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a guest
Apr 16th, 2022
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  1. "Happy Birthday, Uncle Craig. And May You and Chris have a Great Day, and a Great Afternoon, and a Great Evening. And please let Me know if You want another Carbon Monoxide(C.O.) alarm. And May You have a Happy Birthday.---Your Nephew, Brandon".
  3. "Happy Birthday, Uncle Craig. And May You and Chris have a Great Day, and a Great Afternoon, and a Great Evening. And please let Me know if You want another Carbon Monoxide(C.O.) alarm. And May You have a Happy Birthday.---Your Nephew, Brandon".
  5. "Happy Birthday, Uncle Craig. And May You and Chris have a Great Day, and a Great Afternoon, and a Great Evening. And please let Me know if You want another Carbon Monoxide(C.O.) alarm. And May You have a Happy Birthday.---Your Nephew, Brandon".
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