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As the title says.
Konami screwed up big time, you can make the opponent give up!
Only works on your own turn, then simply activate "surrender opponent", confirm, opponent surrenders.
In addition, a "No Surrender" feature is built in, which allows to surrender at any time, but the surrender is not counted, the game has virtually never taken place (for you).
directx 11 present gets hooked & some overlays can make the cheat not show up.
For example, if you are using RivaTuner, you must disable RivaTuner for Master Duel.
//send surrender command with the id of the opponent
if(IsMyself(0)) PVP_ComDoCommand(1,0,0,11);
else PVP_ComDoCommand(0,0,0,11);
std::cout <<"opponent surrendering..\n";
in your main loop
Because many of you are reporting it doesn't work, my signature obviously bricked hard.
In the following lines I will provide a full noob proof how to compile your own surrender .dll tutorial.
First step: download and install visual studio (desktop development with c++).
Create a new project, search for the dll template (just search for dll and select Dynamic-Link Library with the c++, windows and library tags.
Change your build configuration to Release and x64 (the project will start in Debug x86).
Then right click on your project in the solution explorer (right side), select Properties -> C/C++ -> Precompiled Headers -> change precompiled header to "Not Using Precompiled Headers"
Select everything in your dllmain.cpp and replace it with the following code:
You should now be able to build the dll. If you get some errors feel free to contact me, I'll try to help.
You can inject the dll with pretty much any injector, but I would recommend Xenos for you (I know this works and you can find the download here on UC).
If this doesn't work for you (if nothing shows up on your screen after you pressed 'F1' on your own turn), it means that the offsets needs to be updated.
I will explain an easy way on how to get the offsets, that everyone should be able to follow. All you need is cheat engine.
How to update surrender offsets:
Open cheat engine and attach to masterduel.exe. A new menu should appear at the top, labeled "Mono". Click on it and select ".Net Info".
A new window will pop up.
On the left side select "Assembly-CSharp.dll", in the "Classes" window, search for "duel.engine" and select "YgomGame.Duel.Engine".
At the bottom right side there will be a new window with all methods that are in that class. Scroll through the list and search for "PVP_ComDoCommand".
Double click that entry. The disassembler should now show up and it should look like this: https://prnt.sc/26qewdx
Write down the address one instruction above the PVP_ComDoCommand function and add 1 to it.
We have to do this because cheat engine doesn't tell us the address, it just tells us the function name (if anyone knows how to get CE to display the address instead of the name, I would appreciate a little tip ).
Now do the same with the IsMyself() function. Its also in the Engine class.
All you have to do now is change the offets in your dllmain for the given functions (and dont forget to add the 1!).
Last edited by traumspieler; Yesterday at 03:37 AM.
Reason: instructions
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We strive to provide all our services for free and not interrupt your visit with intrusive advertisements or restrictions - support us by disabling your ad blocker or whitelisting our site.
We strive to provide all our services for free and not interrupt your visit with intrusive advertisements or restrictions - support us by disabling your ad blocker or whitelisting our site.
It's not working. What's the usage guide? After launching the EXE nothing happens. Pressing F1, F2 etc. also does nothing. The file is VMProtected so I can't tell what it does, so is it a troll? I think the surrender mod isn't even possible.
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didn't work for me, instead of green mine all red menu..can u help me great sir?
Is the surrender opponent (f2) hotkey also red?
It is possible that from region to region the offsets are different.
For this I actually had a pattern scanner built in, unfortunately I don't know il2cpp very well and therefore use the classic native game hacking methods.
I will update this post with an guide on how to do it yourself and which function gets exploited.
Originally Posted by eddy977
Nothing happens when I try to launch it (maybe because I'm doing it on a VM but not sure) how did you make it work?
Do you have rivatuner or msi afterburner installed? Or the discord overlay?
If rivatuner, set application detection level to none and restart the game
Should work on a vm, I'm also using it on a KVM, just checked with the official download and it works for me https://youtu.be/z7Dn4HcFFYU
Last edited by traumspieler; 7th February 2022 at 09:38 PM.
Reason: url
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