Surely there's nothing to see here...
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Oh, are you trying to cast doubt on the seriousness of COVID while you’re *checks notes* in the HOSPITAL due to COVID?
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Hope you're well, Herman. And back home. We lost Charlie last night. Want you're around to see the end of this fight. Besides, you helped start it.
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He can’t answer. He’s dead. The hoax killed him.
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It seems like nobody wants to focus in on the animals that killed 130000 Americans for those that don't no who these animals are it's none other than the CCP
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So a lot of the politicians like Devin Nunes Winery and Trump advisors, like the Kushners, got the PPP money.
So what is your point....only Republicans should get the funding, but Democrats aren't good enough even those not in this administration
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Just shut up already. A lot of small business can’t do much with $27k, which rich ppl are getting millions. Slots of small businesses have already been shut. The money is not Donald trump’s money it’s tax payer’s money so get that in ur head
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