4 Teppanyaki restaurants of Tokyo available in English
4 Teppanyaki restaurants of Tokyo available in English
For such people, here are some Teppanyaki restaurants of Tokyo available in English. Please read this article by all means.
4 selections of liquor shops open until late in Shinjuku
4 selections of liquor shops open until late in Shinjuku
This time we will introduce 4 liquor shops where you can buy alcohol late at night in Shinjuku.If you are looking for a liquor shop open until late, it is a must-see.
4 Washoku restaurants of Tokyo available in English
4 Washoku restaurants of Tokyo available in English
This time we will introduce a Washoku restaurant in Tokyo with menus available in English and staffs available in English,and these can be safely used by foreigners.
4 recommend food shops selling foods for walk and eat in Shinjuku
4 recommend food shops selling foods for walk and eat in Shinjuku
This time we will introduce 4 recommend food shops in Shinjuku.
If you are interested in walk and eat foods in Shinjuku, please take a look.
If you are interested in walk and eat foods in Shinjuku, please take a look.
4 Japanese sweets shops selling foods for walk and eat in Shinjuku
4 Japanese sweets shops selling foods for walk and eat in Shinjuku
This time we will introduce 4 Japanese sweets shops in Shinjuku.
If you are interested in walk and eat sweets in Shinjuku, please take a look.
If you are interested in walk and eat sweets in Shinjuku, please take a look.
4 sushi restaurants of Tokyo available in English
4 sushi restaurants of Tokyo available in English
Here are some sushi restaurants of Tokyo available in English. Please read this article by all means.
4 sweets shops selling foods for walk and eat in Shinjuku
4 sweets shops selling foods for walk and eat in Shinjuku
This time we will introduce 4 sweets shops in Shinjuku.
If you are interested in walk and eat sweets in Shinjuku, please take a look.
If you are interested in walk and eat sweets in Shinjuku, please take a look.
How to get to Shibuya Niku Yokocho
How to get to Shibuya Niku Yokocho
This time, we will explain how to get to Shibuya Niku Yokocho.
This is a must-see for those who plan to go to Shibuya Niku Yokocho.
This is a must-see for those who plan to go to Shibuya Niku Yokocho.
4 recommended casual Washoku restaurants in Tokyo
4 recommended casual Washoku restaurants in Tokyo
If you want to eat Washoku in Tokyo, please take a look this article.
How to get to ”Otsuka Noren Gai”
How to get to ”Otsuka Noren Gai”
This time, we will introduce how to get to Otsuka Noren Gai.
If you are planning to go to Noren Gai”, please refer to this article.
If you are planning to go to Noren Gai”, please refer to this article.
How to get to Ameyoko
This time, we will show you how to get to Ameyoko.
If you are planning to go to Ameyoko, please take a look.
If you are planning to go to Ameyoko, please take a look.
【Special Feature】 Tempura Kondo
【Special Feature】 Tempura Kondo
This time, we will introduce “Tempura Kondo” from the famous shops in Tokyo. If you are planning to eat tempura, a representative of Japanese food in Tokyo, please take a look.