Original Poster
Apr 19, 2021

Wrong Source / Medium

We have found that there is a Source/Medium to which conversions and traffic are being attributed, called “Google/Search”.
 The problem is that this Source/Medium is not related to “google/cpc” or “google/organic”. At the same time, we have not set any UTM that contains such values.
Besides, when we analyze “Google/Search” and the landing pages from which the traffic and conversions are coming, we see that they correspond to different Checkout, for example: “/checkout/#/emails”, “/checkout/#/payment”.
Could you please help us identify where this attribution comes from?
Thank you in advance for you time!
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Wibble wibble fish
Apr 19, 2021
The presence of # urls is strange. Have you altered GAs behaviour to include them?
Are those URLs that people normally visit as they are checking out?
Do people sometimes leave your site during the checkout process? e.g. to make a payment. 
How about creating a segment for Google / Search so you can see the behaviour of that traffic. Is it strange? 100% bounce rate? Strange country? Traffic is in bursts?
Check the Hostname dimension for this traffic, is it your domain?
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