1 Name: MAN : 1993-09-6002 15:54

I want to fuck you, DQN.
I know you say you're guys, the whole "No girls on the internet thing and all. But I know deep inside everyone of you is a ditzy slut that wants nothing more than to be allowed to shrug off the male role that you so pitifully fill, jump into some sexy clothes and worship a real man as his loyal bitch. I can't wait to see your lipstick red lips move up and down the shaft of my cock as you stare up at me with your darling big eyes. I want to see you struggle to take all my cum in your mouth without messing up your makeup. I want to see you buck your boypussy against my cock while you moan in ecstasy, in your orgasmic throes willingly surrendering every shred of your manhood to me. Many of you complain that girls ignore you and that you will never get laid. It's time that you realized what you have known all along, that you are not a real man worthy of a woman. You deserve, desire and hope for nothing other than to be a man's fucktoy girlfriend.

2 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6002 17:04

hoep u enjoy ur neckbeard fucktoy

3 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8757 15:18

I made a promise to myself that I'd pick a random old thread and bump it. Unfortunately, this thread's number came up.


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