A respectful, empathetic mssg, powerfully delivered. My favorite part? You asked permission. “I ask you to let me tell you the truth.” It’s a subtle way to create a receptive audience for what was to come. Masterfully done, Mr.
This is great message. But i don't know to whom i can send this in Russia. Because more people don't want to listen and watch alternative opinion. Thank you Arni for your message. Peace for everyone
Thank you, Sir, from Russia. Ukrainians suffer there, we suffer here, but the truth will come to the world definitely. We hope for the world's court. We live hoping for peace
"truth will come to the world definitely". ??? What do you mean ? the truth is the Soviet Army ..... oops .. the Russian Army is committing war crimes, so what other truth are we waiting for? the truth under the sign of Z
? really ???
you right. A lot of ru-ppl don't know "true about war in Ukraine" but a lot of ru-ppl know this true. But Rus* it's not USA or Ca we havn't "free guns for citizen" for change polit-course to 180 degr and-friend with world. My relatives broke my face when I told -Putin is criminal
one of the best messages sent out so far. Respectfull to all parties, clear and making people think of this whole sh*t. Arnold is even a bigger politician than he was an actor or sportsman
Маленьке уточнення про Юрія Власова:
Родился 5 декабря 1935 года в Макеевке (Донецкая область, Украина).
Отец — Пётр Парфёнович Власов (Владимиров) родился в Воронежской губернии(1905—1953)
Мать — Мария Даниловна (урождённая Лымарь) — родилась на Кубани (1905—1987).
Unfortunately, Russian soldiers knew the truth that they were going to a war. There are proofs in the messengers. They were contacting their families and lovers, who were giving them advice how to kill Ukrainians..
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