Frequently Asked Questions
What is Snotr?
Snotr is a source for short and funny or interesting videos from all over the Internet.
Everyone can submit a video, by upload or submitting a link, which will be reviewed by our team.
If we accept your video by a voting system, it will be listed on the front page and other pages.
Users can rate videos and post comments to share their opinion with others.
Please note that we try to keep this website family-safe but there might be some adult jokes or accidents wich are not suitable for kids.
We try to mark that videos with a warning.
No Porn/Sexual/Nude content, Brutality or very graphic content will be published.
Viewer Discretion is Advised.
Why the name Snotr?
Because almost all short and good domain names are already taken. We thought Snotr sounded catchy and was nice and short. That's why we choose Snotr.
How to pronounce Snotr?
Please check our video: How to pronounce Snotr
What software do I need to use this website?
In order to watch our videos, you need a modern browser. Also make sure that you have JavaScript enabled, which is enabled by default in most web browsers. Finally, Cookies should be enabled, which is also a default setting.
What type of video formats can I submit?
You can submit videos of almost every video format. That includes WMV, QuickTime, RealMedia, XviD, DivX and MPEG (1, 2, 3 and 4).
Why should I register with Snotr?
You can register an account for free. Once you are registered, you have the right to rate videos and post comments.
I have lost my password. What to do?
You can reset your password by entering the email address you entered when you registered on Snotr. You will receive a mail that will allow you to reset your password.
I've got a suggestion, how can I reach you?
You can reach us by sending an email to
Can I place your video's on my own website?
Yes, you can embed our video's on your own websites using one of our 4 embed types. More information can be found on our special embeds page.
What to do if I want you to remove a copyrighted video from your website?
If you believe that your content has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please provide us with the following information:
- The exact URLs to the video(s), no complete categories or search queries.
- The complete name(s) of the content in question.
- Full contact information (including the name and phone number of the contact person), not a general anti-piracy mail address.
You can send your request to Please keep the correspondence polite.
We remove postings as soon as we can, usually within 24 hours. Keep in mind that we can only handle removal requests that comply with the rules mentioned above.
How can I advertise on Snotr?
Please send an email with your request to
Additional information
The smilies in comments are provided by the EmojiOne Project.