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Apr 23rd, 2022
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  1. “Furthermore, and in Some More of My Writings, and in Some More of My Literature, and in Some More of My Writings, My Fellow Man, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Man said and/or stated, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. And of Course. And Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good, and Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. And of Course. sort of speaking for myself, I believe that the holocaust, and those real genocides, and the holomodaur probably did happen many years ago. not in denial of that stuff, sort of speaking for myself, I suppose. anyway. this is like a sort of cb radio, or a radio call in, and it real cool, popular, and good. anyways. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. And of Course. And Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good, and Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course.”
  3. “We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. And of Course.”
  5. “Furthermore, and in Some More of My Writings, and in Some More of My Literature, and in Some More of My Writings, My Fellow Man, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Man said and/or stated, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. And of Course. And Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good, and Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. And of Course. sort of speaking for myself, I believe that the holocaust, and those real genocides, and the holomodaur probably did happen many years ago. not in denial of that stuff, sort of speaking for myself, I suppose. anyway. this is like a sort of cb radio, or a radio call in, and it real cool, popular, and good. anyways. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. And of Course. And Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good, and Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course.”
  7. “We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. And of Course.”
  10. “And in Some More of My Writings, and in Some of My Jokes, and in some of My Satire, My Fellow Man, and My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual said, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "allegedly th. Ver. Lon. Dur. Worthless, and Useless R.Tr., so-called1(One)outof5(Five),*(about absolute Zero Perc. of Our Popul., less than approx. ab. Zero Point One Per. of Our Popul(less than approx. ab. 0.1 per.) of Our Popul. And the We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. And Maybe for example. And Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course.”
  12. “And in Some More of My Writings, and in Some of My Jokes, and in some of My Satire, My Fellow Man, and My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual said, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "allegedly th. Ver. Lon. Dur. Worthless, and Useless R.Tr., so-called1(One)outof5(Five),*(about absolute Zero Perc. of Our Popul., less than approx. ab. Zero Point One Per. of Our Popul(less than approx. ab. 0.1 per.) of Our Popul. And the We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. And Maybe for example. And Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course.”
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