Azura’s Watch Alpha 04

This is Alpha 04 of Azura’s Watch, a huge worldspace mod featuring a tropical paradise island. I can’t believe it’s almost a year since I published Alpha 03, but my modding hasn’t been quite energetic the last year. Too many distractions (great, great games like GTA5, Witcher III and Cities Skylines) and a busy RL. No matter, here’s another update with the hope that the coming period will be a better time for me as a modder. Read the following carefully before downloading!

CONTENTS: This version requires approximately 2GB HD space. The packed download is 927MB’s large. A BSA is included. LODSettings are included as well as a non-bsa’ed Sounds folder. If you’re updating from Alpha03, please make sure you’ve deleted all material from Alpha03 before installing this update.

I cannot stress it enough! This download is only for those who really want to test it out. It can be buggy as hell and anything can happen. It might not even work at all. It has NOT been tested on my end. That’s what I need you guys for. I WILL PUBLISH A POST ON THIS BLOG WHEN IT’S CONSIDERED A SAFE DOWNLOAD AND THE HARD-CORE TESTERS HAVE RUN IT THROUGH TO CHECK THAT IT, WELL, BASICALLY WORKS. Don’t download 900MB’s if you’re not prepared to face the bugs.

INSTALLATION: Install manually. Get to Azura’s Watch by console warping onto the docks of Colonia (cow AzurasWatch -8,-4), or if you want a more interesting starting location, try cow AzurasWatch 1,-8. The file has not been cleaned. Again, only download if you have a true interest in the mod progress and/or want to give feedback, and if you know how to do the above mentioned things. Else wait for the proper Nexus beta release.

REQUIREMENT: This version requires The XP32 Skeleton or similar (The second file in the Download list: XPMS 1-93a), otherwise it’ll crash. This is because of all the unique NPC’s, some with custom faces created in RaceMenu. It’s easy to install and remove later if need be. It’s included as an Optional file in the download.

FEEDBACK: Do provide feedback. You can comment on this blog. You can write me on SkyrimNexus or TesAlliance. You can E-Mail (Antiscamp[a] me. I’m on Twitter as well.

As always, this is an Alpha and glitches are to be expected. FPS and performance was noted to be adequate in a vanilla environment. Some areas are taxing especially in the heavily populated areas. Please use the wonderful SKSE memory management tool if you experience crashes (that tool should be mandatory on any PC running Skyrim!). Tamira has also tested the mod on her end.

The mod contains adult references; you know – drugs, sex and rock n’ roll. If fun stuff like that ticks you off, go play Child of Light or some other brainwash Luciferian Illuminati propaganda instead.


5 responses to “Azura’s Watch Alpha 04

  1. it doesnt work on me i tried to fast travel using “coc colonia” and “cow AzurasWatch -8, -4” and i got myself stuck on loading screen

    • Ah. Colonia is very resource heavy with new resources and a lot of NPC’s everywhere, which means it’s a strain for any computer. Try this: coc AzuraHermitsYurt. That will start you in a resource light interior. You’ll start at the very east side of the island and when you exit the tent, you have to travel west to reach Colonia. When you reach Colonia, I bet you’ll crash at some point when getting closer. I’d suggest the implementation of the SKSE Memory Management. Your Skyrim will never crash again.

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