Thanks all Hello. At this point first I will say thanks all for your support. And I might have an interesting tip: To use the "Intel Flash Programming Tool" (included in FTK) for full access on an HP ProBook (Elitebook) 8560p, you must first unlock the descriptor. There is an "hotkey" to remove the lock: 1. Set boot device to USB (and have an bootable USB-Stick with, for example, FreeDOS and the tools plugged in) 2. Shut down NB. For save work use both line power and battery 3. press the WIN | left arrow | right arrow buttons (all three together and hold them) 4. power on the NB 5. on the first message on the display release the buttons. Then You will see an new message on the first line: HDA_SDO. To lock SPI, do global reset or remove AC & DC then boot after updating SPI. Well, thats it: full dump of BIOS chip is possible, FPT reported no error.. I have not tested full access to flash it (don't want to brick my NB ) Maybe it works on some other HP NB the same way.
Ahhha Hehe - but why You don't tell it to me while I'm searching the whole web? (sorry for this joke) Well, CodeRush told me he will post it. I have posted it first in "FTK tools" day before yesterday. And just found this in Your hint: there is a earlier reference to the three buttons ("try it") by "TimeWalker75a" in the same thread, but I'm not able to get it as search result, because there is no clear connection to "descriptor lock / unlock" I'm searching for. I think "CodeRush" had written my test results with the best of intentions, see his post under "FTK tools". And so I hope all around the web now will be able to find this "hidden secret". Simply great!!
Hy guys on the first thread are some download links for bios tools, but the link is offline ,i need some of these programms im searching a week for this -.-, Bios Tools Pack This Pack Contains: awdflash v8.73 winflash v1.29 modbin6 v2.01.02 cbrom32 v1.55 amiflash 8.95 AMIBCP 7.60.04 <<< I need this and AMIBCP 3.13 <<< I need this MMTOOL V3.12 <<< I need this I hope someone has this tools and can reupload these THank you guys in advance Greets
Just to confirm: this trick working on ProBook 4540s as well. Full dump of BIOS now is possible. Thanks. But another quession: how to enable MPM Mode?
Hi,Tito about FTK (Flash ToolKit) & FD44Editor, Could you place it at any other portal please! It is a very problem for me to download from there.
@CodeRush I'm sorry for my ignorance; but can I use FTK to update ME from v7 to v8 using Intel BIN-file??