About San Diego Minato School



Minato School, a non-profit school, is dedicated to providing students living in the San Diego area, with a supplementary education taught in the Japanese language and Japanese style of teaching.

Subjects covered under the supplementary education program include Japanese language, mathematics, social studies and science. These subjects are taught exclusively in the Japanese language.

Minato School opens its door to all students who are able to speak and read the Japanese language at each grade level based on their age.

Purpose of school establishment

The purpose of Minato School is to teach major subjects in the Japanese language with an emphasis on Japanese culture.

School education goals are to raise

  • Children who think and create by themselves
  • Children who can do things with their own strength
  • Children who value themselves and their friends
  • Children who understand Japanese and American cultures
  • Children with the ability to think and make judgments on their own
Features of our school
  1. Classes according to the Japanese curriculum are conducted every Saturday in the Japanese language using Japanese textbooks.
  2. Because the lesson time is limited, we have made a teaching plan so that students can acquire basic scholastic ability.
  3. In school life, we provide guidance that incorporate Japanese school culture as much as possible.
  4. The school and family unite and provide guidance and cooperation so that children can be educated.

Minato School holds classes once a week on Saturday, excluding designated vacation weeks.

Minato School consists of

  1. Kindergarten
  2. Elementary school for ages 7-12
  3. Middle school for ages 13-15
  4. High school for ages 16-18

In oder to increase teaching efficiency, the number of students in each classroom is well managed.

Occasionally, music lessons and physical education are added as extracurricular activities to develop student’s aesthetics and physical training.

Annually, Minato School holds a sports day event to nurture the spirit of “teamwork” and “cooperation” among students.

» Minato Japanese School Organization Chart 2021