I gotta be honest with you guys. I'm a newfag(summerfag to be more precise). I only came here a few months ago. I'm not an election tourist, I'm actually interested in old internet culture. So I power-lurked, by reading all the archives. Now, even tho by join-date I'm newer than a newfag, by actual knowledge, I may as well be an originalfag. I guess that "You're here forever" can sometimes, also extend to the past. Anyway, what I wanted to say is that everytime I hear what awesome shit you did back in the day, even tho I wasn't there, I feel, idk, kinda nostalgic. It also makes me wish those days were back.
It’s been a while since I have heard freaking out about newfags
You know we kid, but I'd totes stick my tallywacker in a NEWF**S fartbox