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Showing with 916 additions and 4 deletions.
  1. +916 −4 js/tin.js
920 js/tin.js
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
(function(loader) {
loader(function _commonDefine(turf, mapshaper) {
if (!turf.point) {
var helpers = Object.keys(turf.helpers); {
@@ -27,6 +28,9 @@
if (options.points) {
if (options.edges) {
Tin.VERTEX_PLAIN = 'plain';
Tin.VERTEX_BIRDEYE = 'birdeye';
@@ -53,6 +57,11 @@
this.tins = undefined;

Tin.prototype.setEdges = function(edges) {
this.edges = edges;
this.tins = undefined;

Tin.prototype.setBounds = function(bounds) {
this.bounds = bounds;
var minx, miny, maxx, maxy, coords;
@@ -405,14 +414,17 @@
resolve([pointsSet, bbox]);
}).then(function(prevResults) {
var pointsSet = prevResults[0];
var edges = self.edges ? {
return edge.startEnd;
}) : [];

// Forward TIN for calcurating Backward Centroid and Backward Vertices
return Promise.all([
new Promise(function(resolve) {
resolve(turf.tin(pointsSet.forw, 'target'));
resolve(turf.constrainedTin(pointsSet.forw, edges, 'target'));
new Promise(function(resolve) {
resolve(turf.tin(pointsSet.bakw, 'target'));
resolve(turf.constrainedTin(pointsSet.bakw, edges, 'target'));
new Promise(function(resolve) {
@@ -618,7 +630,10 @@

self.pointsSet = pointsSet;
self.tins = {forw: rotateVerticesTriangle(turf.tin(pointsSet.forw, 'target'))};
var edges = self.edges ? {
return edge.startEnd;
}) : [];
self.tins = {forw: rotateVerticesTriangle(turf.constrainedTin(pointsSet.forw, edges, 'target'))};
var prom;
if (strict == Tin.MODE_STRICT || strict == Tin.MODE_AUTO) {
prom = self.calcurateStrictTinAsync();
@@ -627,7 +642,7 @@
return prom.then(function() {
if (strict == Tin.MODE_LOOSE || (strict == Tin.MODE_AUTO && self.strict_status == Tin.STATUS_ERROR)) {
self.tins.bakw = rotateVerticesTriangle(turf.tin(pointsSet.bakw, 'target'));
self.tins.bakw = rotateVerticesTriangle(turf.constrainedTin(pointsSet.bakw, edges, 'target'));
delete self.kinks;
self.strict_status = Tin.STATUS_LOOSE;
@@ -1091,3 +1106,900 @@
this.Tin = commonDefine(this.turf, this.mapshaper);

function constrainedTinInit(turf) {
// A fast algorithm for generating constrained delaunay triangulations
// A robust efficient algorithm for point location in triangulations
// Copyright 2018 Savithru Jayasinghe
// Licensed under the MIT License

var Point = function(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
}; = function(p1) {
return (this.x*p1.x + this.y*p1.y);
Point.prototype.add = function(p1) {
return new Point(this.x + p1.x, this.y + p1.y);
Point.prototype.sub = function(p1) {
return new Point(this.x - p1.x, this.y - p1.y);
Point.prototype.scale = function(s) {
return new Point(this.x*s, this.y*s);
Point.prototype.sqDistanceTo = function(p1) {
return (this.x - p1.x)*(this.x - p1.x) + (this.y - p1.y)*(this.y - p1.y);
Point.prototype.toStr = function() {
return "(" + this.x.toFixed(3) + ", " + this.y.toFixed(3) + ")";
Point.prototype.copyFrom = function(p) {
this.x = p.x;
this.y = p.y;

function cross(vec0, vec1)
return (vec0.x*vec1.y - vec0.y*vec1.x);

function getPointOrientation(edge, p)
var vec_edge01 = edge[1].sub(edge[0]);
var vec_edge0_to_p = p.sub(edge[0]);
return cross(vec_edge01, vec_edge0_to_p);

//Some variables for rendering

var fieldOrigin = new Point(0.0, 0.0);//new Point(-16000000, -16000000);
var fieldSize = 1.0;//32000000;
var boundingTriangleSize = 1000;//1000000000;

function binSorter(a, b)
if (a.bin == b.bin) {
return 0;
} else {
return a.bin < b.bin ? -1 : 1;

function isQuadConvex(p0, p1, p2, p3)
var diag0 = [p0, p2];
var diag1 = [p1, p3];

return isEdgeIntersecting(diag0, diag1);

function isSameEdge(edge0, edge1)
return ((edge0[0] == edge1[0] && edge0[1] == edge1[1]) ||
(edge0[1] == edge1[0] && edge0[0] == edge1[1]))

function isEdgeIntersecting(edgeA, edgeB)
var vecA0A1 = edgeA[1].sub(edgeA[0]);
var vecA0B0 = edgeB[0].sub(edgeA[0]);
var vecA0B1 = edgeB[1].sub(edgeA[0]);

var AxB0 = cross(vecA0A1, vecA0B0);
var AxB1 = cross(vecA0A1, vecA0B1);

//Check if the endpoints of edgeB are on the same side of edgeA
if ((AxB0 > 0 && AxB1 > 0) || (AxB0 < 0 && AxB1 < 0))
return false;

var vecB0B1 = edgeB[1].sub(edgeB[0]);
var vecB0A0 = edgeA[0].sub(edgeB[0]);
var vecB0A1 = edgeA[1].sub(edgeB[0]);

var BxA0 = cross(vecB0B1, vecB0A0);
var BxA1 = cross(vecB0B1, vecB0A1);

//Check if the endpoints of edgeA are on the same side of edgeB
if ((BxA0 > 0 && BxA1 > 0) || (BxA0 < 0 && BxA1 < 0))
return false;

//Special case of colinear edges
if (Math.abs(AxB0) < 1e-14 && Math.abs(AxB1) < 1e-14)
//Separated in x
if ( (Math.max(edgeB[0].x, edgeB[1].x) < Math.min(edgeA[0].x, edgeA[1].x)) ||
(Math.min(edgeB[0].x, edgeB[1].x) > Math.max(edgeA[0].x, edgeA[1].x)) )
return false;

//Separated in y
if ( (Math.max(edgeB[0].y, edgeB[1].y) < Math.min(edgeA[0].y, edgeA[1].y)) ||
(Math.min(edgeB[0].y, edgeB[1].y) > Math.max(edgeA[0].y, edgeA[1].y)) )
return false;

return true;

function setupDelaunay(meshData)
var nVertex = meshData.vert.length;
var nBinsX = Math.round(Math.pow(nVertex, 0.25));
var nBins = nBinsX*nBinsX;

//Compute scaled vertex coordinates and assign each vertex to a bin
var scaledverts = [];
var bin_index = [];
for(var i = 0; i < nVertex; i++)
var scaled_x = (meshData.vert[i].x - fieldOrigin.x)/fieldSize;
var scaled_y = (meshData.vert[i].y - fieldOrigin.y)/fieldSize;
scaledverts.push(new Point(scaled_x, scaled_y));

var ind_i = Math.round((nBinsX-1)*scaled_x);
var ind_j = Math.round((nBinsX-1)*scaled_y);

var bin_id;
if (ind_j % 2 === 0)
bin_id = ind_j*nBinsX + ind_i;
bin_id = (ind_j+1)*nBinsX - ind_i - 1;

//Add super-triangle vertices (far away)
var D = boundingTriangleSize;
scaledverts.push(new Point(-D+0.5, -D/Math.sqrt(3) + 0.5));
scaledverts.push(new Point( D+0.5, -D/Math.sqrt(3) + 0.5));
scaledverts.push(new Point( 0.5, 2*D/Math.sqrt(3) + 0.5));

for (var i = nVertex; i < nVertex+3; i++)
meshData.vert.push(new Point(fieldSize*scaledverts[i].x + fieldOrigin.x, fieldSize*scaledverts[i].y + fieldOrigin.y));

//Sort the vertices in ascending bin order

meshData.scaled_vert = scaledverts;
meshData.bin = bin_index;

//Super-triangle connectivity
meshData.tri = [[nVertex, (nVertex+1), (nVertex+2)]];
meshData.adj = [[-1, -1, -1]];

meshData.vert_to_tri = [];

//Function for computing the unconstrained Delaunay triangulation
function delaunay(meshData)
//Sort input vertices and setup super-triangle

var verts = meshData.scaled_vert;
var bins = meshData.bin;
var triangles = meshData.tri;
var adjacency = meshData.adj;

var N = verts.length - 3; //vertices includes super-triangle nodes

var ind_tri = 0; //points to the super-triangle
var nhops_total = 0;

for (var i = 0; i < N; i++)
var new_i = bins[i].ind;

var res = findEnclosingTriangle(verts[new_i], meshData, ind_tri);
ind_tri = res[0];
nhops_total += res[1];

if (ind_tri === -1)
throw "Could not find a triangle containing the new vertex!";

var cur_tri = triangles[ind_tri]; //vertex indices of triangle containing new point
var new_tri0 = [cur_tri[0], cur_tri[1], new_i];
var new_tri1 = [new_i, cur_tri[1], cur_tri[2]];
var new_tri2 = [cur_tri[0], new_i, cur_tri[2]];

//Replace the triangle containing the point with new_tri0, and
//fix its adjacency
triangles[ind_tri] = new_tri0;

var N_tri = triangles.length;
var cur_tri_adj = adjacency[ind_tri]; //neighbors of cur_tri
adjacency[ind_tri] = [N_tri, N_tri+1, cur_tri_adj[2]];

//Add the other two new triangles to the list
triangles.push(new_tri1); //triangle index N_tri
triangles.push(new_tri2); //triangle index (N_tri+1)

adjacency.push([cur_tri_adj[0], N_tri+1, ind_tri]); //adj for triangle N_tri
adjacency.push([N_tri, cur_tri_adj[1], ind_tri]); //adj for triangle (N_tri+1)

//stack of triangles which need to be checked for Delaunay condition
//each element contains: [index of tri to check, adjncy index to goto triangle that contains new point]
var stack = [];

if (cur_tri_adj[2] >= 0) //if triangle cur_tri's neighbor exists
//Find the index for cur_tri in the adjacency of the neighbor
var neigh_adj_ind = adjacency[cur_tri_adj[2]].indexOf(ind_tri);

//No need to update adjacency, but push the neighbor on to the stack
stack.push([cur_tri_adj[2], neigh_adj_ind]);
if (cur_tri_adj[0] >= 0) //if triangle N_tri's neighbor exists
//Find the index for cur_tri in the adjacency of the neighbor
var neigh_adj_ind = adjacency[cur_tri_adj[0]].indexOf(ind_tri);
adjacency[cur_tri_adj[0]][neigh_adj_ind] = N_tri;
stack.push([cur_tri_adj[0], neigh_adj_ind]);

if (cur_tri_adj[1] >= 0) //if triangle (N_tri+1)'s neighbor exists
//Find the index for cur_tri in the adjacency of the neighbor
var neigh_adj_ind = adjacency[cur_tri_adj[1]].indexOf(ind_tri);
adjacency[cur_tri_adj[1]][neigh_adj_ind] = N_tri+1;
stack.push([cur_tri_adj[1], neigh_adj_ind]);

restoreDelaunay(new_i, meshData, stack);

} //loop over vertices


//Uses edge orientations - based on Peter Brown's Technical Report 1997
function findEnclosingTriangle(target_vertex, meshData, ind_tri_cur)
var vertices = meshData.scaled_vert;
var triangles = meshData.tri;
var adjacency = meshData.adj;
var max_hops = Math.max(10, adjacency.length);

var nhops = 0;
var found_tri = false;
var path = [];

while (!found_tri && nhops < max_hops)
if (ind_tri_cur === -1) //target is outside triangulation
return [ind_tri_cur, nhops];

var tri_cur = triangles[ind_tri_cur];

//Orientation of target wrt each edge of triangle (positive if on left of edge)
var orients = [getPointOrientation([vertices[tri_cur[1]], vertices[tri_cur[2]]], target_vertex),
getPointOrientation([vertices[tri_cur[2]], vertices[tri_cur[0]]], target_vertex),
getPointOrientation([vertices[tri_cur[0]], vertices[tri_cur[1]]], target_vertex)];

if (orients[0] >= 0 && orients[1] >= 0 && orients[2] >= 0) //target is to left of all edges, so inside tri
return [ind_tri_cur, nhops];

var base_ind = -1;
for (var iedge = 0; iedge < 3; iedge++)
if (orients[iedge] >= 0)
base_ind = iedge;
var base_p1_ind = (base_ind + 1) % 3;
var base_p2_ind = (base_ind + 2) % 3;

if (orients[base_p1_ind] >= 0 && orients[base_p2_ind] < 0)
ind_tri_cur = adjacency[ind_tri_cur][base_p2_ind]; //should move to the triangle opposite base_p2_ind
path[nhops] = vertices[tri_cur[base_ind]].add(vertices[tri_cur[base_p1_ind]]).scale(0.5);
else if (orients[base_p1_ind] < 0 && orients[base_p2_ind] >= 0)
ind_tri_cur = adjacency[ind_tri_cur][base_p1_ind]; //should move to the triangle opposite base_p1_ind
path[nhops] = vertices[tri_cur[base_p2_ind]].add(vertices[tri_cur[base_ind]]).scale(0.5);
var vec0 = vertices[tri_cur[base_p1_ind]].sub(vertices[tri_cur[base_ind]]); //vector from base_ind to base_p1_ind
var vec1 = target_vertex.sub(vertices[tri_cur[base_ind]]); //vector from base_ind to target_vertex
if ( > 0)
ind_tri_cur = adjacency[ind_tri_cur][base_p2_ind]; //should move to the triangle opposite base_p2_ind
path[nhops] = vertices[tri_cur[base_ind]].add(vertices[tri_cur[base_p1_ind]]).scale(0.5);
ind_tri_cur = adjacency[ind_tri_cur][base_p1_ind]; //should move to the triangle opposite base_p1_ind
path[nhops] = vertices[tri_cur[base_p2_ind]].add(vertices[tri_cur[base_ind]]).scale(0.5);


throw "Could not locate the triangle that encloses (" + target_vertex.x + ", " + target_vertex.y + ")!";

return [ind_tri_cur, (nhops-1)];

function restoreDelaunay(ind_vert, meshData, stack)
var vertices = meshData.scaled_vert;
var triangles = meshData.tri;
var adjacency = meshData.adj;
var v_new = vertices[ind_vert];

while(stack.length > 0)
var ind_tri_pair = stack.pop(); //[index of tri to check, adjncy index to goto triangle that contains new point]
var ind_tri = ind_tri_pair[0];

var ind_tri_vert = triangles[ind_tri]; //vertex indices of the triangle
var v_tri = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
v_tri[i] = vertices[ind_tri_vert[i]];

if (!isDelaunay2(v_tri, v_new))
//v_new lies inside the circumcircle of the triangle, so need to swap diagonals

var outernode_tri = ind_tri_pair[1]; // [0,1,2] node-index of vertex that's not part of the common edge
var ind_tri_neigh = adjacency[ind_tri][outernode_tri];

if (ind_tri_neigh < 0)
throw "negative index";

//Swap the diagonal between the adjacent triangles
swapDiagonal(meshData, ind_tri, ind_tri_neigh);

//Add the triangles opposite the new vertex to the stack
var new_node_ind_tri = triangles[ind_tri].indexOf(ind_vert);
var ind_tri_outerp2 = adjacency[ind_tri][new_node_ind_tri];
if (ind_tri_outerp2 >= 0)
var neigh_node = adjacency[ind_tri_outerp2].indexOf(ind_tri);
stack.push([ind_tri_outerp2, neigh_node]);

var new_node_ind_tri_neigh = triangles[ind_tri_neigh].indexOf(ind_vert);
var ind_tri_neigh_outer = adjacency[ind_tri_neigh][new_node_ind_tri_neigh];
if (ind_tri_neigh_outer >= 0)
var neigh_node = adjacency[ind_tri_neigh_outer].indexOf(ind_tri_neigh);
stack.push([ind_tri_neigh_outer, neigh_node]);

} //is not Delaunay

//Swaps the diagonal of adjacent triangles A and B
function swapDiagonal(meshData, ind_triA, ind_triB)
var triangles = meshData.tri;
var adjacency = meshData.adj;
var vert2tri = meshData.vert_to_tri;

//Find the node index of the outer vertex in each triangle
var outernode_triA = adjacency[ind_triA].indexOf(ind_triB);
var outernode_triB = adjacency[ind_triB].indexOf(ind_triA);

//Indices of nodes after the outernode (i.e. nodes of the common edge)
var outernode_triA_p1 = (outernode_triA + 1) % 3;
var outernode_triA_p2 = (outernode_triA + 2) % 3;

var outernode_triB_p1 = (outernode_triB + 1) % 3;
var outernode_triB_p2 = (outernode_triB + 2) % 3;

//Update triangle nodes
triangles[ind_triA][outernode_triA_p2] = triangles[ind_triB][outernode_triB];
triangles[ind_triB][outernode_triB_p2] = triangles[ind_triA][outernode_triA];

//Update adjacencies for triangle opposite outernode
adjacency[ind_triA][outernode_triA] = adjacency[ind_triB][outernode_triB_p1];
adjacency[ind_triB][outernode_triB] = adjacency[ind_triA][outernode_triA_p1];

//Update adjacency of neighbor opposite triangle A's (outernode+1) node
var ind_triA_neigh_outerp1 = adjacency[ind_triA][outernode_triA_p1];
if (ind_triA_neigh_outerp1 >= 0)
var neigh_node = adjacency[ind_triA_neigh_outerp1].indexOf(ind_triA);
adjacency[ind_triA_neigh_outerp1][neigh_node] = ind_triB;

//Update adjacency of neighbor opposite triangle B's (outernode+1) node
var ind_triB_neigh_outerp1 = adjacency[ind_triB][outernode_triB_p1];
if (ind_triB_neigh_outerp1 >= 0)
var neigh_node = adjacency[ind_triB_neigh_outerp1].indexOf(ind_triB);
adjacency[ind_triB_neigh_outerp1][neigh_node] = ind_triA;

//Update adjacencies for triangles opposite the (outernode+1) node
adjacency[ind_triA][outernode_triA_p1] = ind_triB;
adjacency[ind_triB][outernode_triB_p1] = ind_triA;

//Update vertex to triangle connectivity, if data structure exists
if (vert2tri.length > 0)
//The original outernodes will now be part of both triangles

//Remove triangle B from the triangle set of outernode_triA_p1
var local_ind = vert2tri[triangles[ind_triA][outernode_triA_p1]].indexOf(ind_triB);
vert2tri[triangles[ind_triA][outernode_triA_p1]].splice(local_ind, 1);

//Remove triangle A from the triangle set of outernode_triB_p1
local_ind = vert2tri[triangles[ind_triB][outernode_triB_p1]].indexOf(ind_triA);
vert2tri[triangles[ind_triB][outernode_triB_p1]].splice(local_ind, 1);

function removeBoundaryTriangles(meshData)
var verts = meshData.scaled_vert;
var triangles = meshData.tri;
var adjacency = meshData.adj;
var N = verts.length - 3;

var del_count = 0;
var indmap = [];
for (var i = 0; i < triangles.length; i++)
var prev_del_count = del_count;
for (var j = i; j < triangles.length; j++)
if (triangles[j][0] < N && triangles[j][1] < N && triangles[j][2] < N)
indmap[i+del_count] = i;
indmap[i+del_count] = -1;

var del_length = del_count - prev_del_count;
if (del_length > 0)
triangles.splice(i, del_length);
adjacency.splice(i, del_length);

//Update adjacencies
for (var i = 0; i < adjacency.length; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++)
adjacency[i][j] = indmap[adjacency[i][j]];

//Delete super-triangle nodes

function isDelaunay2(v_tri, p)
var vecp0 = v_tri[0].sub(p);
var vecp1 = v_tri[1].sub(p);
var vecp2 = v_tri[2].sub(p);

var p0_sq = vecp0.x*vecp0.x + vecp0.y*vecp0.y;
var p1_sq = vecp1.x*vecp1.x + vecp1.y*vecp1.y;
var p2_sq = vecp2.x*vecp2.x + vecp2.y*vecp2.y;

var det = vecp0.x * (vecp1.y * p2_sq - p1_sq * vecp2.y)
-vecp0.y * (vecp1.x * p2_sq - p1_sq * vecp2.x)
+ p0_sq * (vecp1.x * vecp2.y - vecp1.y * vecp2.x);

if (det > 0) //p is inside circumcircle of v_tri
return false;
return true;

function constrainEdges(meshData)
if (meshData.con_edge.length == 0)


var con_edges = meshData.con_edge;
var triangles = meshData.tri;
var verts = meshData.scaled_vert;
var adjacency = meshData.adj;
var vert2tri = meshData.vert_to_tri;

var newEdgeList = [];

for (var iedge = 0; iedge < con_edges.length; iedge++)
var intersections = getEdgeIntersections(meshData, iedge);

var iter = 0;
var maxIter = Math.max(intersections.length, 1);
while (intersections.length > 0 && iter < maxIter)
fixEdgeIntersections(meshData, intersections, iedge, newEdgeList);
intersections = getEdgeIntersections(meshData, iedge);

if (intersections.length > 0)
throw "Could not add edge " + iedge + " to triangulation after " + maxIter + " iterations!";

} //loop over constrained edges

//Restore Delaunay
while (true)
var num_diagonal_swaps = 0;
for (var iedge = 0; iedge < newEdgeList.length; iedge++)
var new_edge_nodes = newEdgeList[iedge];

//Check if the new edge is a constrained edge
var is_con_edge = false
for (var jedge = 0; jedge < con_edges.length; jedge++)
if (isSameEdge(new_edge_nodes, con_edges[jedge]))
is_con_edge = true;

if (is_con_edge)
continue; //cannot change this edge if it's constrained

var tri_around_v0 = vert2tri[new_edge_nodes[0]];
var tri_count = 0;
var tri_ind_pair = [-1, -1]; //indices of the triangles on either side of this edge
for (var itri = 0; itri < tri_around_v0.length; itri++)
var cur_tri = triangles[tri_around_v0[itri]];
if (cur_tri[0] == new_edge_nodes[1] || cur_tri[1] == new_edge_nodes[1] || cur_tri[2] == new_edge_nodes[1])
tri_ind_pair[tri_count] = tri_around_v0[itri];

if (tri_count == 2)
break; //found both neighboring triangles

if (tri_ind_pair[0] == -1)
continue; //this edge no longer exists, so nothing to do.

var triA_verts = [verts[triangles[tri_ind_pair[0]][0]],

var outer_nodeB_ind = adjacency[tri_ind_pair[1]].indexOf(tri_ind_pair[0]);
var triB_vert = verts[triangles[tri_ind_pair[1]][outer_nodeB_ind]];

if (!isDelaunay2(triA_verts, triB_vert))
var outer_nodeA_ind = adjacency[tri_ind_pair[0]].indexOf(tri_ind_pair[1]);

//Swap the diagonal between the pair of triangles
swapDiagonal(meshData, tri_ind_pair[0], tri_ind_pair[1]);

//Replace current new edge with the new diagonal
newEdgeList[iedge] = [triangles[tri_ind_pair[0]][outer_nodeA_ind],

} //loop over new edges

if (num_diagonal_swaps == 0)
break; //no further swaps, we're done.

function buildVertexConnectivity(meshData)
var triangles = meshData.tri;
meshData.vert_to_tri = [];
var vConnectivity = meshData.vert_to_tri;

for (var itri = 0; itri < triangles.length; itri++)
for (var node = 0; node < 3; node++)
if (vConnectivity[triangles[itri][node]] == undefined)
vConnectivity[triangles[itri][node]] = [itri];

function getEdgeIntersections(meshData, iedge)
var triangles = meshData.tri;
var verts = meshData.scaled_vert;
var adjacency = meshData.adj;
var con_edges = meshData.con_edge;
var vert2tri = meshData.vert_to_tri;

var edge_v0_ind = con_edges[iedge][0];
var edge_v1_ind = con_edges[iedge][1];
var edge_coords = [verts[edge_v0_ind], verts[edge_v1_ind]];

var tri_around_v0 = vert2tri[edge_v0_ind];

var edge_in_triangulation = false;

//stores the index of tri that intersects current edge,
//and the edge-index of intersecting edge in triangle
var intersections = [];

for (var itri = 0; itri < tri_around_v0.length; itri++)
var cur_tri = triangles[tri_around_v0[itri]];
var v0_node = cur_tri.indexOf(edge_v0_ind);
var v0p1_node = (v0_node+1) % 3;
var v0p2_node = (v0_node+2) % 3;

if ( edge_v1_ind == cur_tri[v0p1_node] )
//constrained edge is an edge of the current tri (node v0_node to v0_node+1)
edge_in_triangulation = true;
else if ( edge_v1_ind == cur_tri[v0p2_node] )
//constrained edge is an edge of the current tri (node v0_node to v0_node+2)
edge_in_triangulation = true;

var opposite_edge_coords = [verts[cur_tri[v0p1_node]], verts[cur_tri[v0p2_node]]];
if (isEdgeIntersecting(edge_coords, opposite_edge_coords))
intersections.push([tri_around_v0[itri], v0_node]);

if (!edge_in_triangulation)
if (intersections.length == 0)
throw "Cannot have no intersections!";

while (true)
var prev_intersection = intersections[intersections.length - 1]; //[tri ind][node ind for edge]
var tri_ind = adjacency[prev_intersection[0]][prev_intersection[1]];

if ( triangles[tri_ind][0] == edge_v1_ind ||
triangles[tri_ind][1] == edge_v1_ind ||
triangles[tri_ind][2] == edge_v1_ind )
break; //found the end node of the edge

//Find the index of the edge from which we came into this triangle
var prev_edge_ind = adjacency[tri_ind].indexOf(prev_intersection[0]);
if (prev_edge_ind == -1)
throw "Could not find edge!";

var cur_tri = triangles[tri_ind];

//Loop over the other two edges in this triangle,
//and check if they intersect the constrained edge
for (var offset = 1; offset < 3; offset++)
var v0_node = (prev_edge_ind+offset+1) % 3;
var v1_node = (prev_edge_ind+offset+2) % 3;
var cur_edge_coords = [verts[cur_tri[v0_node]], verts[cur_tri[v1_node]]];

if (isEdgeIntersecting(edge_coords, cur_edge_coords))
intersections.push([tri_ind, (prev_edge_ind+offset) % 3]);

} //while intersections not found
} //if edge not in triangulation

return intersections;

function fixEdgeIntersections(meshData, intersectionList, con_edge_ind, newEdgeList)
var triangles = meshData.tri;
var verts = meshData.scaled_vert;
var adjacency = meshData.adj;
var con_edges = meshData.con_edge;

//Node indices and endpoint coords of current constrained edge
var con_edge_nodes = con_edges[con_edge_ind];
var cur_con_edge_coords = [verts[con_edge_nodes[0]], verts[con_edge_nodes[1]]];

var nIntersections = intersectionList.length;
for (var i = 0; i < nIntersections; i++)
//Looping in reverse order is important since then the
//indices in intersectionList remain unaffected by any diagonal swaps
var tri0_ind = intersectionList[nIntersections - 1 - i][0];
var tri0_node = intersectionList[nIntersections - 1 - i][1];

var tri1_ind = adjacency[tri0_ind][tri0_node];
var tri1_node = adjacency[tri1_ind].indexOf(tri0_ind);

var quad_v0 = verts[triangles[tri0_ind][tri0_node]];
var quad_v1 = verts[triangles[tri0_ind][(tri0_node + 1) % 3]];
var quad_v2 = verts[triangles[tri1_ind][tri1_node]];
var quad_v3 = verts[triangles[tri0_ind][(tri0_node + 2) % 3]];

var isConvex = isQuadConvex(quad_v0, quad_v1, quad_v2, quad_v3);

if (isConvex)
swapDiagonal(meshData, tri0_ind, tri1_ind);

var newDiagonal_nodes = [triangles[tri0_ind][tri0_node], triangles[tri1_ind][tri1_node]];

var newDiagonal_coords = [quad_v0, quad_v2];
var hasCommonNode = (newDiagonal_nodes[0] == con_edge_nodes[0] || newDiagonal_nodes[0] == con_edge_nodes[1] ||
newDiagonal_nodes[1] == con_edge_nodes[0] || newDiagonal_nodes[1] == con_edge_nodes[1]);
if (hasCommonNode || !isEdgeIntersecting(cur_con_edge_coords, newDiagonal_coords))
newEdgeList.push([newDiagonal_nodes[0], newDiagonal_nodes[1]]);

} //is convex

} //loop over intersections

function loadEdges(meshData, edges)
var nVertex = meshData.vert.length;

meshData.con_edge = [];

for(var i = 0; i < edges.length; i++)
var edge = edges[i];

if (edge[0] < 0 || edge[0] >= nVertex ||
edge[1] < 0 || edge[1] >= nVertex)
throw ("Vertex indices of edge " + i + " need to be non-negative and less than the number of input vertices.");
meshData.con_edge = [];

if (edge[0] === edge[1])
throw("Edge " + i + " is degenerate!");
meshData.con_edge = [];

if (!isEdgeValid(edge, meshData.con_edge, meshData.vert))
throw("Edge " + i + " already exists or intersects with an existing edge!");
meshData.con_edge = [];

meshData.con_edge.push([edge[0], edge[1]]);

function isEdgeValid(newEdge, edgeList, vertices)
var new_edge_verts = [vertices[newEdge[0]], vertices[newEdge[1]]];

for (var i = 0; i < edgeList.length; i++)
//Not valid if edge already exists
if ( (edgeList[i][0] == newEdge[0] && edgeList[i][1] == newEdge[1]) ||
(edgeList[i][0] == newEdge[1] && edgeList[i][1] == newEdge[0]) )
return false;

var hasCommonNode = (edgeList[i][0] == newEdge[0] || edgeList[i][0] == newEdge[1] ||
edgeList[i][1] == newEdge[0] || edgeList[i][1] == newEdge[1]);

var edge_verts = [vertices[edgeList[i][0]], vertices[edgeList[i][1]]];

if (!hasCommonNode && isEdgeIntersecting(edge_verts, new_edge_verts))
return false;

return true;

turf.constrainedTin = function(points, edges, z) {
if (!edges) edges = [];
if (typeof points !== "object" || points.type !== "FeatureCollection") throw "Argument points must be FeatureCollection";
if (!Array.isArray(edges)) throw "Argument points must be Array of Array";
if (z && typeof z !== "string") throw "Argument z must be string";
var isPointZ = false;
// Caluculating scale factor
// Original cdt-js not working well with coordinates between (0,0)-(1,1)
// So points must be normalized
var xyzs = points.features.reduce(function(prev, point) {
var xy = point.geometry.coordinates;
if (z) {
} else if (xy.length === 3) {
isPointZ = true;
return prev;
}, [[], [], []]);
var xMax = Math.max.apply(null, xyzs[0]);
var xMin = Math.min.apply(null, xyzs[0]);
var yMax = Math.max.apply(null, xyzs[1]);
var yMin = Math.min.apply(null, xyzs[1]);
var xDiff = xMax - xMin;
var xCenter = (xMax + xMin) / 2.0;
var yDiff = yMax - yMin;
var yCenter = (yMax + yMin) / 2.0;
var maxDiff = Math.max(xDiff, yDiff) * 1.1;
// Normalize points
var normPoints = {
var xy = point.geometry.coordinates;
var normXy = [
(xy[0] - xCenter) / maxDiff + 0.5,
(xy[1] - yCenter) / maxDiff + 0.5
return new Point(normXy[0], normXy[1]);
// Create data structure for cdt-js
var meshData = {
vert: normPoints
// Load edges to data structure, with checking error
loadEdges(meshData, edges);
// Calculating Delaunay
// Applying edges constrain
// Unnormalize points and create output results
var keys = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
return turf.helpers.featureCollection( {
var properties = {};
var coords =, i) {
var coord = [xyzs[0][index], xyzs[1][index]];
if (xyzs[2][index] !== undefined) {
if (isPointZ) {
coord[2] = xyzs[2][index];
} else {
properties[keys[i]] = xyzs[2][index];
return coord;
coords[3] = coords[0];
return turf.helpers.polygon([coords], properties);

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