Please help identify this storage device! I scored this for free, but I’m not sure what I have since I can’t find a model number.(
Game on: University of Arizona professors build one of the world’s largest video game archives(
Atlassian accidentally deleted customer sites, says backup restoration could take two weeks(
getferdi/ferdi repo mirror by any chance?(self)
Arrived this way from Newegg today. Is it even worth seeing if this works?(
How Does The IronWold Pro NAS Drive Perform As Cold Storage?(self)
PSA - HWiNFO overworking your HDD!(self.pcmasterrace)
Auto page turning book scanner for data hoarding books.(self)
T-Mobile’s 2TB Google One plan includes unlimited Google Photos backups(
Digital PS3 and PS Vita games rendered unplayable after ‘expiring’(
seems like Google aren't letting us just ignore it anymore(
Fitting files onto multiple disks with least wasted space(self)
Yet another ( but different ) white label / WD drive question(self)
what can be the best SSD over here? never did this before.(self)