that ChezBrandon

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

“Moreover, and in Some More of My Writings, and in some of My Satire, and in Some of My Parodies, and in Some of My Writings, My Fellow Person(P.), My Fellow Individual(I.), My Fellow Man(M.), and My Fellow Person(P.), said, and/or stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "And Very Long Duration Excellent, and Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Not for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. And We have Our Fellow Worlds. And We have Our Fellow Species. And We have Our Fellow Storehouses. And Maybe for example. Moreover, Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And also many Parables, and Metaphors, and Allegories(about that, and not about that). And there are Very Little if Any approximately about 1(One) out of approximately about (3) Three); And there are Very Little if Any; And there are Very Little if Any and approximately about 3(Three) out of approximately about (3) Three). And You are Welcome. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps, ‘So-Called’. About that. Not about that. And Perhaps for example. And We have Many Real Fellow Bn. . And We have Many Real Fellow Romul. . In addition, We have Many Real Fellow R.Je. . And Maybe for example. And Fellow Laughter. And Fellow Bliss. And Fellow Happiness. Furthermore, and Fellow so-called Clowns. And Fellow so-called Matadors. And Fellow Very Long Duration Laughter. And Fellow Very Long Duration Bliss. And Fellow Very Long Duration Happiness. And Fellow so-called Fighting Men(F.M.). And I haven’t been knocked off and/or pushed off My so-called Perch yet, of course. And I have Not been Very Long Duration knocked off and/or Very Long Duration pushed off My so-called Perch yet, of Course. And Fellow so-called Fighting Persons(F.P.). And Fellow so-called Clowns. And Fellow so-called Matadors. And Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Not for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. And We have Our Fellow Worlds. And We have Our Fellow Species. And We have Our Fellow Storehouses. And Maybe for example. And Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course.”  

Fellow Family and Friends(F.A.F.), and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.), May You have a Good Day, and May You have a Good Morning, and May You have a Good Night. And Thank You and Much appreciated Father God, and Father Jesus, and Father Lord, and Father God, for, for example, My U.S.(United States) Government Copyrights, and for My Trust Fund(T.F.). And Thank You, and Much appreciated, Father God, and Father Jesus, and Father Lord, for Our Creations Makings Creations, and for Our Bodies, Minds, and Souls, and for My Body, and for My Mind, and for My Soul. And Thank You, and much appreciated, Heavenly Father, for, for instance, and for example, for Our Nations and/or for Our Countries. And Today is 4-28-2022 (Thursday, the month of April, and the day is that Twenty Eighth and the year is that Two Thousand Twenty Two). Yesterday was 4-27-2022 (Wednesday, the month of April, and that day was the Twenty Seventh, and the year was, and still is, of course, that year Two Thousand Twenty Two). Tomorrow will be 4-29-2022 (Friday, the month of April, and the day is that Twenty Nineth, and the year is, and will be, of course, that Two Thousand Twenty Two.) And there are, of Course, Very Good Radio Shows(R.S.), and Very Good Television Shows(T.S.), and much Very Good Music.  And Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course.—Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.).

“Moreover, and Maybe also that Very Interesting Information(Info.), and/or Perhaps also that Very Interesting News. Maybe for example.” “In addition, and Maybe also, "Can someone be naturally athletic?” [Perhaps for example.] [Maybe that?] Maybe also, “What does it mean to be naturally smart?” [Perhaps for example.] [Maybe that?] Maybe those Particular, “20[Twenty] Common Characteristics of [Maybe those Particular?] Highly Intelligent People”. [Maybe for example.]“

“Moreover, and Maybe More Very Interesting Information and/or Perhaps More Very Interesting News, from Around that World. Maybe for example.”

“Perhaps, "How does a [Maybe that Particular?] Russian man differ from a [Maybe that Particular?] Ukrainian man from a Western point of view? [Maybe for example.]”

“Maybe approximately about, "5[Five] [Perhaps that Particular?] Irish Man Character Traits[.] [Maybe for example.]”

“Perhaps also that, "Category:American Satanists[A.S.] [.] [Maybe for example. Perhaps, ‘So-Called’.]”.