This is a tricky dilemma for China’s Communist Party, where accepting Putin’s actions means endorsing separatism. If Donetsk and Luhansk can be independent nations, then why not Taiwan?
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They must have known, at least in outline, what was coming, so you'd think they'd have worked out their line in advance. The state media dissonance is a sign of how difficult this is for China to reconcile
Yes, but if Ukraine is historically tied to Russia, the Taiwan issue is resolved, is it not?
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Why act in good faith when the people complaining in the west never have...
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China hasn’t even recognize Crimea as part of Russia. So not tricky for China.
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And Taiwan has order of magnitude more legitimacy to be recognized as an independent state than Donetsk and Luhansk do.
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Nah, they’ve got their ducks in a row a while back already. It’s “reunification” not “separatism”.
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Only if you totally ignore the founding principle of the United Nations and the current world order: that people have the inalienable right to self determination.
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Not even Taiwan, also applies to other areas including HongKong, Xijiang, Tibet and Macau!
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Jiang Zemin gave away huge area of land in the north east to Putin like a gift. There's no dilemma because contradictions are essential in communism.
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You are right, and I think this hard question will be dodged officially for a long time. Recognizing a separatist country just because some superpowers endorse it is against the core objective of Chinese diplomacy.
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This is a very tricky situation for US. If it denounces Donbas separation from Ukraine, then how can they support TW separation from China?
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Idk, what did they do the last time this happened, when Russia craved out chunks of Georgia and declared them independent so that they could be proper vassal states?
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Evan Feigenbaum
1/5: For those of you speculating about what the Chinese will now say about Donetsk/Luhansk, you might look at what China said in 2008 about Abkhazia and South Ossetia. For example:
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That's not how China will frame it:
These will essentially become part of Russia and controlled by them, not fully independent states. Exactly what China wants to achieve with Taiwan.
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It's silly too think they see it that way. They think a country can acquire territory through might. Do you think Putin will liberate Chechnya if Ukraine loses Donetsk?
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Why? Putin's stated justification is that the area was once conquered by Russia (according to the Russians). The PRC has already used that argument to lay claim to Taiwan, parts of Pakistan, all of Tibet, parts of Bhutan and India, and all of the "South China Sea"
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Taiwan's already independent, just not officially recognized as a country by many others out of fear of China cutting ties to them. It's a country in all ways but that. I don't know abut Ukraine, but we at least need to defend Taiwan.
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There are people who say Putin is a communist, but he is a Russian nationalist.
If he blocks China's One Belt One Road, that's a good thing.
Just the reverse, if US denounces the separation of Donbas from Ukraine, how could they agitate for an independent Taiwan, chew on it…![🙄]()
Because Taiwan has already been independent for 73 years?
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Solution: Donetsk and Luhansk will join the Russia Federation as soon as Ukraine really shows no hope to regain control over them. I bet on it.
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Simple. Because Putin only wants them to be separate for long enough to annexe them without “invading Ukraine”?
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Yeah why Not Uyghur’s Occupied Country East Turkistan ( Aka Xinjiang ) and Tibet…!? East Turkistan and Tibet should be independence as well…
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Maybe the key is that D and L are pro-Russia, so doesn’t really matter if they are independent or not - just like there are many countries who are independent but actually just puppets for the US.
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The CCP doesn’t mind being hypocritical. You should know this by now. The CCP lives by the motto 人不要臉天下無敵.
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The whole drama unfolding in Europe seems to never ring a bell with many Anglophones that USA being pulling the same stunt in Eastern China that Russia is pulling in Eastern Ukraine. China is tired of this crap because a myriad of old empires already did it 1 & 2 centuries ago.
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They already don’t recognize Crimea, South Ossetia, or Abkhazia, so I’m not sure what you think would be different about Donetsk and Luhansk.
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What if Taiwan insists on independence from now on? Will the US recognize it?
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If the west supports Taiwan's seperation then why not Donetsk
or Hawaii or Puerto Rico .
Hawaii isn't disputing that it is a part of the US. Puerto Rico voted to remain a US Territory, but rejected US Statehood. Two very different scenarios- also neither of which represent a territory with it's own democratically elected national government and military.
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China doesn't really have to say anything, they can stay neutral like they did with Georgia in 2008.
Longer version: LPR/DPR historically belong to Russia just as Taiwan historically belongs to China. Kyiv is the real separationist keeping LPR/DPR from reuniting with Russia.
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Why not, indeed, for HK, East Turkestan, Tibet, Inner Mongolia? After all, there are reasons that these are Autonomous Regions, or 1C2S in HK's case (sadly no longer respected by #CCP) - historically not part of PRC & ethnic composition, history, lang & culture are different.
In fact, TW, HK, East Turkestan, Tibet, Inner Mongolia have stronger claims to indepedence than Crimea, where today's population a result of USSR's genocide, ethnic cleansing & deportation of Tatars.
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Hahahaha…. The ball is in America’s hand!! USA can try n singed the same thing on Taiwan and let’s see what will happened!! Don’t talk only….. dare to action
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