Accident date | 12.09.2012 |
Investigation status | |
Aircraft registration number | RA-28715 |
Place of aircraft departure | Петропавловск-Камчатский |
Airport of departure | Елизово |
Intended destination | Палана |
Intended Airport of arrival | |
Accident site | в р-не н.п. Палана Камчатского края |
Latitude | 58º59'4" СШ |
Longitude | 159º48'20" ВД |
Aircraft type | An-28 |
Serial № | 1 АЙ006-25 |
Aircraft operator | ФГУ ПКАП |
Aircraft owner | ФГУ ПКАП |
The date of the completion of the investigation (report) | 31.01.2013 |
Number of fatalities | 10 |
Victims accuracy | |
Degree of aircraft destruction | aircraft destroyed |
Report | report_ra-28715.pdf (1.9 MB) |
Aviation type | Commercial |
Works type | |
Note |
The Interstate Aviation Committee Investigation team has completed the investigation of the fatal accident circumstances with An-28 RA-28715 aircraft occurred near Palan Airport, Kamchatka Territory (RF) on September 12, 2012.
The fatal accident with An-28 RA-28715 aircraft was caused by violation of specified approach pattern in Palan Airport resulted in outbound track and premature descending up to unauthorized low altitude performing flight in mountinous terrain in weather conditions excluding sustained visual reference with ground references resulted in aircraft collision with mountain slope, its destruction and crew and passengers fatality.
Alcohol was detected in blood of both crew members.
Contributing factors were:
- low level of dicipline of personnel in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Air Enterprise and inadequate flight methodical work in enterprises in a part of crew preflight training and approach patterns monitoring;
- crew inaction when the radio altimiter atitude alert was actuated.
Ground Proximity Warning Syatem at An-28 aircraft could probably prevent the accident.
Appropriate safety recommendations based on the investigation results were developed.