>>439 That's what my therapist said when I woke up from a nap on his couch and said "Where am I?"
(instructions for treating blood under a nail with a hot paperclip, including pictures)
>>445 Glad to see this got removed from https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1431720556/396,397
Wouldn't it be funny if some merry pranksters with a Discord group doxxed the guy in the edit history who keeps reverting the edits which suggest it isn't a type of delusion, then took turns at following him around and playing pranks?
>>455 I thought that too
>>455 surely there's at least some utility for a stalking gang to pursue a victim, and then get him/her declared insane on account of his/her ramblings resembling the gang-stalking delusion. It's on Wikipedia and everything. Certainly someone, perhaps in the plural, should engage in such an edit war.
>>457 I prefer the other idea, doxxing and gangstalking the page editors
Howdy pardners, Mr. Wikipedia Dick here, suck it! >>463 shared a link which has been shared before, see https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1279243535/649
Let's continue posting *DQN QUALITY* wikipedia links! Suck it!
Interesting non-Wikipedia wiki(?) link, 8/10
Probably interesting, a bit TL;DR. "it takes light 1.26 seconds to travel from the Earth to the Moon". Reminds me of interplanetary filesystem:
^You call it a reupload and duplicate. I call it decentralization. Puts on sunglasses like a badass.
Interesting, 8/10. Reminds me of blood pudding, if that is a thing. I would eat a goat fetus if I was hungry. What is the big deal? I would especially eat it if its bones were removed.
Interesting, 6/10. Imagine that you can walk through a large building and never have your WiFi connection reconnect at the next access point.
>Reminds me of blood pudding, if that is a thing.
Fried black pudding with bacon and eggs is amazing, especially the morning after a night of heavy drinking!
not interesting, 2/10
Yes, great, really spread the positive energy. What didn't you like about it? The reviews? The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS)-focused Wikipedia link? Or something else?
I don't think ipfs.io controls all IPFS nodes, but I am not sure. https://ipfs.io/ links to https://github.com/ipfs/community/blob/master/code-of-conduct.md which has the text:
I find these parts to be especially retarded:
What If I write a text document which includes personal stories and whatnot. Said text document also includes paragraphs about how, for example, Asian people suck. Then I upload that somewhat anti-Asian .txt file to https://ipfs.io; I guess they will just delete it if it comes to attention. That is pretty lame. Hopefully I am mistaken. maybe a plain text file upload does not count as a "comment"; maybe there is a commenting feature, so you can comment on uploaded files.