
From Gentle Hog, 35 Seconds ago, written in Plain Text, viewed 1 times.
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  1. C:\>curl -X POST -F "thread=1594656468" -F "board=anime" -F "noko=on" -F "name=" -F "sage=" -F "reply=That is an astute observation. When I was watching that scene I was more caught up in the sexiness of it than the logic of it. I too would like to see a recreation of that scene but more true to the light novel. Also, Linel and Fizel were kinda sexy. \n\n Spoiler alert: at the end of 'Sword Art Online: Alicization' I felt somewhat sad to see the message which basically said 'all the stories have been told'. Really? There is no other interesting story that can be told about virtual reality video games? \n\n (This was posted via cURL; newlines might not work.)" https://dis.4ct.org/post.cgi
  2. Warning: skip unknown form field: newlines might not work.)
  3. <strong>Error: Board not defined</strong>
  4. C:\>curl -X POST -F "board=anime" -F "thread=1594656468" -F "noko=on" -F "name=" -F "sage=" -F "reply=That is an astute observation. When I was watching that scene I was more caught up in the sexiness of it than the logic of it. I too would like to see a recreation of that scene but more true to the light novel. Also, Linel and Fizel were kinda sexy. \n\n Spoiler alert: at the end of 'Sword Art Online: Alicization' I felt somewhat sad to see the message which basically said 'all the stories have been told'. Really? There is no other interesting story that can be told about virtual reality video games? \n\n (This was posted via cURL. Newlines might not work.)" https://dis.4ct.org/post.cgi
  5. <strong>Error: Board not defined</strong>
  6. C:\>curl -X POST -F "board=anime;noko=on;thread=1594656468;name=;sage=;reply=That is an astute observation. When I was watching that scene I was more caught up in the sexiness of it than the logic of it. I too would like to see a recreation of that scene but more true to the light novel. Also, Linel and Fizel were kinda sexy. \n\n Spoiler alert: at the end of 'Sword Art Online: Alicization' I felt somewhat sad to see the message which basically said 'all the stories have been told'. Really? There is no other interesting story that can be told about virtual reality video games? \n\n (This was posted via cURL. Newlines might not work.)" https://dis.4ct.org/post.cgi
  7. Warning: skip unknown form field: noko=on
  8. Warning: skip unknown form field: thread=1594656468
  9. Warning: skip unknown form field: name=
  10. Warning: skip unknown form field: sage=
  11. Warning: skip unknown form field: reply=That is an astute observation. When I
  12. Warning: was watching that scene I was more caught up in the sexiness of it
  13. Warning: than the logic of it. I too would like to see a recreation of that
  14. Warning: scene but more true to the light novel. Also, Linel and Fizel were
  15. Warning: kinda sexy. \n\n Spoiler alert: at the end of 'Sword Art Online:
  16. Warning: Alicization' I felt somewhat sad to see the message which basically
  17. Warning: said 'all the stories have been told'. Really? There is no other
  18. Warning: interesting story that can be told about virtual reality video games?
  19. Warning: \n\n (This was posted via cURL. Newlines might not work.)
  20. <strong>Error: Board not defined</strong>
  21. C:\>curl -X POST -F "board=anime" -F "noko=on" -F "thread=1594656468" -F "name=" -F "sage=" -F "reply=That is an astute observation. When I was watching that scene I was more caught up in the sexiness of it than the logic of it. I too would like to see a recreation of that scene but more true to the light novel. Also, Linel and Fizel were kinda sexy. \n\n Spoiler alert: at the end of 'Sword Art Online: Alicization' I felt somewhat sad to see the message which basically said 'all the stories have been told'. Really? There is no other interesting story that can be told about virtual reality video games? \n\n (This was posted via cURL. Newlines might not work.)" https://dis.4ct.org/post.cgi
  22. <strong>Error: Board not defined</strong>
  23. C:\>curl -X POST -F "board=anime" -F "noko=on" -F "thread=1594656468" -F "name=" -F "sage=" -F "reply=That is an astute observation. When I was watching that scene I was more caught up in the sexiness of it than the logic of it. I too would like to see a recreation of that scene but more true to the light novel. Also, Linel and Fizel were kinda sexy. \n\n Spoiler alert: at the end of 'Sword Art Online: Alicization' I felt somewhat sad to see the message which basically said 'all the stories have been told'. Really? There is no other interesting story that can be told about virtual reality video games? \n\n (This was posted via cURL. Newlines might not work.)" https://dis.4ct.org/read.cgi/anime/post.cgi
  24. <strong>Error: Board not defined</strong>
  25. C:\>curl -X POST -F "board=anime" -F "noko=on" -F "thread=1594656468" -F "name=" -F "sage=" -F "reply=That is an astute observation. When I was watching that scene I was more caught up in the sexiness of it than the logic of it. I too would like to see a recreation of that scene but more true to the light novel. Also, Linel and Fizel were kinda sexy. \n\n Spoiler alert: at the end of 'Sword Art Online: Alicization' I felt somewhat sad to see the message which basically said 'all the stories have been told'. Really? There is no other interesting story that can be told about virtual reality video games? \n\n (This was posted via cURL. Newlines might not work.)" https://dis.4ct.org/read.cgi/anime/1594656468/post.cgi
  26. <strong>Error: Board not defined</strong>
  27. C:\>curl -X POST -F "board=anime" -F "noko=on" -F "thread=1594656468" -F "name=" -F "sage=" -F "reply=That is an astute observation. When I was watching that scene I was more caught up in the sexiness of it than the logic of it. I too would like to see a recreation of that scene but more true to the light novel. Also, Linel and Fizel were kinda sexy. \n\n Spoiler alert: at the end of 'Sword Art Online: Alicization' I felt somewhat sad to see the message which basically said 'all the stories have been told'. Really? There is no other interesting story that can be told about virtual reality video games? \n\n (This was posted via cURL. Newlines might not work.)" https://dis.4ct.org/read.cgi/post.cgi
  28. <strong>Error: Board not defined</strong>
  29. C:\>curl -X POST -F "board=anime" -F "noko=on" -F "thread=1594656468" -F "name=" -F "sage=" -F "reply=That is an astute observation. When I was watching that scene I was more caught up in the sexiness of it than the logic of it. I too would like to see a recreation of that scene but more true to the light novel. Also, Linel and Fizel were kinda sexy. \n\n Spoiler alert: at the end of 'Sword Art Online: Alicization' I felt somewhat sad to see the message which basically said 'all the stories have been told'. Really? There is no other interesting story that can be told about virtual reality video games? \n\n (This was posted via cURL. Newlines might not work.)" https://4ct.org/post.cgi
  30. <!DOCTYPE html>
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  45. C:\>curl -X POST -F "board=anime" -F "noko=on" -F "thread=1594656468" -F "name=" -F "sage=" -F "reply=That is an astute observation. When I was watching that scene I was more caught up in the sexiness of it than the logic of it. I too would like to see a recreation of that scene but more true to the light novel. Also, Linel and Fizel were kinda sexy. \n\n Spoiler alert: at the end of 'Sword Art Online: Alicization' I felt somewhat sad to see the message which basically said 'all the stories have been told'. Really? There is no other interesting story that can be told about virtual reality video games? \n\n (This was posted via cURL. Newlines might not work.)" https://dis.4ct.org/post.cgi
  46. <strong>Error: Board not defined</strong>
  47. C:\>curl -X POST -d "board=anime" -d "noko=on" -d "thread=1594656468" -d "name=" -d "sage=" -d "reply=That is an astute observation. When I was watching that scene I was more caught up in the sexiness of it than the logic of it. I too would like to see a recreation of that scene but more true to the light novel. Also, Linel and Fizel were kinda sexy. \n\n Spoiler alert: at the end of 'Sword Art Online: Alicization' I felt somewhat sad to see the message which basically said 'all the stories have been told'. Really? There is no other interesting story that can be told about virtual reality video games? \n\n (This was posted via cURL. Newlines might not work.)" https://dis.4ct.org/post.cgi
  48. <strong>Error: No comment</strong>
  49. C:\>curl -X POST -d "board=anime&noko=on&thread=1594656468&name=&sage=&comment=That is an astute observation. When I was watching that scene I was more caught up in the sexiness of it than the logic of it. I too would like to see a recreation of that scene but more true to the light novel. Also, Linel and Fizel were kinda sexy. \n\n Spoiler alert: at the end of 'Sword Art Online: Alicization' I felt somewhat sad to see the message which basically said 'all the stories have been told'. Really? There is no other interesting story that can be told about virtual reality video games? \n\n (This was posted via cURL. Newlines might not work.)" https://dis.4ct.org/post.cgi
  50. <strong>Error: Spam!</strong>
  51. C:\>
  53. --->
  55. Why? I am guessing due to this line in:
  56. <form action="/post.cgi" method="post" id="form1594656468" onsubmit="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; set_cookie(name.value,'name');this.reply.disabled=false">
  58. which is part of:
  59. <form action="/post.cgi" method="post" id="form1594656468" onsubmit="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; set_cookie(name.value,'name');this.reply.disabled=false">
  60. <input type="hidden" name="board" value="anime">
  61. <input type="hidden" name="noko" value="on">
  62. <input type="hidden" name="thread" value="1594656468">Name:
  63. <input type="text" name="name"> <label>
  64. <input type="checkbox" name="sage"><span></span> Sage</label>
  65. <input type="submit" value="Preview" name="reply">
  66. <input type="submit" value="Reply" name="reply"> <br><textarea name="message" rows="10" cols="128"></textarea><div class="hide">Leave this field blank: <textarea rows="2" name="comment"></textarea></div></form>
  68. That line requires JavaScript I guess. Update: https://dis.4ct.org/read.cgi/anime/1594656468?time=1647972748 posted via Firefox - "This was posted with JavaScript disabled." I guess cURL did not work due to the "window" object not existing or a user agent not specified. ("window" object: as in "!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers".)
  70. This was pasted via http://axuhongbo.top/paste/
  71.  vc: REUONIOY

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