Why feminize men

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Facts-not-feminism's avatar
Why is a a masculine man so bad?

Why feminize men and boys? This is a question I constantly ask feminists, and never receive a decent or logical answer. However, it is simple enough to answer once you look at feminist agendas you will clearly see how it is out to destroy men. Its common feminist ideology that men are not needed or wanted. This attitude is so predominate in the minds of even male feminists that Obama has stated proudly that women can do anything men can do while wearing heels and do it better than men do. It seems our fearless leader wields the nation’s might like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal; after all, he is trying to increase funding to the VAWA’s systematic war against men.

As feminists gain more and more victories against men and the family they give the state more power. We should take heed in the fact that, not even the USSR challenged the strong healthy family unit. Stalin and Hitler knew the value of family as well as Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Abe Lincoln. A strong family did not need the state’s help instead; the strong family helped the state. Destroying the family unit lead by masculine men who will stand up for themselves and defend their families would be nearly impossible. This is why feminists want men to be overtly and stereotypically feminine. When men refuse to stand up for themselves, feminists walk over them.

The stereotype of femininity that feminists believe in is that a housewife had no real hardships besides serving a husband. The reality is these women were critical support units for their men and families. Feminists have peddled “women must speak their minds” as the path to being strong, this is just a euphemism for “bitch about everything until you get your way” not many masculine men would put up with this, so feminize men. If one were to read any relationships advice books they would see how feminine men like Dr. Phil treat women. Thanks to feminized men, women have zero accountability for their actions in relationships and feminists wish to extend this into laws. When men are nothing but “yes dear” and “no dear” punching bags the feminists can easily gain whatever ground needed to further their hate agendas.

Any American child presently lives in a hook up, shack up, break up life style. This came into being as feminist waged their war against fathers. In all this has put children into bad positions. Single mothers although rarely out to feminize and break the will of their sons are not able to be mother and father. The reality is you cannot do everything yourself, but having the state help you is not good either. Socialist policies tax America’s fiscal resources, and only give the government more unlimited power over the people.

The reason many matriarchies have failed, besides the female leadership is the concept of how only the mother molds a child or can at least manipulate the father role to one that is totally obedient and uncompetitive. Without male competition, women will have an easier time at life in general. This has always been the true goal of feminism, to increase the ease a woman has at everything specifically in the way they present falsified rape statistics as facts. Sadly, what most women and some men have failed to realize is the natural male competitiveness is the sole reason for many of today’s advancements computers nuclear energy and much more are because of the naturally competitive male. As more and more American men become feminized our nation drops like a rock in every aspect to the rest of our world. Guns and tanks cannot serve as the reason why a nation is strong without that nation waging endless and meaningless wars at random.

There are men who cast aside traditional masculinity's provider and work horse of society roles that made every man so disposable to the world he made. I have gladly cut that out of my being but sadly many men seem to be cutting away their own assertiveness when it comes to their own rights and the violation of these right. Most fear being called a misogynist, a clever shaming technique used to control and dominate men. Its easy to spot these women online, many have dedicated websites or articles on other websites in which they will explain how to dominate men and strip them of their self respect and eventually masculinity. One woman suggests that by forcing a man into a dress under the mask of a costume party will feminize him. After he is in the dress she states, that is when to pounce and padlock the dress zipper on the man and allow her friends to mock him.

It is this that puts me at a cross roads do feminist women really loathe men this much or are they just this lazy that they don't want to compete on fair ground or are they looking for revenge fo past injustices that happened centuries ago?
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ToxicWyvern's avatar
I think part of the problem is that so many people call themselves feminists that criticizing feminism has become a moral sin in our society. Many people who call themselves feminists that really do care about the welfare of both men and women. This makes it easy for feminists to get away with their unwarranted hatred. I used to call myself a feminist before I realized what it was about hating men rather then helping women.

"It is this that puts me at a cross roads do feminist women really loathe men this much or are they just this lazy that they don't want to compete on fair ground or are they looking for revenge fo past injustices that happened centuries ago?"

I'm going to go with that they really hate men that much. It can't be due to past injustices because most of those allege injustsices have been either exaggerated, complete fabricated, or twisted in order to ignore how men suffered.

I would also like to add that men hate men just as much if not more than the feminists do. Feminists are allowed to say whatever hate filled lie they want without consequences. Most women praise these hate mongers as empowered while most men just nod and agree will beating down any male who disagrees. '

I'm going to be honest. Being male has become a mark of the beast in our society. I hate the fact that feminists take minor gender differences and mutilate them to such extremes in order to demonize men. I hate having to prove my "goodness". I hate being called violent, dead beat, rapist, pedophile. I hate the fact the humans have different genders. I hate how feminists use an unjust penal system and false statistics as "proof" that I don't deserve to live.

Racists do the same things but at least I'm allowed to call them out on their bull.