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Used BMW Cars for Sale in Solihull, West Midlands

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Ads posted, Wednesday 13th April


Which transmission options are available on BMW cars in Solihull?

The most common transmission option available on a BMW in Solihull currently listed on Gumtree is automatic. The average price for a manual BMW in Solihull is £6,343, while for an automatic, you can expect an average cost of around £15,494.

What are the cheapest BMW cars in Solihull?

The three cheapest BMW cars in Solihull for sale on Gumtree at the moment are the X3, X5 and M5. They all offer decent value for money, as they generally sell for under the average price of a BMW in Solihull on our site, which is £11,146.

What are the most popular body types for BMW cars in Solihull?

The most popular body types for a BMW in Solihull are saloon, hatchback and estate. The cheapest body type for a BMW in Solihull is a hatchback, offering the best value for money.

About the FAQs

These FAQs were last updated in April 2022. These FAQs are intended to provide general guidance only. They are not intended to give you advice on your personal financial circumstances. You should seek independent professional advice if you're unsure about anything mentioned in these FAQs or what choices to make.