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Make money working from home. I do. Really. #earnmoneyonline #earnonline
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Thank you, , I will check it out. I have strong feeling you're probably quite right as a generation of war damaged men come home.
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Looking forward to seeing it Jane ! Happy Christmas to you & yours !
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really?I've seen the trailer looks AMAZING!cool i gotta check it!:) x
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you didn't find it to be simplistic pro-military patriotism porn?
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Wow. RT : Just saw "American Sniper" Powerful. Another view of "Coming Home." Bradley Cooper sensational. Bravo Clint Eastwood.
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Watched last night - agree w/ : Just saw "American Sniper" Powerful. Bradley Cooper sensational. Bravo Clint Eastwood.
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My wife finally talked me into forgiving her but forget? NEVER! another VN vet.
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how dare you speak of Chris Kyle and even mention his name you filthy traitor!
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how dare you call yourself an American! You betrayed U.S. Servicemen during the Vietnam War with Your Actions! You Disgust Me!
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that's funny coming from someone that had three heroes killed in Vietnam do to your friendship w/ the enemy. Those men trusted u!
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you've got no business seeing a movie about an American hero, you traitor! Go sympathize with aQ or ISIS.
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You know, for the longest time in life I hated too, for her past actions. Hated. If she has changed/matured, shouldn't we listen?
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thank you!! Coming Home was a movie spielberg reminded me to watch while writing this. I hope we can bring change.
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I agree! Seen this night in rome press premiere, yes another view of "Coming Home".
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,#HanoiJane.From a son of a Nam vet,Please keep your opinion to yourself on USA military matters/movie portrayels. #traitor
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`~So is Chris Kyle a hero?? A good post from a liberal...hmmm ...interesting!!
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40 years too late to appreciate the sacrifice of our servicemen just doing their job
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Jane must not have got the memo. “: Just saw "American Sniper" Powerful. Another view of "Coming Home." Bravo Clint Eastwood.
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Your positive review of #AmericanSniper means absolutely nothing to me. NOTHING you say means anything to me! Bob, Nam Vet, 66-68
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Ms. Fonda, you have redeemed yourself! Now, fight with the rest of us for American Liberty & Bill Of Rights!
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In my eyes Jane Fonda you are a traitor. Gary Bauer Army 62 to 64. Ex Tomb Guard at Unkown Soldier.
she is a traitor! There no borderline!
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Anyone can apologize but one must make reparations. I am not aware of any you have made but I don't really follow your life.
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Thank you Ms. Fonda for bucking what seems to be a trend amongst your Hollywood colleagues.
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<You are >Just Another DWW TRAITOR. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER Run to the Enemy and Betray our Soldiers.
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. - Jane, honey, you should change your password ASAP... I think someone has hijacked your account.
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@MissAlieNicole I so agree-thank you for your public praise of this movie #AmericanSniper #BradleyCooper #Oscars2015
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2little2late“: Just saw "American Sniper" Powerful.Another view of "ComingHome."Bradley Cooper sensational. Bravo Clint Eastwood.
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