The 2023 ASEN Conference will take place at the University of Loughborough from 3 to 5 April 2023 on the subject of Nationalism and Multiculturalism - stay tuned to our website for more info! #asen2023
at #asen2022. The panel featured two other amazing papers and was followed by a wonderfully rich discussion on ethnocentricity, post-humanism and reflexivity in research about #media & #nationalism.
today, a meta-analysis of #nationalism & #digitalmedia. Takeaway:
> Early interest in blurring boundaries has given way to how internet reinforces nationalism
> This aligns with shift to Web 2.0 & reification of physicality online
Find out how the #NorthKorea regime filters and re-interprets various ‘messages’ from the outside world for its domestic audience through the lens of state-produced literature.
Truth is the first casualty of war. But wars also have their way of laying things bare. If you had any doubts about how base, how fundamentally #racist Western media is, you need to go no further than watch the unravelling coverage of #RussiaUkraineWar.
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It keeps coming! This is a collection of racist takes on the war in Ukraine.
New article: Japan’s Shift to the Right: Computational Propaganda, Abe Shinzō’s LDP, and Internet Right-Wingers (Netto Uyo)
Fabian Schäfer…
Tomorrow is judgement day for the 2 year long trial for “Shusenjo”.
A big case not only for the future of the film but for freedom of expression in Japan.
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