frosted butts
Thanks to this thread I just noticed the "jump to previous/next thread" links above threads, and i've been here a long time
■ ■ ■
fr●sted b●tts
S● anyw●y, earlier t●day I was w●nd●ring d●wn ●he str●●t wh●n su●●●nl● ● h●●● ●∵∴●●● ●● ●f∵∴●●● with●●t ev●n a shred ●f c●●∵∴● ●●●∴r●● ●●● ●禁止●●∴∵●い ●●●●●∵ ●n● "thi●king" ●∵●● ●●●●●● 霊●∵∴∵ ● ●●●● tanasinn ●n●∵●● ●● ●●●●● ●青∵● ●●●●●∵ ●∵∴∵●●gge●● ●●●∵●● ワイフで∵ ●●●●●∴ ●●●∵∴幽か●●● w●s ne∵●r the same ag●in.
If you're using a mac you can type ••••••• with alt+8
Sage for, um, off-topic.
>>16 everyone is here!
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丶-へニ 、 / ヽ /
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I should elephant dance now!
put the p●n●s in her vag●●
( ´ω`)ノ -=● Here. It's the Poo Poo Platter.