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a guest
Feb 12th, 2022
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  1. "And Maybe also Very Interesting. And Perhaps for example."
  2. "Brandon Katrena
  3. one hour ago
  4. YouTube · 4:16
  5. [Maybe that Particular?] Hero - Nickelback - OFFICIAL VIDEO [Maybe that Particular?] (Spider-Man Soundtrack) [Perhaps for example. Maybe 'So-Called'.]
  6. 1 view
  7. 1
  8. 1 person reacted
  9. Show shared copies
  10. 3
  11. Brandon Katrena
  12. one hour ago
  13. [Maybe that Particular?] National Anthem of Israel - Beautiful Version (English Subtitles) [Perhaps for example. Maybe 'So-Called'.]
  14. 1 view
  15. 1
  16. 1 person reacted
  17. Show shared copies
  18. 4
  19. Brandon Katrena
  20. one hour ago
  21. [Maybe that Particular?] Mariah Carey - [Perhaps that Particular?] Hero (Official HD Video) [Perhaps for example. Maybe 'So-Called'.]
  22. 1 view
  23. 1
  24. 1 person reacted
  25. Show shared copies
  26. 4
  27. Brandon Katrena
  28. one hour ago
  29. [Maybe that Particular?] “For the wages of [Maybe that Particular?] sin is death”, Romans 6:23 [Perhaps for example. Maybe 'So-Called'.]
  30. “For the wages of sin is death”, Romans 6:23
  32. 1
  33. 1 person reacted
  34. Show shared copies
  35. 3
  36. Brandon Katrena
  37. one hour ago
  38. [Maybe that Particular?] Americans were promised an ‘orderly and safe’ withdrawal from [Maybe that Particular?] Afghanistan. [Maybe those Particular?] US troops say it was anyt [Perhaps for example. Maybe 'So-Called'.]
  39. Americans were promised an ‘orderly and safe’ withdrawal from Afghanistan. US troops say it was anyt
  40. 1
  41. 1 person reacted
  42. Show shared copies
  43. 4
  44. Brandon Katrena
  45. one hour ago
  46. "I Regret I Have One Life to Give to My [Maybe that Particular?] Country" [Perhaps for example. Maybe 'So-Called'.]
  47. "I Regret I Have One Life to Give to My Country"
  48. 2
  49. 2 people reacted
  50. Show shared copies
  51. 4".
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