English explanation
Press the flag twice to see the title icon
First, left-click the mouse to select the level.
If you are not confident ... easy to practice
Those who are good at typing ... Ordinary recommendations
Those who are very good at typing ... Hard is recommended
Those who want to enjoy a mess of games ... Choose Luxury in Very Hard Mode
what? I don't think it's easy.
The problem is until the sushi goes to the far right, so tap the keyboard.
You can enter another character to erase it with a space.
Aim for world record !!
Those who use English
This project is an English version of a Japanese project.
I'm going to translate it into English, but there might be a bug.
Let us know in the comments.
How to use for those who do not understand Japanese
The title screen moves to the setting screen by left clicking the mouse.
Select difficulty
Select from Easy, Normal, Hard, and Very Hard with a mouse click.
Easy is 2 to 7 characters. Recommended for beginners
Usually 5-10 characters. Recommended for those who are good at typing
Hard is 9 to 14 characters. Recommended for very good people
Berry Hard is 13 to 32 characters. Very difficult. Please do your best.
Select the level you like.
Course selection
Easy course Sushi speed: Slowly ¥ 1,500 course. The time limit is 60 seconds.
Recommended course Sushi speed: Usually 3,000 yen course. 90 minutes time limit.
High-end course Sushi speed: A super high-speed course of 5,000 yen. The time limit is 120 seconds.
Please click to select a course.
Use the keyboard while typing.
Start with spacebar or enter key
Once started, type by issue before the flowing sushi hits the far right. The meaning is unknown, but the characters in parentheses are English translations. Please enter something that does not make sense.
If you answer 1 character correctly, the English translation will disappear.
If you make a mistake, you can erase one character with the space key.
If the continuous hit meter at the bottom right of the screen reaches the maximum, 5 seconds will be added.
If you make a mistake, the continuous hit meter will be zero.
The game is over when the time reaches 0.
In the result announcement, the course name, the amount eaten, the difference from the price, the number of keys correctly hit, the number of mistypes, the average number of times the key is typed per second etc.
When the world record comes out, it will be recorded with the name.
Do your best to set the world record!
It also helps you practice Japanese, so give it a try.
Notes and Credits
@hinayamato さん
Play - 寿司打 → 問題の追加
Scratch de タイピング → たくさんの打ち方に対応するコードをいただいた
@QRhst5 さん
リンゴとりゲーム → サムネの作り方
@AMUOS1210 さん
Answers to Coolest Projects Questions
・ Tell us about your project.Why did you choose to make it?
I wanted to be good at typing,
I want foreigners to know more about Japanese sushi and Japanese.
Sushi is very delicious!
・ What did you find difficult while making your project and how did you work it out?
It was difficult to translate it into English so that everyone in the world could see it.
Calculating where the English translation should be and thinking about when the English translation will come out.
・ Is there anything you would do differently or you would add if you had more time?
It is difficult to see if Japanese and English are mixed, so I would like to divide it into Japanese project and English project.
Besides, I would like to support various languages.
Please let me know if you know how to determine if the BackSpase key was pressed !!
And do you know what the official name you see?
[Important notice]
Everyone !! No more sushi (problems, not sushi) !!
Immediately write a sentence, phrase, or word of 2 to 32 characters in the comment field !!
2020/05/02 参照数50突破!! amabe史上初50超え!!
2020/05/04 参照数60突破!! ありがとうございます!!
2020/05/10 参照数70突破!! ああありがとう!!
2020/05/13 ★と♥ 10到達!! すごくありがとう!!
2020/05/14 参照数80突破‼ 100目指すぞ!!
2020/05/20 参照数90突破!! あと少しいいいい!!
2020/05/24 参照数100突破!! やっっっったああああ!!
2020/05/25 参照数110突破‼
2020/05/30 参照数120突破‼
2020/05/31 参照数130突破‼
2020/06/04 参照数140突破‼
2020/06/14 気づいたら170突破!!
2020/07/20 更新遅れた!今日は246だった
2020/09/04 ん?475!?ありがとう!
2020/09/13 835!?!?
2020/09/24 1100突破ー!!
2020/12/28 2694だと...!!!!!!!
2021/01/19 3065ぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉ
2021/02/24 4127!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
v1.0 2020/04/12 完成
v1.1 2020/04/14 レベル制追加
v1.2 2020/04/05 日本語対応
v1.3 2020/04/15 タイトル追加
v1.4 2020/04/16 2問連続で同じ問題が出ないようにする
v1.5 2020/04/16 ー キー対応化
v1.6 2020/04/16 正しく打ったキーの数を削除
v1.7 2020/04/16 正解数を追加
v1.8 2020/04/18 解答システムの変更
v1.9 2020/04/18 2つ文字が入るバグを修正
v2.0 2020/04/19 幕の演出を追加
v2.1 2020/04/19 タイトルの寿司をcosで回転させる
v2.2 2020/04/19 リザルトボタンを追加
v2.3 2020/04/19 ミュート機能を追加
v2.4 2020/04/22 セッティング画面の変更
v2.5 2020/04/22 ミュート時のアイコンの追加
v2.6 2020/04/22 音声案内の追加
v2.7 2020/04/22 サムネの追加
v2.8 2020/04/26 制限時間がカウントダウンされないバグを修正
v2.9 2020/04/26 連打メーターの追加
v3.0 2020/04/26 連打メーターの追加秒数の変更
v3.1 2020/04/26 世界記録の追加
v3.2 2020/04/28正しく打ったキーの数を再追加
v3.3 2020/04/28ミスタイプを追加
v3.4 2020/04/30 寿司の落下アニメーションの追加
v3.5 2020/04/30 レーンのアニメーションの追加
v3.6 2020/04/30 レベル選択画面の変更
v3.7 2020/04/30 「お手軽」選択アイコンが5つ出るバグを修正
v3.8 2020/04/30 サムネをかっこよくした
v3.9 2020/04/30 プロジェクト名を 寿司打v〇.〇 から Play - 寿司打v〇.〇 に変更
v4.0 2020/04/30 世界記録システムの更新
v4.1 2020/05/02 選択システムを本家っぽく
v4.2 2020/05/02 v4.1 のシステムをさらに改良
v4.3 2020/05/02 スペースで1文字削除の追加
v4.4 2020/05/02 待機画面の変更
v4.5 2020/05/02 スタートの音と文字の追加
v4.6 2020/05/02 サムネのアニメを追加[
v4.7 2020/05/04 結果発表時の隠しアニメの追加
v4.8 2020/05/04 スタート直後に突然結果発表が出るバグの修正
v4.9 2020/05/04 Enterキースタート対応化
v5.0 2020/05/04 説明の追加
v5.1 2020/05/04 ボタンの位置調整
v5.2 2020/05/09 リザルトボタンの見た目変更
v5.3 2020/05/09 設定画面の見た目変更
v5.4 2020/05/10幕をリアルに
v5.5 2020/05/10タイトルの寿司追加
v5.6.1 2020/05/10英語化アップデート1回目。残るは音声案内と結果発表画面
v5.6.2 2020/05/11英語化アップデート2回目。たぶんできた。
v5.6.3 2020/05/29英語化アップデート3回目。変な翻訳の修正
v5.7.1 2020/09/13レーン表示の改善1回目。
v5.8 2020/10/04 レベル「永遠」の追加
v5.9 2020/10/04 スタートシステムの変更
v6.0 2020/12/28 問題作成システムの根本的改造
v7.0 2021/01/18 問題の追加
v7.1 2021/01/18 レーンの変更
v7.2 2021/01/18 バージョン表示機能追加
v7.3 2021/01/18 スタートシステムの変更
v7.4 2021/01/18 使い方の追加
v9.0 2021/01/20 たくさんの打ち方に対応