I’m very sorry that Balan Wonderworld did not meet it’s expectations. It looked really good. If it got delayed after the demo was released, then there would be more time to fix the bugs, and polish the gameplay.
Considering the bad quality games FFXV, Babylonfall, LeftAlive etc, low effort remasters like chronocross,FF9 etc and poor decisions from Avengers to Feareffect sedna, its easy to believe that SquareEnix is joke now.
I bought it because i like you and wanted to support you. And i still liked the game. I just thought the asking price was a little high sorry you went through this Yuji.
I am so sorry to hear this happened to you, Naka-san. I personally loved this game and recommended it whenever I could.
This game truly helped me out last year. You have my support
Terrible sorry to know all this. You did your best together with Oshima. I'm so sad the videogame came out unfinished, it had a lot of potential, i can see it by the story novel of the game, which i enjoyed it a lot!
I wish that game could have a remake or something.
My support
Incredibly disappointing and frustrating. No wonder you wanted to retire, after going through that I would have likely done the same.
I’m at least happy you’re still in the industry, and here’s hoping for the future.
Im so sorry u had to go through this Yuji, these companies are messed up for not giving u the time u need for ur game to be successful, and having no power to do anything about it is Truly disgusting, im looking forward to your next project.
Really unfortunate. Balan had some good ideas, but overall, it wasn't even a good proof of concept. It looked & felt dated, stilted & far behind other contemporary 3D platformers in pretty much every way. It needed a massive overhaul, but was clearly at the point of no return.
I am sorry you had to experience this with a game you were so passionate about, Naka-san.
Thank you for taking the courage to speak out. I hope to play a game you are able to put your full time and energy into in the future!
Im so sorry to hear that this happened, you should've been allowed to make the game you wanted too.
I am very grateful for the stories you told through Balan. It helped me through a very dark time.
Every moment was an adventure, and ill be holding those moments dear. Thank you.
. What a shame you care more about deadlines that are there to please shareholders then you do your customers.
Kinda explains why Chocobo GP was so broken too, sadly.
Anyway, Yuji-san, you'll always have my respect and admiration for your work and ethos.
That sounds terrible. Any chance you can return to sega or found your own studio? Devs should not be treated this way by management. Unless I am misunderstanding your comments through Google translate.
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