ARP 6.0

At long last, the wait is over. Six months ago, we introduced everyone to more ways to earn ARP. Now, we’re giving you ways to use it. ARP 6.0 will be a major change to how ARP works on the site. Gone are the days of leveling up to unlock rewards. Now, you can use your ARP on exactly what you want. Let’s get into it. 

What’s New?

The Marketplace

The Marketplace will now be home to the majority of Alienware Arena rewards. Redeem cosmetics, Dell Rewards, physical merchandise, and games. With this new system, we will be adding new items regularly. 

The Game Vault

Every month, some newer games and DLC will be available to redeem using ARP. You can only select one of the games each month, so choose wisely. The Game Vault will unlock at the end of each month and supplies are limited, so make sure you save up your ARP and choose quickly. 

Special Note: The Game Vault is not replacing our normal giveaways. This is an added perk to use your ARP on. Those will still occur, along with our mini-game sweepstakes and other promotional offerings. 


Personal avatars have been abducted by UFO’s and have been taken out of the galaxy. In the meantime, little green aliens have taken over their spot and happen to like playing dress up. Customize your avatar with fun cosmetics that can be redeemed from the Marketplace and other site activities. You can customize your avatar in the personalization section.

Community Steam Events

Starting later this month, Alienware Arena members will get to work together to unlock more rewards by participating in Community Steam Events. Play specified titles and unlock rewards together with the community.  


Ok, so after 8 years of stating that the ARP Log is coming Soon™, we can safely say that it is in fact here. Keep track of all the ARP you’ve earned and used. No more wondering where that extra 10 ARP came from. 

What’s Gone?


After 12 years, Alienware Arena will be departing from its current leveling system and replacing it with a simple five tier system. Tiers are based on your lifetime ARP and will be utilized primarily for gating exclusive rewards for veteran members. 

What’s Important

ARP Conversion

Since we’re moving all ARP from an experience earning point to a redeemable point, we had to adjust everyone’s ARP to make sure we didn’t wreck the economy right at launch. All the ARP you’ve earned so far will remain as Lifetime ARP and will reflect on your position on the Leaderboard and what Tier you will fall into. 
However, the amount of ARP you have available to redeem has been adjusted to a more reasonable start. We wanted to make sure we awarded our highest earning members properly, so you will start with more redeemable ARP then those near the bottom. Everyone, regardless of how much ARP you have earned will start with 50 redeemable ARP. The top members will have considerably more.  

Then What?

Now that we've launched, we’ll be actively monitoring site activity to make sure everything is working properly. We ask for your patience during this time as we expect some small issues to present themselves once we have a few million people play with the new features. If you have any bugs or want to leave general feedback, follow the links below.  

Thank you for being a part of what makes Alienware Arena so great and happy gaming!

ARP 6.0 Bug Report

ARP 6.0 Feedback 


Replies • 357

  • 12

Guess we'll have to wait and see...

  • 8

Sounds interesting. We'll finally be able to spend ARP again like we used to be able to do in like 2016 for giveaways. Looking forward to being able to buy games and whatnot. Hopefully there won't be too many games put in this "vault" and there will still be freely reedemable games.

The Sheriff
  • 5
Deadzero11 said:

Sounds interesting. We'll finally be able to spend ARP again like we used to be able to do in like 2016 for giveaways. Looking forward to being able to buy games and whatnot. Hopefully there won't be too many games put in this "vault" and there will still be freely reedemable games

This will be separate of our normal giveaways. These have no impact on any ongoing or future promotions. 

  • 29

i hope there is a proper multiaccount protection in place, otherwise the site will be flooded with new accounts

  • 6

By claimable rewards do you mean where we could choose merch or dell reward funds? Should I use it up all now or it will be taken away?

  • 22

Wait, so I've been working to get the $50 dell reward this entire time, just for you to remove it? I just wasted all my time? Why would you guys think this was a good idea? Please tell me I will still have an option to get the $50 dell reward. 

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