We should all be a nation of one individual. No need to states to try to hold us together.

This is a collection of essays mostly by Carl Watner.

Carl Watner is the recently deceased founder of “The Voluntaryist” newsletter and website http://voluntaryist.com

He makes a very coherent and eloquent case for Voluntaryist ethics and is an underrated and unappreciated thinker who deserves more attention.

Volume 1: http://voluntaryist.com/voluntaryist.pdf

Volume 2: http://voluntaryist.com/VoluntaryistII.pdf

Every Single Time! (media.communities.win)
posted ago by Granite_Pill ago by Granite_Pill
Narrow it down (media.communities.win)
posted ago by MLJFireDragon747 ago by MLJFireDragon747

Hey, curious as to the distinction.

Assuming it’s just one step further as the minimal government that only regulates violence, property protection, and a sovereign national border through a minimal police and military, with everything else being free to the individual,

But not even that, protection is in the hands of individuals and (possibly) community organizations. Everything is free game, all decided by the markets and by individual response

Is that the gist? If so how do you deal with militias enforcing their own laws and taxes ?

Do you think "customer is king" and bending over backwards to appease them would be a thing in an ancap marketplace?

Would consumers be rewarded for being unreasonably demanding as they are now?

Have gov't regulations in any way contributed to retail store karens?

revolving door (media.communities.win)
posted ago by terrible_writer ago by terrible_writer
Facts (media.communities.win)
posted ago by MLJFireDragon747 ago by MLJFireDragon747