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[YUME] Post in here every time you remember your dream [SIGNS]

362 Name: VIPPER 2021-06-23 01:55
I was eating some girl's pussy, but she kept yelling "OW!!" whenever I did it, regardless of how gently I tried to approach the clitoris. My feline devouring tactics are usually met with better criticism than that, and I woke up feeling strangely offended/embarrassed that I couldn't figure out the preferred approach for this imaginary female.
363 Name: VIPPER 2021-06-25 14:17
I had a jam session and then drank with the homies. Later on, I went on a bike ride around a town that was a mix between my hometown, my old collwgw campus and a hint of my new ciry. There were a lot of steep downhills and technique turns to get where I wanted to go, but I remember telling myself "come on motherfucker, you can do it" and then blowung through it all without issue. I ended up in a locale from my old college that was now filled with forwign exchange students and an aggressively attractive girl who was taking street photos of them from a perch. I was weaving through the crowd feeling very content when I woke up. I think this dream was just saying that I miss the homies, and that it's just about time for my vacation to conclude.
364 Name: VIPPER 2021-07-05 12:14
Had a dream that I chose hoes before bros. The bro that I told I was ditching for some random woman was very sad and disappointed, and kind of angry. I actually had IRL plans for today with this bro, so it hit extra hard. I awoke feeling very stressed, but slowly reality hit that I was A) still single and B) still on time for our business.
365 Name: VIPPER 2021-07-24 12:24
I was teaching at some kind of music event. This was after a good bit of travel to different locales that I don't remember in full detail. My charges were a bunch of college age scrubs and a few of my friends who also wanted to learn.

The actual teaching part was rather fun, and later I was going over a map with this beautiful girl who was getting flirty with me. Suddenly a guy from another group came over and spilled his spaghetti trying to talk shit on me/convince the girl to ditch me. He was a very "incel"-ish type, throwing out statistics and asking her to look at infographs. The girl was having none of it, though, and roasted him viciously. His last gambit was to say "forget this asshole, and come have a drink with *me.*" She replied in earnest, "you look like a shithead."

There were more adventures to be had in this setting, and I got much closer with this dream girl as my sleep continued, but I awoke before anything lewd occurred. Overall a solid 8/10 dream, a good experience with lots of different scenes to explore. The opportunity to do a little harm-free punching down was fun, too.
366 Name: VIPPER 2021-07-26 12:20
Dreamt I, that I was joining some people home for a party, and was walking through this train station where this kind of odd-faced woman with lots of runic facial tattoos and glasses and long blond hair was asking young men if she could join them for a party. I walked very quickly to get to the next train so I could join the others, but as I exited the passage she was in, she grabbed my shoulder and asked me if I was going to a party. I said yes, I am joining those guys, and I pointed at the exact place where they were sitting in the party. Then we were there, in the party.

We were three men and the woman brought her friend. Something happened and there was a bit of a long period of some noise that kept me from remembering this part clearly, but it skipped ahead and the women were now naked and standing in front of us, and the three of us men were laying on our backs on the floor. The woman with the facial tattoos and glasses had perhaps the most luxuriously squishy soft body I have seen. Bald pinky pussy, big hips, thicc thighs, round buttcheeks, and nice round tits that looked super soft. She laid down on her back in front of me and her friend said something like we should decide who goes first. They then went to the wall and it was now suddenly a TV-show lottery.

As they stood against the wall, an elderly man came to me and asked me to fix his fence. I wanted pussy, not to fix his fence, but I think he told me I lost the bet and had to help him, then I could return to pussy later. I woke up pretty fast.
367 Name: VIPPER 2021-07-27 15:14
This dream felt so real that it was like I experienced ego death. I had no notion that it wasn't my real, actual life until it was almost completely over. In my new dream existence, I was a soldier in some kind of futuristic military, like the USMC but in space. Something happened in the middle of a battle and I awoke in a strange room with some basic furnishings and a TV. I'd eventually learn that I'd somehow been transported to either a different dimension or a diferent planet, it was still a little unclear. The people here were simultaneously futuristic and medieval, they dressed like the elves from Lord of the Rings mixed with Star Trek. I interacted with a few of them, mostly guards and a noblewoman who admonished me for painting on my cell's walls(?), before being granted a meeting with the king himself. It was a really big deal, and as a soldier I was extremely polite and tried to follow his army's protocols as far as saluting/bowing to him went. He told me that I was a prisoner of war, and that my fate would be decided in the "games" several hours from now. The meeting adjourned after a few more state of the union-type announcements, and I was taken toward a different area of the king's castle by the guards I had been speaking to earlier.

At this point me and the guards were pretty friendly, and I guess I'd gotten some brownie points for how I behaved during the meeting, so I learned that one of them was going to have to fight me for the "games." They seemed to doubt the system as much as me, and I tried softly convincing them to spare my life if they bested me, as I'd do the same for them. The one who was going to fight was doubtful at first, but then we got to a training field and had a spar that changed his mind. Apparently the top soldiers in this place fought with magic that they summoned by calling elements' names. I saw him starting to do this, and mimicked his technique. To my surprise, my hands started feeling hot, and when I kept trying I could actually create and throw balls of fire. My magic was stronger than his, and he laughed and said that he couldn't kill me even if he wanted to.

They were taking me back to my cell when I had the slightest notion that everything could have been a dream. Even then though, I thought that this was a dream that soldier-me was having, not real-me. I tried hard and was able to pull myself back up to the first level of dreaming, but soldier-me was so enthused with the whole situation that I wanted to see the rest of the dream, so I laid back down and fell back into the magic dream. We went into the marketplace, bought treats and were about to head for the big fight when I finally woke up for real. I'd rate this experience a 9/10 for the immersiveness alone, and on top of that the set pieces and characters were more beautiful than words can capture. My "lucid" dream-ception near the end was extremely fun as well--since soldier-me knew I was dreaming, all the stress from the prisoner situation was gone, and I could just hang out and enjoy the scenery.
368 Name: VIPPER 2021-08-13 12:24
Dreamt that I was at some kind of jam. We were about to play Caravan when I realized that the saxophone player was the professor from my undergrad. He cut the shit out of everyone, he had just played the famous break perfectly when I woke up.
369 Name: VIPPER 2021-08-25 11:18
A trio gig came up that had us playing for a pornstar. The description of the thing seemed to imply that we would play with her, then "play with" her. Me and my friends discussed this offer in detail, as we had never participated in group sex before. We all came to the eventual conclusion that out of all of the homies, we were the ones that we each would feel the most comfortable doing that with, so we took up the offer. We jumped in my car and sped to the right address as quickly as possible, on some kind of Pokemon-like overworld map. She'd gone to the wrong address on accident, but eventually showed up. The lady was aggressively beautiful. She told us to run and get snacks and condoms, and we had a brief side scene of us bouling in a CVS. When we returned, she already had gummies, other candy and 7 or 8 of those giant packs or condoms. We said fuck it and started eating the candy with her. Something changed after we had the gummies, though--things got very trippy, and none of us could keep the concept of fucking this girl in our head any longer. In a moment of clarity I said "goddammit, don't do this yet," begging myself to stay asleep. The fuckening never occurred though, and we were all tripping balls in what was now a desert landscape while weird indy/acid rock music played in the background. I woke up soon afterward. A brief attempt to sleep again yielded a continuation of the dream where the pornstar was fucking our still-tripping bodies, but I awoke once more soon after with a powerful morning's wood. I'll give this one a 6/10 out of spite--it was cohesive and fun, but goddammit the tease at the end was frustrating.
370 Name: VIPPER 2021-08-31 10:53
I was trapped in a purgatory of wake n fake dreams where the objective was the same, but the circumstances kept changing. I had a gig to play with someone, but on each lebel of this hellish dream I was in a slightly different place in my life, owned a different car, and the city looked different. The only other throughline was that I kept waking up on time and watching things spiral until I was late for the gig. In one dream I hung out with friends too long and then my car wouldn't start, in another my engine blew out immediately in the parking garage. In the longest, most stressful one, I was in classes in college somewhere. This time the gig in question was duo with my best friend. I went through the entire day, doing class, learning weird incorrect things that I took dead seriously because dream logic, and eventually meeting a couple qt girls. The realization that I still had that gig hit me like a truck, ans I sprinted out of the college with my shit and tried to get to the parking garage on the other side of the city. I didn't make it anywhere close to the garage until the sky was dark, I lost half of my things along the way too. I was flinging myself over a fence to try and get inside quicker when I came hurtling back into thr real world. I'm still deathly afraid of being late, and I'm gonna get to work right now.

An aside that I just remembered while typing this out: on one level of this hell, there was a scene where I was watching a vtuber who was simultaneously a real person, by dream logic. She read some lewd copypasta and then full-on masturbated on stream, going so far as to coerce her pet monkey(?) into licking her vagina. I remember thinking, "damn, they finally caught up to Melody's business model." I believe this happened near the start of the final tier of that nightmare.
371 Name: VIPPER 2021-09-01 09:43
I had a lewd dream tonight because I haven't squished soft for a while. I dreamt I was in school again and one of the teachers offered me her boobs to suck on so she pulled her sweater up and her bra down and let me snuggle in between her boobs. We then laid down on a soft blanket on the ground and cuddled. She was much larger than me but soft and squishy. I felt safe.
372 Name: VIPPER 2021-09-05 02:09
You ever have a dream where you become lucid and your only objective becomes to wake up and escape the dream as fast possible? I had a dream last night in which, after I realized I was in a dream, I began to "swim" upwards through the very fabric of my dream. It was fabric in a very literal sense, like heavy blankets, which I pushed aside with my arms. For some reason, this ritual did quickly bring about my return to consciousness, although, I was waylaid by a female on whom I used my newly-found Bruce Almighty powers to make her breasts and ass expand. I realized too late that she was a saggy, obese 50-year-old woman which activated my fight-or-flight response and jolted me into conscious awareness. Or it might have been the sound of a car peeling out very loudly in front of my house that roused me from my slumber. It's hard to say.
373 Name: VIPPER 2021-09-05 14:02
Me and a friend were driving to a friend's house but when we got there it was either being owned by someone else or his father was in town visiting, or something. Normally we'd just go meet him in his backyard and boul, but this mystery man stopped us and grilled us about what we were doing here. We lied that we were going to fix something on his roof, when he ventured that possibility. Despite the fact that it was clearly the middle of the dream night, he believed us and started complaining about all the "wheat grains" on his roof. He grumpily told us, "if you really are roof workers then you'll know what wheat grains are, and you'll get at least 600 of them off of my roof. There's so many up there because of all these damned meteors." My buddy had a great pokerface, replying that he'd get started while I drove the car for some more supplies.

I proceeded to go on a trippy journey in a car through a hilly kind of wilderness. I really don't know what I was supposed to be getting, but I googled "wheat grains" on my ohone and got pictures of the moon and flowers. Eventually a box of trash bags just materialized into my inventory and I booked it back toward the house.

Getting there, I hade to stealth through multiple floors to reach my friend on the roof. The house from the inside was built like a mix between a corporate skyscraper and an old mansion, and there was some sort of ball happening. Eventually I got out onto the roof, and my buddy thanked me for my good research. He said he'd gotten 10000 of these "wheat grains" off of the roof. We proceeded to just hang out for a minute, since we'd done all of this work already. A meteor shower started, and my friend wrapped his arm around my waist. This eventually progressed semi-leedly, with him smooching my neck and touching a bit further down my legs. Eventually he stopped, saying "whoa wait a minute, this is a little gay isn't it?" I reminded him that literally all of that had been his doing. He shrugged and said "Oh yeah, you're right," then returned to snuggling me. I don't know whether to chalk it up to dream logic or my own freudian inner nonsense, but I was extremely receptive to his advances and enjoyed the intimate scene until I woke up. I guess that's what I get for hearing someone discuss fujoshi before bedtime.
374 Name: VIPPER 2021-09-09 16:40
H ad a very vivd dream about live baby goats being fed into some kind of massive grinder. Like there was an entire facility whose sole purpose was for grinding up live goats. My dad explained to me in the dream that I had missed too many important life milestones at the age of 30 and that it was time for me to die but he would get caught if they buried my body in the yard so he had to sneak my corpse into the goat mill. My brain also composed some original Silent-Hill-esque music to accompany the slaughter but I forgot the music within minutes of waking up. Why can't I compose music when I am awake?
375 Name: VIPPER 2021-09-11 14:56
Dreamt that me and a good number of the homies were going out to see a movie at a place that was simultaneously a drive-in theater and a normal theater through the magic of inconsistent dream logic. The film was pretty consistent even as thr locale and situation shifted a little--it was some kind of spy thriller with a Bond-like character saying nonsensical one liners. There were a few strange interruptions like sniper attacks and a whole RTS section where I controlled me and the boys, probably holdovers from how much Men of War I've been playing. Eventually some of the homies left or changed seats/parking placements, leaving me and my buddy from the previous rooftop maintenance dream alone. As soon as our friends gave us space, he pulled me closer and I rested my head on his shoulder. We kept it PG like that for the rest of the movie until I woke up. Overall another comfortable dream, but it's not helping me figure out what my subconscious is trying to tell me about my relationship with this one friend. Either some part of me is a GAYS, or I'm suffering new symptoms from an advanced case of zero pussy.
376 Name: VIPPER 2021-09-13 03:57
Had a dream that I was being permanently institutionalized and they had to remove my teeth to keep me from biting the orderlies but their chosen method of tooth removal was to slowly grind away my tooth enamel with a nail file.
377 Name: VIPPER 2021-09-13 11:14
There were a few really memorable moments that I hung onto. I know I was hanging out with friends in an apartment that wasn't my apartment. I was scrolling on instagram and came across the page of a musician who was posting extremely graphic, legit porn with a hot girl that I've had a music crush on for a minute. I thought to myself that it would be a great fap opportunity, but I was around my friends and refrained.

The bigger, more intense part of the dream was when some sort of black hole opened up just a few blocks from my apartment. We could fully see the warp from my window, shit started going down. My vision would get all trippy, and after a lot of push and pull entire pieces of the scenery outside would change, or the entire environment would become something else. Our apartment building was in the middle of a storm at times, or in a forest, a lot of different shit. My friends didn't realize it was happening at first, but eventuallly we were all in it just wondering what we could even do to get out in one piece. Eventually the dimension shifted into something where we were all different people, and I don't think any of us remembered the previous ordeal. I was now one of the comic characters that I draw, and completely oblivious I grabbed my bike and went out to make deliveries. At a local bar people knew me by name and offered me free food, which was nice, and then I awoke. This dream was fun but honestly scary, words can't describe how huge and cosmic the black hole/warp zone experience felt in-dream. It was one of those "I'm probably done living now" moments, and I'm glad to have woken up from it.
378 Name: VIPPER 2021-09-16 11:24
I was running around some college taking photos. I forget some of the earlier events, but I know that I had somewhere specific to be, and my bike was going to take me there. I got a little lost and had to parkour my bike around a number of obstacles, most famously a set of stairs inside a building that I managed to bunny hop up. All of this adventuring eventually led to me meeting an exceedingly soft girl. She was interested in my bike and camera,and we chatted for a while.

Eventually, there was a jump in the scenery and I was now talking with her further in her apartment. A very scrawny, awkward guy was there too, he introduced himself as one of her friends. The hang was alright and I was trying to get out again to continue dream biking, but the girl kept trying to show me more things on her phone while getting more feelsy. I could tell that her friend/simp didn't enjoy this at all, and it culminated in him awkwardly coming up and pecking her on the forehead before retreating and sitting silently. The soft girl's response was to start aggressively, lewdly kissing on me. It was hot and the dream's ass physics were absolutely stellar, but I was also a little weirded out by whatever the girl and this dude's dynamic was, and I really did want to go out and take more photos. My escape attempts were feeble though, and soon she was straddling me. She was saying something and grinding on my chinchin when I awoke. I'll give this dream a strong 8.5/10, some great moments and alright scenery followed by an equally alright lewd scene. I just wish I could have spent a little more time jumping around this fictional campus on my bike.
379 Name: VIPPER 2021-09-16 11:30
As I posted I remembered one more part of the dream--as I tried to figure out where to go during the first half, I pulled out Google Maps, but the map looked like an old Asia painting and there was gold calligraphy written everywhere. I remember thinking, ,"shit, my phone's still in Japanese," and trying to calculate the real route to take since "Japanese Maps is extra polite, so they take an hour longer on all projected routes." A little culture lesson thought up by my errant brain
380 Name: VIPPER 2021-09-16 12:13
As I am still vividly remembering the dream I had three nights ago, here goes:

Dreamt I, that the world was being overrun by a berserk procedural creation algorithm, in which everything structurally manmade was possible to change in mere minutes, and the scale would almost always be off (probably caused by 32-bit floats). This lead to a lot of hilarious but also despairingly uncomfortable constructions. The algorithm tried to operate from China with shaynese scales in mind, and recreated a Taipei in my living room while I was sleeping.

I went traveling by double decker buses to some place in the countryside where the procedural algorithm was trying to merge with Pokemon and Tamagotchi. I was somehow thrown into my flat again, only this time it was years abandoned. It had a note on the floor in which the people who lived in the neighbourhood tried to reach out to me to get the people together again so we could organise and survive this parametric onslaught.

Then woke I up.
381 Name: VIPPER 2021-09-19 09:13
I'm noticing a trend of my dreams becoming increasingly vivid which I am not sure I enjoy. They also seem to be more coherent and follow a plot.

Mine started with me attending college classes (I graduated years ago). I had lost my backpack and was looking around frantically for it. It became late and I could see the stars above. As I looked to the heavens, a "TR-3B" UFO with glowing orange lights in each corner flew overhead. Like many depictions, it was slightly isoceles. It pulled me closer and closer toward it (there was no visible tractor beam). Rather than be taken directly into the craft, I was greeted with excruciating burning pain especially on the backs of my hands. Which I surmised was the aliens performing a preliminary test of my ability to tolerate pain.
382 Name: VIPPER 2021-09-19 09:33
Oops, I posted before I was finished. Continuing on the with alien story:

The dream segued to me being trapped with one other man in a spacious room kind of like a cross between a cafeteria and a hotel room. It was dimly lit and we had a sense of being observed. Over time, new inhuman inhabitants would enter the room through hatches in the ceiling. We covered in fear as large, furby-like blue-and-white creatures, perhaps the size of a large dog, entered the room. They ambled about aimlessly not directly interacting with us. We were more terrified of the blobs of sentient uncooked hamburger meat which soon appeared. They, like the furbies, made no attempt to approach and instead milled about harmlessly.

I was stunned when a claw apparatus emerged from the ceiling and began to form the meatwads into the shape of Alice Margatroid with skin, clothing, hair etc. Other recognizable characters began to appear. We were so transfixed, we had allowed the furbies to draw very near which still did nothing.

At last, many other humans we're corralled into the space from elsewhere. Gas began to be pumped into the room which I could not avoid breathing. I stood and looked out the windows to see a terrestrial landscape: towering buildings and also great pine trees against a blue sky and cumulus clouds. The last thing I saw was *sigh* immense balloons advertising McDonalds and giant helium-filled fumos floating in the sky.
383 Name: VIPPER 2021-09-19 20:52
i've been having some boring ass dreams like about cheese in the fridge cabinet, or a bowl of cheerios in the bathtub, or the guy who's girlfriend i stole in high school got a new girlfriend... yawn wtf
384 Name: VIPPER 2021-09-29 10:14
Had my first penetrative sex dream in some time. The girl was shifting a bit, but she shared qualitiea from a couple different IRL interests, like my hard-nippled friend from so long ago. My jimmy ran deep, as the urban youth would say, and I was laying pipe slowly and meaningfully as she simultaneously complained about and complimented the length/girth of my penis. I could feel some hentai physics at play, with my dick pressing against her cervix and sort of stretching it further inward. Eventually more people were going to enter my dream apartment, and we stopped the fuckening.

There was a whole middle section of the dream revolving around screenwriting or game dev or something, but it's much hazier. Later still, I hopped on my bike and went down the street to a gas station to buy a wrap and a 40. Some cops walked in amd cut in front of me, and when I brought it up one took my hat off and shook it at me. "Do you know how many YEARS OF SACRIFICE I've given to wear my hat?" he asked me in a very 'punch-my-face' tone. I deeacalated the situation, and when I left I talked mad shit with the cashier about them. The man appreciated my attempt to stand up to what was apparently a repeat problem, and my food and 40 were free. I was about to leave when I heard a tiny meow in another aisle. Excited to adopt a stray kitten, I started looking for it, but it got the jump on me and dug its claws into my ass. I screamed like a cartoon character and awoke with a monumental erection. For the sex alone this dream is a 9/10, and the worldbuilding in the rest of it was strong. I have to say that this probably means I am officially down horrendously bad though, and should start looking for a new squish eventually
385 Name: VIPPER 2021-10-19 11:27
I visited some giant, industrial-sized anime store. There was some kind of drama in the parking garage, from what I caught of the conversation some imageboard user was flipping out about stock society things. Unfazed, I hiked up the short shorts that I was apparently wearing and went inside. The vibe was interesting--lots of people were in cosplay, even a group of old men near the hentai section who were dressed like colorful, cartoony yakuza members. Overall I had a fun and relaxing time just browsing the store and eventually walking out to revisit my car. I awoke shortly after overhearing one of the store's owners on the phone with a patch supplier, securing the bag. Overall I'll give this a strong 7.5/10. Even without a real plot, exploring the vibe and the setting was very enjoyable.
386 Name: VIPPER 2021-10-19 18:18
Dreamt that I shat worms, like big grey earthworm things, and was looking for a way to treat it.
387 Name: VIPPER 2021-10-23 02:22
Had a dream that my teeth were falling out but then a cute girl sat on my lap only for me to recoil in horror when I could feel her foot-long girlboner. Then some people cornered me in a room, pulled down their pants and blasted me with steams of diarrhea for being cringe and not making sufficient progress on my indie game development ambitions.
388 Name: VIPPER 2021-11-04 07:07
I was hanging out in some kind of rehearsal space, watching an old friend that I haven't seen in a while play drums for a university big band. The director had a number of assistamts who were also my friends, and as the rehearsal went on they kept running up to me and the director with various substances to use. At one point, acclaimed vibraphonist Joel Ross came out of nowhere with a bowl for me to hit, and even though I didn't know him as well I did it out of respect. The drug physics were extremely well-crafted, and by this point I was genuinely fucked up and trying to keep it together by laying on the ground and moving my legs around. The assistants all huddled to review what they'd already offered the director and me, and I heard Joel ask "the one with the Xanax?" at one point. I've never taken Xanax but fucked-up dream me thought that this made perfect sense to desceibe my currenr state. Eventually the rehearsal ended and morphed into a party featuring an ornery dog and a bunch of hot girls. Things were going alright for high dream-me, but then the dog somehow found and ripped my favorite plushie, which kind of killed the vibe and brought me down. I was packing up with my friends and planning the sewing mending job when I awoke. This was a guaranteed 9/10, I got to do drugs and party with stunning accuracy without leaving my bed or spending a dime.
389 Name: VIPPER 2021-11-05 09:26
Some strange series of events led to a rogue military officer invading my home while me and a friend were hanging out. He was trying to silence us about something or other that we'd read, and he pulled a gun. I was able to do the old Arnold classic and goad him into entering a knife fight with me, leveling the playing field. After a lot of MGS CQC-type fighting with honestly pitiful shlrt kicks and jabs from both of us, I got a particularly good counter amd went buck wild, stabbing the man to complete death with a flurry of strikes to the neck, chest and back. I think the body just kind of despawned or something, because all we were left to worry about was a couple small splotches of red that looked like droplets of wine on the floor. We were stressing over an alibi in case other officers came investigating the man's disappearance when I woke up.
390 Name: VIPPER 2021-11-12 12:39
dreamed that my mother and sister drove me off to a psychiatric ward where I got injected with something
391 Name: VIPPER 2021-11-12 15:22
That wasn't a dream.
392 Name: VIPPER 2021-11-13 10:51
Dream'ded I that I was in the subsaharan Africum along the east coast of it somewhere below the horn. This must have been't some early turn of the century/WW1-type of steampunkenings in the settings because of all the oddly time-appropriate British-explorer dressed locals. The weapon-ree was equally as time-appropriate like Maxim guns, pig boar rifles and revolvers.

There was this massive tiger that got turned into a cyborg tiger that was being used by a local negrotribe to invade the territories of the other negrotribes. I got to follow and even ride that massive tiger as it attacked the negrotribes. Since ammo was scarce the negrotribes shooting at the cyborg tiger quickly ran out of ammo and had to switch to spears and arrows instead. A lot of spears and arrows were heaved and chucked at the tiger but it just didn't stop its ferocious attacks. It gained a cast metal back-mounted artillery platform which was used by myself and a few other negroes to shoot tiny pellets at the surrounding negrotribes.

Suddenly the cyborg tiger disappeared and I was forced toward the coast by the archers of the negrotribes. They kept shooting me in the back but the arrows turned into toothpicks when they approached me and they never hurt me. The negrotribe archers all grinned eerily and creepily while they launched arrows at me. As I realised I was bleeding heavily from my back from hundreds of toothpicks getting stuck there, up I woked.
393 Name: VIPPER 2021-11-19 13:42
Had an absolutely cracked lewd yume. I came home to two incredibly hot step-sisters who IMMEDIATELY seduced me into fugging and eating them out on my bed. I was actually able to finish in-dream, and the dream cum was so powerful it felt like I was gettting a headache. Soon after though, I got a call from a friend saying that I was late for a job. That led to a panic as I literally ran around town on foot, trying to figure out how to get to the gig. Reviewing the yume thread, this kind of spook has been lightly recurring in my yumes. Given everything happening in my real life, maybe the theme of this dream was really "these hoes are slowing you down."
394 Name: VIPPER 2021-12-02 07:24
My apartment building was surrounded on all sides by drones shaped like tiny taxidermized tigers and sharks. I was listening to this lady talk about communism on my phone and hiding from the drones while my perspective kept jumping to being a member of the drones' R&D team. Eventually apartment me got found and shot through a window, it fucking hurt and I awoke to the same spiel about communism playing on my TV. Youtube autoplay went wherever the hell it wanted to after I crashed, it seems.
395 Name: VIPPER 2022-01-04 19:31
Dreamed of a "Scythian pizza" that consisted of pineapples and a small pie in the centre that was filled with chestnut paste. I woke up before I could eat it, though.
396 Name: VIPPER 2022-01-07 05:05
7 bi pop -> 4 bi pop
397 Name: VIPPER 2022-01-07 10:43
I was watching/living in a Columbo episode simultaneously. I was both the viewer and maybe Columbo himself. We knew who the killer was, this Pacific asian lady with a bow and arrows. Most of the time was spent just Columbo-ing around some sort of hilly plain with the other suspects/victims, until shit went completely to the left. Columbo sent everyone into this giant pitch black mansion with the killer, and locked the door. When everyone started freaking out, he said "I'm sorry, but the only way to find the to make them kill again." One of the victims-to-be yelled "Is it really?!" But Columbo just made an edgy face and started walking away from the door. I woke up before the murderizing began.
398 Name: VIPPER 2022-01-11 12:42
Had a dream that I was looking at nature pictures on Wikimedia Commons and then my computer got destroyed by a virus. Then I woke up and remembered that I use Ginoo Slash Linucks
399 Name: VIPPER 2022-01-11 13:29
I was trapped in some kind of witch's castle or cave. Lots of magic fuckery and spooks, and also a strange Squid Game-esque plot going on at the same time where other prisoners were playing life-or-death magic games for profit. I escaped my dank basement cell and started making my way through the witch's labyrinth with the intent to kill her. The journey was scary but also pretty unique and colorful, I kept thinking to myself "this is like a Miyazaki film." Eventually, I entered a door and came face to face with a full recreation of an old friend's old bedroom. He was sitting in there playing video games. Apparently he'd won one or two of the death games already and couldn't be assed to risk death for freedom, so he'd taken his magical winnings and made a tiny safe pocket dimension within the witch coven instead. We caught up for a while, said our goodbyes and then I went on my way.

The journey took weirdly long compared to my usual dreams but me and a couple allies eventually busted out and hitchhikedaway. The man that we got a ride from was secretly corrupted by the witch though, and there was this horny sequence where we saw the inside of his head. He was hallucinating that he was rubbing up on a VERY tight and attractive torso, possibly a tomboy's. Suddenly we snapped back to reality as the guy committed vehicular manslaughter aainst a lady who was fixing her car on the side of the road. Me and my cohort got out of the car and were preparing to fight this dude when I awoke.

Later I dreamt that I was grocery shopping with friends down in my hometown. It wasn't as eventful, but I can also appreciate a good "friend sim" dream when I haven't seen the homies in a minute. We ran into an old crush and one of my friends shittalked her to her face, and then I woke up for real. Overall between these two, we've got a strong 8 or 9/10 dreaming experience. Just a lot of fun setups and enough time to really stretch out and explore them.
400 Name: benzeen 2022-01-11 20:54
I was the lead in a "Friends" type sitcom. Someone would say/ask something and I'd respond with a witty answer/remark/comeback and get a huge laugh (quickly cut off after 2 seconds, of course). After a short while, I actually realized that WHATEVER I said would get the same glowing response from the (invisible) audience, so I just started to assault my co-stars; verbally and physically. As long as I paused and looked into the 'camera' after my foul and increasingly sick actions, I'd recieve endless praise and adoration, several times per minute! Ha!

Poor poor Rachel. She was there at the start, as were lots of people who weren't in Friends; who weren't even tv/movie stars... I'm so, so sorry Natalie. You didn't deserve the awful things I did to you, you really believed me when I said I'd stop, didn't you? At first, anyway.

I'll be there for yoooo~~
401 Name: VIPPER 2022-01-12 12:04
I was trying to make a post in the "Bump this Thread every time you visit for the FIRST TIME today!" thread, but it asked me to fill out a reCAPTCHA. After twenty or so failed attempts, I got mad, wrote a hate letter to Google calling them "niggeroids", and woke up.
402 Name: VIPPER 2022-01-14 13:01
I was walking down the street when I noticed someone following me. This guy suddenly pulled out an enormous blade, like one of those hunks of metal that inmates turn into makeshift knives/machetes. Someone said "yeah get him, get him too," and I knew they were talking about me. I broke into a sprint but I was now also a small child, and my chances didn't look good. I just kept screaming for help until a couple other kids flanked the assailant and started absolutely murking him. I joined them in killing the bastard and took his weapon. They invited me to their cabin by the river to chill with them until the heat died down, and I accepted the offer. Also at the cabin was a qt older woman, and this penguin alien thing that I recognized as the developed form of the alien embryo from a smaller dream that I'd had earlier in the night.

Things were alright for a while, they had other trophy weqpons from other bandits that they'd killed so I upgraded to a mace/hatchet looking thing. I thought all was good until we noticed a creepy older man in the field out back. We all grabbed our weapons and ran out to see him retreating with a dog. I realized too late that he was probably a hunter. As soon as I thought that, an arrow appeared in my pocket. When I pulled it out my leg suddenly felt very wet, and I knew dream logic had meant the pocket arrow to suggest that I'd been shot. I started staggering back toward the house while screaming that he had a bow, but I got super lightheaded and promptly awoke. I remember that my next dream was violent as well, but I can't recall it.
403 Name: VIPPER 2022-01-22 15:28
I was having a social gathering in my apartment. I think the aim was to watch an anime film, although I forget which one. Originally it was just going to be me and a homie, but suddenly I received a text from my hard-nippled companion of yore that said that she was in town and would like to come by. This prompted us to scramble to buy additional snacks and drugs, a task that somehow morphed into a crime thriller adventure halfway through. I remember events such as using secret exits to sneak through alleys, putting on disguises to meet with spies in a Goodwill store and smuggling large amounts of pizza and cake from the local law enforcement. We eventually got what we needed and returned to my apartment, where we found several uninvited guests smoking weed and asking for blankets. I assumed they were some of the hard-nipple hugger's acquaintances, so we were cordial. To my dismay though, as we herded them out and started trying to put on the movie, I received another text stating that my old flame was busy and couldn't come over anymore. I said "man, fuck this," and promptly awoke.
404 Name: VIPPER 2022-01-24 22:59
I went to this shoppe where a friend I was supposed to help at her job a week before worked. I said hello and she ignored me, and our mutual friend who was right next to here looked at me and tsk-tsk-ed at me, and said "she won't forgive you that easily", and I gave her a little hug. After that some guys come in and put some chess problems on the table in front of me and leave the shoppe, I try to follow them and yell at them to wait, and they stop, but I can't see their faces cause the sun is in my eyes, so I go round the other side and the sun is still in my eyes, so I realise that all that bright light is coming from their heads, and in frustration I say goodbye and go back to the shoppe, look at the chess problems and realise I can't solve them, and wake up.
405 Name: VIPPER 2022-01-30 13:46
I had a dream that the skit youtuber Joel Haver was trying to force me to suck his dick. I was actually about to try for one second just to get him off my case, but then I realized that this was a dream and he didn't have any real power over me. Instead I pulled his pants down, bit his penis and walked away.
406 Name: VIPPER 2022-02-04 12:39
I'd just come back from some big tour and I'd taken somr cute photos and videos on a shitty old phone that I wanted to put on my computer. I needed a cerrain cord so I got up and walked out into the snow that's still going on IRL. I ran into a friend along the way and we talked briefly before splitting off again. Before I reached the store though, I got to this other shop/inn-looking thing. I walked in and was in the middle of a murder. This guy who looked like the Interstellar dude and another who looked like Matt Damon were enacting their plans on this young woman who ran the olace. They tripped some alarms, distracted her and smashed her in a glancing blow on the back of the head with some toy truck looking thing. Not-Matt then ran out and came back with a gun. They decides against it though and went with strangling to kill her. At this point, I slipped back outside.

Outside, some people were waiting for the place to open. I knew I had to start building my own alibi, so I checked my watch and told them that I'd been waiting outside the whole stretch of when this murderizing had been happening. Some lady went to check the door and I said nothing.

What followed was a Columbo situation. The body was found and the two not-astronauts were playijg it off like eother a suicide or breakin that they'd uncovered. Cops came, and one of my IRL buddies was among them--dream logic said that we were both detectives now. Since I'd seen everything and knew the holes in these guys' stories, I was in an awkward position of trying to play it cool while also secretly filling my friend in on the situation. A couple very homoerotuc scenes played out between the two of us that I can't say I didn't enjoy. At one moment, we and the other cops were talking upstairs in this bedding area. I was siyting on the floor as my pal sat on a bed next to me, and he started absentmindedly messing with my head and eventually choking me with his feet/legs. Shortly after, this we were in a secret room making the Big Discovery about the case when the perps came in. We had to hide under a small table together and huddle very intimately to stay undetected. By this point, I was starting to question what kind of message that the dream was trying to give me.

I felt myself waking up, soon after that. I was able to warn my friend that I was, and I told him the smoking gun to get the guys with. Now that I'm awake it doesn't make as much sense, but it had to do with time and how the victim couldn't have died from the head injury alone in the time between the alleged attack and when they allegedly found her. At some point the toy car had also changed to a winter jacket, which I stressed was important to find and keep out of their hands. If I'd slept a little longer, I would have made the big reveal to the perps myself, and used my knowing the whole time as the jumping point for a Columbo-esque monologue. I have to call the dream a strong 9/10, made me seriously question my feelings for a man but the different environments were fun to explore and the whole investigation sequence at the end was exciting.
407 Name: VIPPER 2022-02-08 11:18
Regarding →/read.cgi/saovq/1594589404/941 - I had this dream days ago so I don't fully remember. Anyways, I think this girl was part of this college class and she had to be part of a group project. The goal of the project was furthering human evolution or space travel IIRC. When presenting the project she was wearing little clothing and was injected with or consumed some serum that made her pass out.

Before she went unconscious she went into this cryogenic pod and was left there for like 10 or 20 minutes. It was really cold in the chamber/pod and the teacher said something like "Get her out of there because she might die from the cold." If the dream was more realistic the teacher or professor would have been concerned about frostbite first, and then death. When she got out she was angry due to being so cold. She was yelling and stuff and then slapped the teacher on the ass. The teacher was wearing a g-string for some reason; maybe she was also going to partake in a project.

Writing about that dream made me think: what if you had a sexy female teacher and you went to the beach and she was wearing a bathing suit? Maybe the bathing suit would be quite revealing; maybe it would include a g-string. Writing that made me think about those episodes of "Azumanga Daioh" which featured a beach. What if one or more of the girls wore a g-string to the beach? What if the teacher(s) wore that? Sakaki would probably be too shy to wear a g-string while on a beach. What if Chiyo-chan wore a g-string while there in the daylight?

P.S. →/saovq/images/42/242.jpg - She looks cool. Smoking makes you cool.
408 Name: VIPPER 2022-02-10 12:57
Me and several friends were out on a big boat, trying to dail back to our city. The aesthetic and physics were more or less like Sea of Thieves, and the similarities increased as we saw conflict happening up ahead with what we quickly identified as several galleons. We just wanted to get home so we powered straight through as fast as we could, firing at all the combatants equally. One boat got totally fucked, and there were these really video gamey piles of bones on the deck that dream logic said were all fresh corpses from the crew. We were a little worried and the boat was harder to control with our real bodies than it was in the game, but we got through and away without trouble.

We docked at an island that sort of dream morphed into the correct city/country after we got off the boat. It was right before sunrise and we started trying to figure out where to eat breakfast. We decided on a bagel place and started walking there while shooting the shit on our last adventure. I put on a nonexistent Coltrane album for us to listen to as we walked, and right after he played a particularly cool lick we all cheered and then I woke up.
409 Name: VIPPER 2022-02-12 17:27
Me and a buddy got kidnapped by the maybe-mafia, it was a little unclear at times. We were thrown in the back of a limo and they were going to drive us to their boss, but a lolice car seemed suspicious so they drove us to my apartment building instead. The two of us were very compliant and were maybe working with them? That was unclear too, but we decided to play along and act like we were going inside with one of the henchmen until the cop car left. Later on we were helping them kidnap someone else for some reason, in broad daylight. The target was in a building somewhere, so my friend and I were casing the marketplace outside of it looking for ways in. We almost got in a back way but it was a service entrance, and we wouldn't be able to blend in. Before waking up, I was sidetracked by a vendor that had a necklace with a key attached that reminded me of the one that I wear daily. Thinking that maybe this was related to my dream gf, I asked whose it was. As it turns out, it was our target's, and the vendor said that she had left it here while she moved into some specific room in the building. I was going to relate the info to my buddy and our captors/partners, but I promptly woke up.
410 Name: VIPPER 2022-02-23 01:51
I dreamt that I was the main character in the anime "Sword Art Online". While in the game, someone mentioned a KKK rally.

"Knights of the Blood"? More like "Holy Knights of the Ku Klux Klan".
411 Name: VIPPER 2022-02-23 01:58
What if Chiyo-chan wore a g-string while there in the daylight?
Mr. Tadakichi would start humping her:

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