the i use of a min •**■ i m*re unofficial inquiry sufnoi ■ to de *&& the fact whether he is likely to be accept *>iJ«- In the case of an ambassador the inquiry ""sst be f^niial, and th*re is not the slightest :T J*rvation as :o the right of the sovereign lo re tet the- Domteee without being hHd accountable lr - *ny <iegrf -^. In the present instance it is be- U * n **i »hat trnp^ror William was animated not P **»>• aversion io Dr. Hill or hi* ■•*■•. bat r 2thtT by a with to keep near bim the Toners. % Probably the immediate effect of the change of *?St at Berlin -*. 11l I*- to brtsg about a < Range & ih- AiciVrfcan rr-rrcs?:is?ticn at the embassy *♦ £n t£rii- r <33?* than \«£.-: contemplated. As ■Wy »nr>o-jnv»?'j. Mr. T'«-,*rr had signified •* **« to relinquish ;.js pcit mit August! and it *P?5? •»« •<? sarprlfins If. E-Q vl*» <- *- e * e *** tr derelcpmecu; «he chaise sfloaid Unit POPULISTS FOR WATSON. Georgian Will Be Named for Presi dent in Thursday's Convention. St. Louis. March 29.— Populists- will meet in national convention on April •_'. in the Olympic Theatre to nominate candidates for President and Vice-President 1 of the United States, and to transact Furh other business as may come be fore the convention. It i.; said that the money question will be one of the principal issues dis cussed. Jay W. Forrest, of Albany. N. V.. chairman of the national provisional committee, said to day: "There will be eleven hundred delegates In the convention, all of whom are instructed to vote for Thomas E. Watson, of Georgia, for Presidential nominee, except the thirty-seven Nebraska delegates, who are instructed for W. J. Bryan, and the Alabama delegate, who favor former Congressman If. W. Howard." The Missouri state Populists' convention to elecr delegates to the national convention will meet here Wednesday, coincident with the session of the national committee. Among those who have arrived are: James H. Ferris, of Jotiet, 111., chairman of the national committee; F. C. Fos ter, secretary of the New York People's party. Cohoe?. X. V., and Edward Van Loon, Bchenec tady, X. Y. IB}' T«"l»«rarh to The Tribune.] St. Louis. March IT I.—E.1 .— E. E. Waterbury, one of the leaders on the Populist National Committee, said to-night that in his opinion the convention would name Senator La Kollette, of Wisconsin, as party standard bearer In the coming- Presi dential campaign en the first ballot. JOHN 1).. JR., HAS RIVAL. Fell Bible Class Member Also Wants To Be Its Vicc-Prcsident. Members of the Fifth Avenue Baptist Church Bible class were placed in a quandary yester day by the announcement that John D. Rocke feller, jr.'s candidacy for the vice-presidency of the class will Ibe contested by W. E. Church. It is Mr. Church's popularity which renders the situation embarrassing. He has boon .-. member of the class since Governor Hughes was its leader, and always has been such an inde fatigable worker that the class hesitates to vote against him. even for Mr. Rockefeller. When the list of nominees for the annual election of officers was read yesterday by W. E. Clark, chairman of the nominating committee, the members were amazed at the announcement that Mr. Rockefellers candidacy was to be con tested. Mr. Church wanted to withdraw, for he baa great admiration for his classmate. But the nominating: committee arprued with him that it was his duty to stay on the ticket "in order to give tile class a chance to demonstrAte its inde pendence." Mr. Rockefeller also 1? said to have requested Mr. Church to remain in the race as a personal favor to him. Mr Rockefeller has fre quently expressed disapproval at hearing the class termed "Th* 1 RockefeOer Bible Class." Ho hap pointed out that now that he has resigned the leadership, be desires to be considered merely as an ordinary member. XABBKD AT MORGAN DOOR. Man Fined for Lighting -^Matches There—Said He Was After Job. Pfalins: along Madison avenue last night lighting matches and peering at the numbers of houses proved to be an unhealthy occupation for on« Robert William Fusholier, a seaman, who was locked up in the Tenderloin police sta tion under .-; charge of disorderly conduct, pre ferred by Patrolman Hampshire, nf that pre cjnrt. FttStloUer Paid he was out of work and looking for a job. In the front doorway of J. P. Morgan's hou.=e Fusholler lit several matches, and the patrolman lost no tim» in getting across the street, and up the steps of the financier's house. He asked "the man what he was doing there. "I'm looking for the number," the latter said. . This information did not satisfy Hampshire, and he rang the bell, to which the butler re sponded. ••Do yon }(!]<->■.• this man"' asked Hampshire, and the botler said the man had just been there applying for a job. \i the poiji station Piisholler was searched, and In his pocket was four.! a hypodermic ay tinge and a jliial of morphine. H» told st'-'ry of having been .= ;• k In some Statin Island hospital f ri r a long time, but could not remem ber which one. where it was or anything about it. Ho said that a nurse In this mysterious hos pital had told him that Mr Morgan could get him a job. *nd gave that as hi.« reason for his actions m Madison avenue, and at the door .if t'n» financier's borne [n the mghl court Magistrate Finn fined F\:sholJer £1. which be paid. HARPJMAN GETS F.UKTINGTON ROADS. Pays $50,000,000 for Railway Interests in and Around Los Angeles. [By Tf!eerar!> " The TVlbcoe 1 boa Angeles. March St.— lt is declared positively that T. H. Harnman his takei. over all the in t*r*>sts c,l H. K. H-.intinston. in the steam and electric railways la Los Angeles and Southern Cali fornia, paying IB*.***.- for the properties. According to the term*? of th- ■ •-•••::i'-r,t Mr. Hnntinjrton will retire for all time from active par ticipation In the management of the great proper ties which In has built up in Southern California. HALL MALLISTEK DYING. Sen of New York Society Leader in Poverty in California. [By Tel*Kmr)t to The Tribune. ! Baa Francisco. March Li-Hall McAllister, son of the former social leader in New Voik. and himself a cotillon leader in San Francisco for many years, is dying in Ban Rafael in poverty. A few days ago ],*> v • ,- striken with appendicitis, but he was un a ,!.. to tell bis nurses because he could not speak plainly, and an cperatlbn was not performed until last night. XI doctor* say !»: cannot recover. McAllister has been deserted by liis mother and other relaUv. - «ml that ii" baa not been forced into the- puorhouse Is .... to several old friends ■Fbo have ■ ontributi d So nil support. MONEY FOR FAMILY OF D. W. STEVENS. To!;;- March 30/— The Corean Cabinet baa de clded to giv«' 50.000 yen to tin family of Durham \V Steven* who was uwasstaat4 -l in San . Kran lisco by ......... The amount thai the Japanese governincn! wiM appropriate .1., ■ not K-rn .i.i.oTin. '■•'.. l-.nl " »* ~-n,r<l!y believed thai »t will amount iaO.ooo yen. COMPLAIN OF FEDERAL EMPLOYES. |By l>i>jtraph Jo Ttio Trlbun- i Gloucester. Maw.. March -' • teiegram, signed in fifty reruns, hai bean ssal to Predd«nt llonse velt th^ mstnwsTer Qcneral and Senators U>dC« aVid/Crane. protesting a^irst th« vfiniquitou* PoU&al activity" of federal ofleehpldertf and def mandlos that sups be taken to prevent it In the future. Gloucesu- bat a large number of federal — inlmam • IfO GILLETTE REPRIEVE DENIED HV GOV. 11l (WES. Execution Wjll Take Place at Au burn Prison To-day. Albany, March 20. — Governor Huehes an nounced to-night that he had dented the appli cation for a reprieve for Chester Gillette, and no act of the Governor that can now be foreseen will interfere with Gillette's execution at Auburn Prison, probably to-morrow morning-, for the murder of his sweetheart, Grace, or "Billy," Brown, of South Otselic. Chenango County, at Bisr Moose Lake, in the Adirondack. 5 ;, on July 11. 1906. The Governor dismisses the theory, based on the alleged new evidence presented by John 11. Dug&n. of Albany, who appeared for the GO lette family before th« Governor, as "wholly untenable." ap-1 declares that "if reason is to be oar *rui£e and all the established facts arc taken into consideration, there Is no escape from the conclusion that a brutal murder was com mitted and that the conviction was just." The memonndum of Governor Hughes in the case Is as follows: In the matter of the application for a reprieve of Chester Gillette. On December 4, 1906, Chester Gillette ■n as con victed cf the murder of Grace Brown on July 11 of that year. On February 18, 130S, the Court of Appeals unanimously affirmed the judgment, anil he was then sentenced to suffer the death penalty during the week beginning March "■'<■ Upon appli cation tor executive clemency, and after a care ful examination of the evidence, I reached the con clusion that there was no ground upon which I should be justified In interfering with the execu tion of the Judgment of the court. A reprieve is now asked in order that proceedings may be taken to obtain a new trial upon the ground of alleged newly discovered evidence. It is the privilege and the duty of the executive to prant 2. reprieve whenever the interests of jus tice require It. .put where the petition is based upon the claim that evidence has been newly dis covered and the character of the evidence is dear ly disclosed, the executive should not interfere with the tentence unless he is satisfied that the case is one la which the application for a new trial should be made and hoard. Whatever his power, the Governor has no right to grant re prieves unless he can- assign good cause, and i* the administration of the law is to be respected petitions made at the eleventh hour must show merit. I find none in the present case. A portion of the alleged newly discovered evi dence is to the effect that Gillette had torn the ribbon band from his straw hat in September. 1905. and h.n.i ftiv«?n it to his companion. The object is to rebut any inference liom the absence of the interior lining- of the prisoner's hat. when the lat ter was found floating or. Big Moose Lake, that it had been taken out to avoid identification. This, however, is of no importance. By his conduct both before and after the fatal event it is con clusively established that lie did seek to avoid Identification, and the question whether or not he removed the lining of his hat for that purpose Is not of much moment. The other evidence before me, 50 far as it is at all credible, is to the effect that Grace Crown during the year preceding; her death h.id "?pa«ms" or "spells" from time to time in which she be came tmconeciouß. These are described by those who knew her in the factory at Cortiand. It is tr^tifl^d that this was a matter of common knowl odp<" amons the eir's who worked with Grace Brown. There were seventy-five RirJs where^«h« worked, and two of the witnesses sty that they brlieve that all those girls saw <lr.ice Hi'>\\!i ha>v« the?e* "spasms Rome of the timps." It i.-= evident that the fact as to the physical condition of Grace Brown and as to these alleged manifestations, as suming- the truth, of trie present statements, s/ere easily procurable and that any Inferences to ho drawn therefrom have a* ell times been available! The theory of the defence nt the trial was that Grace Brown committed suicide. The theory nw advanced Is that Irace Brown was an .rii-p'ic aubj^ct, and that If she had an epileptic sr-izure. In the boat on the fatal day, and if during the attack she sustained the various In juries found and fell Into the water, the condition of her body as dlscloaed by th- autopsy might be accounted for. But this theory Is wholly untenable It Is con clusively disposed of by the statements, conduct and testimony of Chester Gillette himself. If it be assumed t'aat there w?»s such a seizure and f: il as might ! c deemed to account for the condition of the body, it is Inconceivable that they should have escaped the observation of the prisoner; and if be had observed anything of the sort it is incon ceivable that he should have made the statements and have given the testimony which appear in the record of the trial. No ' !ew ">f tie unhappy eveni is adequate which falls to t.ike account of jhe pro\rd facts the events preceding <;m^e Brown's death, the condi tion of the '.or';- and the character *t Its h iuries the overturned boat with Gra*^ Brown's cape en top of it. the disposition of the tennis racket, tho conduct of the prisoner previous to th* tragedy and subsequently, and the manner In which he sought to explain it when defending his life. If reason is to be our guide, and all the estab lished facts are taken into consideration, there Is no escape firm the conclusion that I brutal murder was committed and 'bat the conviction was just. After examining the evidence now presented I find nothing in it which In any way can refute this conclusion, or which furnishes any justification for executive action. Mr linear baa nothing to say to-night except thm no* that the Governor had denied th« ;> plication f i a ;>.-)<<•■■ there was nothing further to be done. It ■■ as learned that Mr Dugan had requested ihat the execution be deferred until Wednesday, en that he might have an opportunity to go be fore a Supreme Couri Justice with thr- e\idenc- -> he presented to the Governor in support of a motion for a new trial He was Informed tint. t!i-\ Governor having acted on his application and tli r r<"- being no further new evidence to pre sent. ther.- 1 was nothing more f. r the Governor to act on EVERYTHING READY FOR EXECUTION. Auburn, X V . March Chester Gillette will be execuu d in the electric chair tomorrow morning at Auburn Prison for the murder of hi.- sweetheart. Grace Brown, in Uig Moose Luke, in ?he summer of I^o6. The news thai Governor Hughes bad Snail: declined to Interfere and stay the execution was received here late this afternoon, and was communicated to Gillette, who heard the words that took away his only ucpe for life with the same stoicism and indifference: thai have marked his conduct during and since his trial. His moi lei was deeply affected when sin- beard the news, and deal* herself to all visitors. Gillette passed the- day quietly In his cell and there was no deviation from the regular routine since be has been in Auburn prisen. The condemned man was permitted a farewell visit with his father, mother and aunt, Miss Catherine Gillette. .Mrs. Gillette's unusual request to Have her son's aunt. Miss Catherine Gillette, and Miss Bermie Ferrin, a friend of the family, attend th? execution, has been denied by Warden Ben ham. The out ■■: town witnesses who will be present at the execution ..it arrived this evening. They ... i.,., F. 'j,ewis, District Attorney of HerkJmer County; Sheriff Austin B. (Clock of Herkiraer; Dr. K. Anthony Spiizk.i. of Philadelphia: Dr. Matthews L. Bennett, >>t VVatkins; Dr. George F. Rogan, of Medina: Dr. \V. W. Son ford, of New York City; Dr. M. P. Conway. •■! Auburn; sheriff Joseph Beach of Albany: Jonn < 'rowley, Of Little Falls: William 11. Anderson, of Troy: Dr. J. Molt Crumb, of South yts* lc; L W. Bcriven. of Graft N. V.; I>r. CharlJs i • Howard, of Bull i president of th» SUt« '-■'■■ ' 'niminion Victor T. Holland an" Martin A. Hamlon, of Auburn. DUKE OF THE ASRUZZI AT TURIN. Turin. March 2f'---Th Puke or thf^ Abruixi a: ri\td hue tc-duy, stopping at the ducal palace. ii*, will Inn tor Bosst hue to-ui<bW SCORES DIE L\ MINE. KILLED BY EXPLOSIONS. Blaze Ignites Gas Tiiice— Rescuers Perish in Second Crash. Cheyenne. V.'yo.. March 29. — Between fifty five and seventy ofenC it developed to-day, lost their lives in t'.vo explosions yesterday and last night in Coal Mine No. 1 01 the Union Pacific Coal Company, at Haniia. The explosions were caused by gases and coal dust and each was follow '•.-] by fire. The first explosion occurred at 3 p. m.. kill ing eighteen miners, Including a s-upsrintendent and tliree bosses. The second explosion occurred at 10:30 o'clock last night, and is believe-: to have crushed out the lives of from forty to fifty rescuers, includ ing .State Mine Inspector D. M. E'lo. The nan-.*-* of the men killed in th? Brat explosion ,•!•■- shown on the company's books, but those of the rescuers are not known. as no record was kept of those who volunteered for this danger ous wcrk. - i The" wildest excitement prevails to-day in Hanna and at the mine, where hundreds of persons are congregated, including widows. children and other relatives of the victims. Men. women and children are Icud in their out burcts of grief. When the second explosion occurred additional appeals were telegraphed to all surrounding towns for assistance. One train is rushing '.«■<■:.♦ from Omaha, carrying officers of the Union Pacific Railroad and of the Union Pacific Coal Company. The regular force of men employed at mines Xos. 2 and 3 were pressed into rescue work, which is extremely difficult. The bodies of four of the eighteen men who lost their lives in the first explosion were found last night, but owing to the increasing volume of gas, which threatened to explode at any mo ment, no effort was made to move them to the surface. Fire started in the colliery last Sunday. Sin?-> that time attempts have been mart? at regular Intervals to extinguish the blaze. Yesterday it was deemed unsafe to send the miners down into the workings, and they were told no: to re port for duty. Superintendent Briggs. with the best and most experienced hands in the camp, went into the mine to flerht the fire, but at 2 o'clock p. m. the flames were beyond control. At 3 o'clock the fire reached the gas. an.! a terrific explosion followed. In a few minutes many men volunteered to enter th» mine to rescue any possible survivor. Th» fire hindered the rescuers, but they made some progress. After a long struggle the volunteer? got well into the mine. Those on the surface had begun to expect results from th" intrepid daring ->f the rescuers, hut at M:SB o'clock the camp was startled by a second explosion that partly shut off the shaft of the mine, and almost certainty killed the volunteers. The victims are all below the tenth level, and it is probable that tha flames have consumed the corpses. A list of the missing which la thought to be nearly complete contains fifty-eight names. Of this number five bodies were recovered late to day. Before further attempt at rescuing the dead can be made the fire In the tenth level, which was the direct cause of the two explo si.in.-. must be extinguished. Work to this end consumed the entire day. KILLS ONE, HURTS TWO. Philadelphia Policeman. Following Domestic Trouble, Uses Pistol. Philadelphia. March 23.— OJeorgo Eette. sixty years old. shct and instantly killed Mrs Mary Andreas, a neighbor, in the lower section of the city, to night, and probably fatally injured Ella Paschal!, his alleged common law wife, and Kate Jewel, a niece of Mrs. Andress. Domestic troubles are said to have bt><-n responsible; for the tragedy. Eells is. a policeman, with a record of twenty three years' continuous service. .Mrs. BeOS, or Miss Paschall. said recently that Eelis had treated her c.ueiiv. and a few days ago she left the house and went to stay with Mrs. An.-lr<>f?. Bella did not like th» Interference In his domestic affairs and Is alleged to have declared he would clean out th« Andress household. To-night's tragedy was the result. Bella was arrested immediately after the shoot ing by a brother officer. He said he was not sorry for what he had done. THE TACOMA GOES AGXOUIfD. Cruiser Only Slightly Damaged While Enter ing Willemstad Harbor — Coming; North. ■Washington. March 29 —-» dispatch was received at the Navy Department to-day from Commander join Hood, of the cruiser Tacoma, stating that that vessel ran aground yesterday while entering the harabor of Willemstad. island of Curacao, just off (he coast of Venezuela The vessel was soon pulled ifi. anil it was found that she sustained slight damage to her rudder. The Tacoma hos beer cruising between lara^ao nn'l La Guayra for tbe purpose of carrying dis ■ .- from Minister Russell to the naval station at Willemstad. The Tacoma ha.- been ordered to sail for the Norfolk Navj 'Hard for repairs CRANE AND LODGE IN STRUGGLE. Prospects Favor Hughes Cause in Massa chusetts. fRy T^i<=Kr.ipli to The Tr!hun» 1 Boston, March — Senator Lodge, at the eleventh hour, is waging a desperate fts'nt to retain the Re publican leader>-hip In the state. With the state caucuses or primaries only two days away, it peems evident now that Senator Crane will carry the state by a big majority. Both Crane and Lodge admittedly will be of the "bis four" to the Chicago Convention, but the right Is being waged on the instruction of delegates. From all over the state to-night reports are pouring In of the showing made by the Hughes me:i under Crane, and from b«:nr Dlainly worried the Lodge leaders in-.- becoming frightened. At the Lodge head quarters to-night it was said they had not given up hope of winning, although they, admit the re sult will be elo^e. QUELLING COREAN INSURRECTION. " Tokio, March 30.— Genera. Okaz.-.ki. commanding : the Japanese '• ■;■- In Corea, returned to Tokio to-clay. in an interview be said •The insurrection in Corea is virtually quelled Only a fen bandit organization remain. The people f Corea are beginning to understand ! japan ■ ben ;■ epl intentions. We shall actively pursue the remaining 'insurgents, who are merely robbers and murderers, undeserving of sympathy. " Reports from Seoul during the last few days : are to the effect thai there have been three sep arate attacks on the insurgent camps, and thai !03 | Coreanj were killed. * ENGINEERS TO VISIT WHITE HOUSE. ■ '"..-! .ret. ■■ March 2\— More than twelve hun ! dred members of the Brotherhood of Locomotive ' Eng4n«erfl from all parts i»f th« country gathered ; here to-day to attend a grand union raeei of that organization, under the auspices of Potomac Lod.;e, No. T, of ! hill city, the first public Fesston of which war. lield •■ Masonic- Temple ught. A : feature of to- morrow' prograntmc which will ; . -. ludc the mfftins. will l" .a reception at the i White House by President Rooievelu FIRE UNDER NEW BRIDGE. Blaze Spreads to Joy Line Pier Boats Cut Adrift. Fire started in tar paper at the base of the new Manhattan Bridge, Tike street and the Ea*l River, shortly after '_' o'clock this morning. The Maze spread along to the Joy Line pier. Tli 0 steamer Edgomont and a canalboat. the Oregon, were polled out into the stream by th" fireboat New Yorker. The woodwork and tool shops under the bridge tower were burned i»n the Joy Lin* pier was merchandise valued at $100,000. and at 3:30 it \\a3 feared this would be a total loss. SLAT AND ROB IX CAR. Thieves Crush Messenger's Skull and Get St,OOO t and Gems. Newton, Kan., March 20— Two robbers early to-day rmirdezed O. A. Bailey, of Kansas City, an express messenger of the Wel'.s-Fargo Ex prws Company, in th express car of a west bound Atchison. Topeka &- Santa Fe train, be tween Florence and Newton. Kan.; refbbed both the local and the through safes, taking at least $1,000 and some Jewelry, and escaped. Bailey was last seen alive at Strong City. At Pcn \- some one opened the car door Just enough to throw out a package of waybills and then closed it quickly. Th* custom of the mes senger had been to go to sleep soon after leav ing Florence, and it is probable that he dM this last night. After slaying the sleeping messenger the robbers covered the dead man's head with his coat, took the ?afe keys from his pockets and ransacked the safes. Then the keys were put into Bailey's overcoat and the coat -was folded and put in his grip, where it was found later. Officers believe that the robbers either entered th? car unobserved at Emporia or Strong City and concealed themselves until a favorable op portunity to commit the robbery, or that Bailey admitted some men whom he regarded as friends.- When the train Slowed] down at the Missouri Pacific crossing, east of Xewton. two men were seen by the engineer to jump from the train and run south. ' Th*» south door of the express car was found open when the train reached the Newton station. Officers', soon after the murder and robbery. were scouring the country. A reward of $1,000 has been offered by the Wells Fargo Express Company for the apprehension of the robbers. Three men were arrested to-night at Wichita on suspicion, but no rf>3.l tracp of the robbers has been found. The murdered man watt about thirty years old. He was married recently. AXOTIIKR PLOT IX HAVTI. General Larrarjue. Takes Refuge in French Legation. Port-au-Prince. Hayti. March 20 — A fresh con spiracy arainst the government ha? been dis covered in this city. The leader of the plot. General Larraqu?. former chief of cavalry, who was arrested on March 14 on suspicion of con spiring against th.* President, and released with four others on March 24, took r-->fuee this after noon in the French Legation, with two other officers. The police have been searching the city all day. and have set a careful watch on all the legations In order to intercept other con.«=plra ton= Th» palace guards have hp«n redoubled, and two thousand rifles and a large quantity of ammunition, purchased from Germany, were landed to-day and taken to the palace. Washington, March 20.— A r.iW^ di?pntch iraa received at the Navy Department to-day from Commissioner T. N. Pott?, of the cruiser Dcs Moines. now at Port-au-Prince. Hayti. stating that th- gunboat Eagle had left that place for the south coast of Cuba, where she will resur.v purvey work. It is understood that the situation In Hayti is tranquil. Four war vessels still re main at Port-au-Prince, however being the L>es Moines, Pubuqu<», Marietta and Paducah. LKVEXTRITT RESIGNS. Justice to Quit Supreme Court for Private Practice. i Justice David Leventritt. of the Supreme Court, sent his resignation from th* bench to the Secretary of state on Saturday evening, to take effect on May 1. The justice r»sicn-= to return to the practice of law as a duty to his family. He will head a new law firm. Leventritt. Cook & Nathan, with offices in the Trinity Building. His partners will be Alfred A Cook. Harold Nathan. Edgar M. Leventritt and Emil Gold mark. He will continue on the bench until th» end of April. Justice .-entritt still had five years to serve. and was eligible for re-elfction. When he be came a candidate of the Democratic party, in 1896; the Bar Association refused to indorse him. Two years ago. at the suggestion of Elihu Root. Secretary of State, the Bar Association passed a resolution presented by William 0. «*hoate re citing that in the peven years of his administra tion, up to that time. Justice Leventritt hid given satisfaction to th? people and the bar by ability, learning, diligence and a strong sense of justice, and that the association therefore, "be lieving that this acknowledgment is due to a discriminating public officer, hereby publicly re verses the opinion expressed by it before his election." ROGERS HOUSE HUNTING. He and His Friend Mark Twain Looking for Place in Bermuda. 11. H. Rogers, who went to Bermuda with Mark Twain more than a month ago. I«r~plan ning to have a winter home at Hamilton or on one of the many smaller islands. As yet he has not completed his negotiations for a Bar modiaa place, but it la said he expects to have made final arrangements before he returns to New York some time next month. Mr Rogers and Mirk Twain have been go ing to Bermuda together for several years. They have made it their winter playground. The Islands have appealed to them because of the mild climate, anil the life then afforded them an opportunity of relaxation from business and social duties. Mr. Rogers has rented a cottage each ,yoar. but this season be deckled he would like to h.i\-- a place of his own; and Immediately told hi? friend .Mark. For the last two weeks they have been travelling ajl over the principal islands nous* hunting PRESIDENT AND MR. TAFT ACCEPT. jrv- T'lejraph t« The Tri'oun* ) F.-jster. March 'J3.— President Roose\e!t and Sec retary Taft. U ■was announced to-day, have ac cep'.ol in . ■.: th n i^> atiMdtaf the outmj of the !,,.( > m; ...j. .■ . .-. tad Plymouth County Repub iiuiii dub* it i ami of. Fines cm July % THINK BOMB VKTDI IWOCENT BYSTAXDER SURGEONS MAY SAVE LIFE OF PLOTTER. Anarchists and Socialists Condemn Police for Violence- -Robert Hunter Repeats Attack. L:*le progress was made by the police y»ster» day in solving the motive of Sells Cohen la seeking to destroy a platoon of police in Union Park Square on Saturday, following the dis persal of the unlicensed open air meeting of tha unemployed. Although the open air masting was called by a self-constituted committee of .socialists and East Side agitators, every one concerned spent yesterday in denying absolutely all knowledge of Cohen, the bomb thrower, or the slain man. Zgaatz Hild^-brand. Both the po lice and the park departments refused as give a permit to the committee to hold the parade end meeting, but they went ahead. The park was jammed by thousands of per sons just before the explosion of the bomb, and th° police reserves were about to go to their quarters after having: cleared thy park I si greai difficulty. Cohen then ran up behind the piatosa of poßee; and was about tt hurl ths bomb when it exploded in his bnnd. severely wounding him and ki!linsr Hilde'orand. whu steed behind him. There hi a chance, the sur geons say, that the bomb thrower will recover, and they have hopes in that event to save the stgM of his left eye. The police were inclined to >:.-• that Hilde brand wag the victim of an attempt to stay tha hand of 'oh' Everything learned about Hildebrand"s Ml history made it appear most improbable --.at ha should be associated with an anarchist and. a Russian Jew. Toward either one of these he had held for many years a feeling of reptigna.nce that was almost fanatical in its intensity. in addition to this he had an almost equally pro nounced antipathy toward labor unionism in any form. Fully twenty years ago he lost much money through the esabesslssaeflM of certain union, funds by it- treasurer. He saved up m.->r« money and set up in burin?.-;-, only to be driven out of it by two Jewish rivals whs undersold him. From th- tim«» that their competition ruined him he had felt a deep hatred for that race. A lifelong Republican, ha sat always ready. hi? wife said, to combat both socialism and anarchism. The stories of the pyewitn»«p*"s to. th? tra^sdjr would bear out this to a remarkable degree. All those ho saw the two men saM that C">hen was I^artinz th» way. and Baal Hi'.debrand ap peared to be running or walking fast after him. Mrs. L. G. Stonebrak°r. via ■•• them ap proach the police from behind and Cohen hurl the bomb. «aid: "It looked as though th» second man (Hildebrand> was chasing the other." Th»r<» were several «tori»?, too. th.it Hildebra.n<i apparently passed rcxnethfng t<» Cohen at al most th? instant of th» explosion. Hi!d<»brand'3 effort to seize the boaafe at the last second may have given ri=» to this opimr>r. COHEN* HAD ACCOMPLICES. That Coh»n did have accomplices H reason ably certain front las story of an «>yewitnes3 found by Th" Tribune. This man saw a n»n, when pursued by the poli<;«\ pass a lar;e black article, with all the- outward apr^tiran-e rf i bomb, to another man. and beta' maJ:e their fs rape. Th«» appearance <->* Jh<» man v,-?fh the sec ond bomb Wat not BBHke that of JlilfJ^brard. while the th''r«l man '.van probably las other ta!l man described by several witnesses. Cohen at the hospital yesterday insisted to th«* polir«» that be had been all alone In las njitraee. bur to one of his aMen ho tali another nskl when ami visited him. His two sisters. Sarah and Selia, «er*> taken to Cohen's cot When h»- an them he managed to rise from his bed. and the nurses had some difficulty, notwi ''mtaadaaj his critical condition, in getting him bask. "What made you do it?" the sisters asked. 'I don't know anything about it." Cohen re plied. "I was walklne: through th* park, and. wa« just standing there, when I saw two men. Then th?r° was an explosion, and I did not know anything until I saw the police standing over m*»." To the police, however. Coh«»n — ned his air of defiance, and his only reeret. he said, wa* that he had failed in his -work. "1 wish that I had killed every policem.ir: in the park." he told the detectives in one of hi* conscious moments. PRISONER HELD WITHOUT BAIL. Only (in- of the =«»v»n prisoners arrest*vl aitST the outrage was held without bail yesterday. the others. Russian and Rumanian Jews. beiu# held in 53.000 by Magistrate Droege in the Jef ferson Market court until to-morrow. Pa'-oinaal William K. Murphy, of th" Headquarters legal bureau appeared as counsel for the men. On his j-tatement that George Robertson, a Bow ery derelict, "was directly Implicated in th» bomb thro™ ing." the fellow was M vassal bail. Robertson la an inoffensive looking ms, with three days' growth of beard on Mi fa» »* and the odor of lods«mna still clinging to Mai from a recent stay in a hospital. Whatever connection he couid possibly have with (as. Jews was not explained by Murphy, was threw about him an the available mystery he could «unx .- ...... ; im>n up. "I dun t know anything about Robertson," he» finally admitted, "but I was told that he mads) some statements to several members of th© detective bureau. I do not think, that h» will prove to be more than a material witness." This statement was toned down a. good deal from th-? cne which he made to the magistrate. \Vh the seven prisoners were arraigned. Mur pay asked thai they be held forty-eight hours to allow the police to Investigate further their possible connection with the case. The magis trate said he would hold all in $3,000 bail. Th» Jews left the bridge 3u!lert and glowering, but Robertson was smiling. "Have you any of these men directly impli cated with the throwing of the bomb?" askad the magistrate as the men enter -1 the corridor, "Besides the man in the hospital?" V- a one." replied Murphy. ■Which oner* "Robertson." Murphy replied. "We b« m m that as was directly Implicated in th- throwing of the bomb.** The men were ordered hack, white the magis trate ! ■•" I Robertson he could not be allowed bail. One of th* other prisoners. Walter fppit. a Russian Jew. SaM that as had teen fcrced to leave Russia about ■*« months asro. out ha woa'd not tell the reason of his expatriation. The drivers ef \ans be.irsn? .".^cialistic . % cards were anmsjaai in the YorfcviHa court and finfd $1 each. They were arrested before th; cutrase Alexander Bfrk.iru.ri, whose letters to Cotea