I want to thank every single one of you who shared this video. I have heard from fans in Russia so I know it is breaking through. Keep pushing.
You can also share my Telegram we started to make it easier to spread inside Russia: https://t.me/aaschwarzenegger/…
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I love the Russian people. That is why I have to tell you the truth. Please watch and share.
We must terminate gerrymandering in every state, and I will keep fighting until all voters have the right to pick their politicians, instead of the politicians picking their voters and rigging the system.
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Larry Hogan
I want to thank this bipartisan group of governors, including @Schwarzenegger, @GovCTW, and Governor Easley, for speaking out against illegal gerrymandering in Maryland.
! I will treasure this and keep it on the wall in the gym to inspire me!
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Dee Snider
Amazing moment last night at The Arnold Fitness Fest when I got to present @Schwarzenegger, the man who inspired @TwistedSisterNY biggest album, a plaque for more than 8 million albums sold worldwide! #myhero
I'm here in Columbus, Ohio at @ArnoldSports Festival as a guest of @Schwarzenegger HIMSELF! He heard his book "Arnold: The Education of a Bodybuilder" guided my career, how the "Stay Hungry" album was all inspired by his words, & asked me to join him & play a few songs! #honor
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