I'm having some trouble with the != section of the if statement. Essentially this statement is valid as far as I'm aware, however executing this gives [: 1: !=: unexpected operator. I've tried executing using -n but for whatever reason, even if the output is blank, using -n still runs the echo command.

Any help on this is appreciated. I've attached the code snippet below.


USER="/scripts/whoowns $HOST | tr -d '\r'"

ssh -t $HOST -p 22 -l deehem "sh -c 'if [ "" != "\`$USER\`" ]; then echo "Username for $HOST: \`$USER\`"; fi' ; bash -login"
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As you realised, "bla "" bla" is just two strings concatenated ("bla bla").

You can escape the ": \", but the standard [ test tool has an option specifically for this task:

   -n STRING
          the length of STRING is nonzero

   -z STRING
          the length of STRING is zero

Note: why do you have \`? That way the string is never going to be empty....

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