A $600 million yacht can help pay for rebuilding Ukraine.
So today, I'm introducing a bipartisan bill with to give the administration a new authority to dispose of sanctioned Russian oligarchs' frozen assets, and to use the proceeds to help Ukrainians.
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Typically, sanctioned assets are frozen, not permanently confiscated, an appropriate safeguard under more normal circumstances. But in this extraordinary case, we think it would be fitting and right to use the wealth that has supported Putin to help the country he is destroying.
We thought of naming the bill the "Funds Under Control of Kleptocrats for the Youth of Ukraine Act," in honor of the defenders of Snake Island. But perhaps that was an acronym too far . . . ![🙂]()
Strip and sell it for parts.
Exchange bits as remembrance tokens for donations to a designated Ukraine fund.
Rebuilding and ARMING, as they need to resist first to rebuild latter.
Seems like you should have to have a trial and prove the owner is guilty of a crime first...
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Someone said we should go after the oligarchs' girlfriends. But I say, save the effort. Once their yachts and mansions are gone, the girlfriends will be gone too.
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Confiscate, auction and buy Stingers for Ukraine
Add a clause, sanctioned individuals have to immediately declare all their assets. If later it is found they kept assets hidden, they lose everything. If they make a full declaration, they keep 5%
I wonder how easily it would sell. I guess there are a few multi-billionaires who could use an extra.
They could be turned into refugee transport vessels or medical aid support.
Why not use the to help Ukrainian ppl to evacuate?
Excellent idea Congressmen Malinowski and Wilson! Let’s hope can push the bill through the Senate. make sure this legislation happens! US must do everything can to support #Ukraine. The stakes are too high for all democracies.
I like the idea but Joe Wilson is disgusting. There were reflections of him at the most recent SOTU.
Jesus, there is an Abramovich owned mansion sitting on Governour's beach in St. Barts worth at least $100m. It would sell in a week. Time for France to step up.
Who do you think is gonna buy the boat?
I love this idea. Can we do it with wealthy U.S. folks for things like wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and when we supply weapons to other countries who use those weapons to bomb other countries?
What is being done to ensure that this authority would not be abused by future administrations?
Finally! This is what civil asset forfeiture SHOULD be used for, not stealing from innocent Americans! Change the law so it can only be used against those with more than $1Mil in assets, and then use it to take them down with all proceeds to #SlavaUkrayini
Republicans are going to call this a disturbing precedent, and I would like to disturb them further.
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