"From about 1990 to about 2021 to about 2022."
"Written, Authored, and Published by Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.)."
"And in Some More of My Writings, Literature, and Jokes, Satires, and Parodies, and Writings,
that Fellow Man, Fellow Human, and Fellow Person said, Paraphrased, Summarized, and Abbreviated,
"Hmmmmm. Ba. a Fel. He.Til. fo. ab. One(1.) or Two(2.) Sec. Fo.JKUsg.as. in Ca. alleg. ab. 20 o. 30 ye. ag.
Lo.Hu. f. Gr. E. or Gr. L.? No. And if You would like Me to be there. And Thank You for Your Suggestions and Advice. And No, however thank You anyway.
And You are a Great Person, and You will go to Heaven. And Maybe Very Long Duration.
And Fellow Time Management. And Happen to have Warned and Cautioned. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound,
of Course.
And We are, of Course, Fellow Family Members, and Fellow Kinsfolks Members. And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Organizations, Groups,
Civilizations, Nations, Countries, Militaries, Governments, Ethnicities, Races, and Species, and Organizations, Groups, and Fellow Civilizations.
And We have, for example, Our Fellow Warehouses, and Our Fellow Storehouses, and Our Fellow Planets, and Our Fellow Globes, and Our Fellow Worlds.
And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound,
of Course.
And Perhaps
for example. And Maybe for instance. And Perhaps, 'So-called'. And Maybe Not about then. And Perhaps about then. And Maybe for example."
"The Chalice and The Lynchpin
Written by Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.).
And this is an Excerpt from some of My Literature: “And this is a Story in Large Part about Viruses. And about other Diseases as Well. And How —- in Large Part — People’s Will to Survive led Them to so-called Create Individuals and Persons whose Antibodies and Plasma are Used to Help Create Medicines. And these Medicines are Needed for Our Survival. Viruses often Spread and Mutate. And Many other Diseases also Spread and Mutate. And these Mutations of Viruses and other Diseases are Helped Kept in so-called Check by The Antibodies and the Plasma Created by The Chalice and The Lynchpin. And Father God Works in Mysterious Ways. And —- yes — Father God works in Mysterious Ways. And that is Just Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And for example. For example. And Maybe, 'So-Called. And Maybe for example.”
"About that so-called Subject (ATS). About those so-called Subjects (ATS). Not about that so-called Subject (NATS). Not about those so-called Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes. Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). For example [ ]. And [ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore [ ]."
"And also Paraphrased, Summarized, and Abbreviated, "In the Beginning, Father God Created the Heavens and the Earth." And Maybe for example."
Family and Friends, May You have a Great Monday, and a Great Week, and a Great Month. And that was an Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Great, and Awesome, for example, Year 2019, and Year 2020, and Year 2021, of Course. And May You have an Excellent, and Fine, and Good, and Great, and Awesome Year 2022. And Happy New Year(N.Y.), and Happy Holidays(H.H.). And May You have a Great Day(G.D.), and a Great Evening, and a Great Night(G.N.).---Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.).
Family and Friends, May You have a Great Monday, and a Great Week, and a Great Month. And that was an Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Great, and Awesome, for example, Year 2019, and Year 2020, and Year 2021, of Course. And May You have an Excellent, and Fine, and Good, and Great, and Awesome Year 2022. And Happy New Year(N.Y.), and Happy Holidays(H.H.). And May You have a Great Day(G.D.), and a Great Evening, and a Great Night(G.N.).---Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.).
"Furthermore, and Maybe also Very Interesting. And Maybe also Very Interesting.
And Perhaps also Very Amusing. And Maybe also Very Entertaining. And Perhaps also Very Entertaining. And Maybe for example."
"And also in some More of My Writings, some More of My
Literature, and some More of My Jokes, that Fellow Man, and that Fellow Human, and that Fellow Person said, Paraphrased, and Summarized,
and Abbreviated, And also those Two(2.) out of those Three(3.) Credit Cards were Cancelled by Myself Recently. And Anyways. And Whatever. And Anyways.
And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very Appropriate, and Safe,
and Sound, of Course.
Not going to Charge Interest, and Zero Percent Interest will be Charged? No, Thank You anyway,
and Please Cancel. The Reason? No Reason, and despite the Fact that I've had No Problems with Your Financial Services Company, Please Cancel Anyways. And Thank You
for also Saying, Paraphrased, Summarized, and Abbreviated,
that I am One of Your Best Clients for Years and Years, and Anyways Please Cancel. And Thank You, and Much appreciated.
And also that Y.T. Recently Cancelled by Myself. And You are Welcome. And We are Fellow Family Members(F.M.), and Friends. And We are Fellow Kinsfolks Members(K.M.),
and Friends. And We have Our Fellow Organizations, Fellow Groups, and Fellow Civilizations.
And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe Not about. And Perhaps Not approximately about then. And Maybe approximately about then.
And Maybe, 'So-called'.
And also Time Management. And also Energy Management. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe, 'So-called'."
And Life Happens to be Very Simple. And Life Happens to be Very Easy. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe, 'So-called'."
"And also in some More of Writings, Literature, and Jokes, that Fellow Man, and that Fellow Human, and that Fellow Person said, Paraphrased, and Summarized,
and Abbreviated, Oh, sure They would have done that if They could have before Their Foreign Nations, and before Their Foreign Countries, and
before Their Foreign Civilizations
were Exterminated and Destroyed and Conquered Utterly and Completely by Fellow B. . And Why Not? And They were Self-Described
Foreign-Combatant-Soldier-Troops-For-their-Foreign-Adversary-Enemy-Combatant-Government-or-Their-Foreign-Adversary-Enemy-Combatant-Military-Foreign. And
Anyways. And Whatever.
And Anyways, and Whatever, and Their Foreign
Nations, and Their Foreign Countries, and Their Foreign Civilizations
were Exterminated and Destroyed and Conquered Utterly and Completely by Fellow B. . And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course.
And Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And You are Welcome. And We are Fellow Family Members(F.M.), and Friends.
And We are Fellow Kinsfolks Members(K.M.),
and Friends. And We have Our Fellow Organizations, Fellow Groups, and Fellow Civilizations. And Maybe for
example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe, 'So-Called. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe Not about.
And Perhaps Not approximately about then. And Maybe approximately about then. And Maybe, 'So-called'."
"Additionally, Maybe also that Very Interesting Information, and/or Perhaps also that Very Interesting Newsletter, and/or Maybe also that Very Interesting News, from Around that Planet, and from Around that Globe, and from Around that World."
"Brandon Katrena
one minute ago
[Perhaps that Particular?] Definition of INTERESTING[.]
Definition of INTERESTING
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
two minutes ago
America’s New anti-Semitism Begins with [Maybe that Particular?] Cultural Erasure of [Perhaps those Particular?] US Jews[.]
America’s New anti-Semitism Begins with Cultural Erasure of US Jews
America’s New anti-Semitism Begins with Cultural Erasure of US Jews
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
4 minutes ago
Is [Maybe that Particular?] apartheid basically segregation? [Perhaps for example. Maybe for instance. Perhaps Not about. Maybe Not about then. Perhaps approximately about then. Maybe, "So-Called".]
Is apartheid basically segregation?
Is apartheid basically segregation?
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
5 minutes ago
What is the difference between [Perhaps that Particular?] racism and apartheid? [Perhaps for example. Maybe for instance. Perhaps Not about. Maybe Not about then. Perhaps approximately about then. Maybe, "So-Called".]
What is the difference between racism and apartheid?
What is the difference between racism and apartheid?
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
6 minutes ago
Japan to watch WHO probe of [Maybe that Particular?] director's alleged racism, abuse[.]
Japan to watch WHO probe of director's alleged racism, abuse
Japan to watch WHO probe of director's alleged racism, abuse
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
8 minutes ago
Nazi Germany and Anti-Jewish Policy[.]
Nazi Germany and Anti-Jewish Policy
Nazi Germany and Anti-Jewish Policy
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
9 minutes ago
Duran Duran - [Maybe those Particular?] The Wild Boys (Official Music Video)
1 view
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
10 minutes ago
Keep 'Em Separated - [Perhaps those Particular?] The Offspring(LYRICS)
1 view
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
12 minutes ago
[Maybe those Particular?] Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film - Wikipedia
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
13 minutes ago
[Maybe that Particular?] Definition of GOOD[.]
Definition of GOOD
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
14 minutes ago
[Perhaps that Particular?] Urban Dictionary: anyway[.]
Urban Dictionary: anyway www.urbandictionary.com
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
15 minutes ago
whatever www.thefreedictionary.com
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
16 minutes ago
The Extermination of [Maybe those Particular?] the Canaanites[.]
The Extermination of the Canaanites www.knowingthebible.net
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
17 minutes ago
[Perhaps those Particular?] Ancient Mayas. Collapse of Past Civilizations[.] | [Maybe that Particular?] Free Essay Example[.]
Ancient Mayas. Collapse of Past Civilizations | Free Essay Example studycorgi.com
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
19 minutes ago
[Perhaps those Particular?] Extermination camps – The Holocaust Explained: Designed for schools
Extermination camps – The Holocaust Explained: Designed for schools www.theholocaustexplained.org
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
24 minutes ago
Maybe also that Particular, " 'No excuses, none of that nonsense...' - [Perhaps also that Particular?] Gavaskar slams [Maybe that Particular?] Pant after his dismissal on Day 3 of [Perhaps that Particular?] J'brug Test". [Perhaps for example. Maybe for instance. Perhaps Not about. Maybe Not about then. Perhaps approximately about then. Maybe, "So-Called".]
'No excuses, none of that nonsense...' - Gavaskar slams Pant after his dismissal on Day 3 www.wionews.com
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
26 minutes ago
The Strange Case of [Maybe that Particular?] Anti-Christian Christianity - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics[.] [Perhaps for example. Maybe for instance. Perhaps Not about. Maybe Not about then. Perhaps approximately about then. Maybe, "So-Called".]
The Strange Case of Anti-Christian Christianity - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics
The Strange Case of Anti-Christian Christianity - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
27 minutes ago
[Perhaps also that Particular?] Definition of MAN-HATER[.] [Perhaps for example. Maybe for instance. Perhaps Not about. Maybe Not about then. Perhaps approximately about then. Maybe, "So-Called".]
Definition of MAN-HATER
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
28 minutes ago
[Perhaps also that Particular?] Misandry: The Invisible Hatred of [Maybe those Particular?] Men[.] [Perhaps for example. Maybe for instance. Perhaps Not about. Maybe Not about then. Perhaps approximately about then. Maybe, "So-Called".]
Misandry: The Invisible Hatred of Men
Misandry: The Invisible Hatred of Men
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
29 minutes ago
[Maybe also that Particular?] good[.]
good www.thefreedictionary.com
1 person reacted
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"Additionally, Maybe also that Very Interesting Information, and/or Perhaps also that Very Interesting Newsletter, and/or Maybe also that Very Interesting News, from Around that Planet, and from Around that Globe, and from Around that World."
"Brandon Katrena
one minute ago
[Perhaps that Particular?] Definition of INTERESTING[.]
Definition of INTERESTING
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
two minutes ago
America’s New anti-Semitism Begins with [Maybe that Particular?] Cultural Erasure of [Perhaps those Particular?] US Jews[.]
America’s New anti-Semitism Begins with Cultural Erasure of US Jews
America’s New anti-Semitism Begins with Cultural Erasure of US Jews
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
4 minutes ago
Is [Maybe that Particular?] apartheid basically segregation? [Perhaps for example. Maybe for instance. Perhaps Not about. Maybe Not about then. Perhaps approximately about then. Maybe, "So-Called".]
Is apartheid basically segregation?
Is apartheid basically segregation?
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
5 minutes ago
What is the difference between [Perhaps that Particular?] racism and apartheid? [Perhaps for example. Maybe for instance. Perhaps Not about. Maybe Not about then. Perhaps approximately about then. Maybe, "So-Called".]
What is the difference between racism and apartheid?
What is the difference between racism and apartheid?
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
6 minutes ago
Japan to watch WHO probe of [Maybe that Particular?] director's alleged racism, abuse[.]
Japan to watch WHO probe of director's alleged racism, abuse
Japan to watch WHO probe of director's alleged racism, abuse
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
8 minutes ago
Nazi Germany and Anti-Jewish Policy[.]
Nazi Germany and Anti-Jewish Policy
Nazi Germany and Anti-Jewish Policy
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
9 minutes ago
Duran Duran - [Maybe those Particular?] The Wild Boys (Official Music Video)
1 view
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
10 minutes ago
Keep 'Em Separated - [Perhaps those Particular?] The Offspring(LYRICS)
1 view
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
12 minutes ago
[Maybe those Particular?] Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film - Wikipedia
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
13 minutes ago
[Maybe that Particular?] Definition of GOOD[.]
Definition of GOOD
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
14 minutes ago
[Perhaps that Particular?] Urban Dictionary: anyway[.]
Urban Dictionary: anyway www.urbandictionary.com
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
15 minutes ago
whatever www.thefreedictionary.com
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
16 minutes ago
The Extermination of [Maybe those Particular?] the Canaanites[.]
The Extermination of the Canaanites www.knowingthebible.net
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
17 minutes ago
[Perhaps those Particular?] Ancient Mayas. Collapse of Past Civilizations[.] | [Maybe that Particular?] Free Essay Example[.]
Ancient Mayas. Collapse of Past Civilizations | Free Essay Example studycorgi.com
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
19 minutes ago
[Perhaps those Particular?] Extermination camps – The Holocaust Explained: Designed for schools
Extermination camps – The Holocaust Explained: Designed for schools www.theholocaustexplained.org
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
24 minutes ago
Maybe also that Particular, " 'No excuses, none of that nonsense...' - [Perhaps also that Particular?] Gavaskar slams [Maybe that Particular?] Pant after his dismissal on Day 3 of [Perhaps that Particular?] J'brug Test". [Perhaps for example. Maybe for instance. Perhaps Not about. Maybe Not about then. Perhaps approximately about then. Maybe, "So-Called".]
'No excuses, none of that nonsense...' - Gavaskar slams Pant after his dismissal on Day 3 www.wionews.com
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
26 minutes ago
The Strange Case of [Maybe that Particular?] Anti-Christian Christianity - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics[.] [Perhaps for example. Maybe for instance. Perhaps Not about. Maybe Not about then. Perhaps approximately about then. Maybe, "So-Called".]
The Strange Case of Anti-Christian Christianity - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics
The Strange Case of Anti-Christian Christianity - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
27 minutes ago
[Perhaps also that Particular?] Definition of MAN-HATER[.] [Perhaps for example. Maybe for instance. Perhaps Not about. Maybe Not about then. Perhaps approximately about then. Maybe, "So-Called".]
Definition of MAN-HATER
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
28 minutes ago
[Perhaps also that Particular?] Misandry: The Invisible Hatred of [Maybe those Particular?] Men[.] [Perhaps for example. Maybe for instance. Perhaps Not about. Maybe Not about then. Perhaps approximately about then. Maybe, "So-Called".]
Misandry: The Invisible Hatred of Men
Misandry: The Invisible Hatred of Men
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
29 minutes ago
[Maybe also that Particular?] good[.]
good www.thefreedictionary.com
1 person reacted
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Family and Friends(F.A.F.)---May You have a Very Good Sunday, and a Very Good Monday, and a Very Good Week. And I am Very Grateful for, and Very Thankful for, for example, that Mom, Grandma Carolyn, Grandpa Sid, and Papa Dad, Steve, and Myself are doing Very Well, and Very Good, and I am also Very Grateful for, and Very Thankful for, Our Trust Funds, and Our Copyrights. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Awesome, and Great, of Course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And May You have a Good Day, and a Good Afternoon, and a Good Night.---Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.).
"Moreover, and Maybe also that Very Interesting News, and Perhaps also that Very Interesting Information(Info.). And Maybe for example."
"Brandon Katrena
one minute ago
interesting www.thefreedictionary.com
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
6 minutes ago
Maybe also that, "What Is [that Particular?] Time Management & Why Is It Important? [Perhaps also that Particular, " [Summary + [Maybe also those Particular?] Tips]" ]. [Maybe also for example. Maybe for Very Long Duration. Perhaps Not about. Maybe Not approximately about then. Maybe approximately about then. Perhaps "So-Called". Maybe for instance. Perhaps for example.]
What Is Time Management & Why Is It Important? [Summary + Tips] trainingstation.walkme.com
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
7 minutes ago
Maybe also that Particular, "The Ascent[.]"
Perhaps also that, ""I Switched [those Particular?] Insurance Companies [approximately about?] Last Year. Here's What I Learned". [Perhaps also for example. Maybe Not about. Perhaps Not approximately then. Maybe approximately then. Perhaps also, "So-Called".]
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
9 minutes ago
Maybe also those Particular, "Problems logging in to [those Particular?] websites". [And Maybe also Very Long Duration Choosing and Deciding Not to Log in to or Signing in to Certain Websites. And Perhaps that Very Long Duration Time Management. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps so-Called.]
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
10 minutes ago
[Maybe that Particular?] UK Emergency Alert - Nuclear Attack Warning (2021)
1 view
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
12 minutes ago
[Perhaps that Particular?] US Nuclear Attack Warning
1 view
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
13 minutes ago
Definition of ONE OF A KIND
Definition of ONE OF A KIND www.merriam-webster.com
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
15 minutes ago
beyond belief
beyond belief idioms.thefreedictionary.com
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
16 minutes ago
Vaishalee Thakkar: Time management is a must today - Times of India
Vaishalee Thakkar: Time management is a must today - Times of India timesofindia.indiatimes.com
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
19 minutes ago
What Is a Trust Fund?
What Is a Trust Fund? www.investopedia.com
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
20 minutes ago
Copyright - Wikipedia
Copyright - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
21 minutes ago
[Maybe that Particular?] The Fed - F.4 Saving and Investment by Sector
The Fed - F.4 Saving and Investment by Sector
The Fed - F.4 Saving and Investment by Sector
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
23 minutes ago
What is [Maybe that Particular?] Energy Work? (with pictures)
What is Energy Work? (with pictures) www.thehealthboard.com
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
25 minutes ago
Maybe also that Particular, "The Ascent[.]"
Perhaps also that, ""I Switched [those Particular?] Insurance Companies [approximately about?] Last Year. Here's What I Learned". [Perhaps also for example. Maybe Not about. Perhaps Not approximately then. Maybe approximately then. Perhaps also, "So-Called".]
I Switched Insurance Companies Last Year. Here's What I Learned www.msn.com
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
29 minutes ago
Maybe also those Particular, "Problems logging in to [those Particular?] websites". [And Maybe also Very Long Duration Choosing and Deciding Not to Log in to or Signing in to Certain Websites. And Perhaps that Very Long Duration Time Management. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps so-Called.]
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
46 minutes ago
8 Ways to Improve [Perhaps that Particular?] Time Management | Fellow.app
8 Ways to Improve Time Management | Fellow.app
8 Ways to Improve Time Management | Fellow.app
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
47 minutes ago
[Maybe that Particular?] interesting
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
49 minutes ago
[Maybe that Particular?] U.S. Military Jury Condemns Terrorist’s Torture and Urges Clemency
U.S. Military Jury Condemns Terrorist’s Torture and Urges Clemency www.nytimes.com
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
51 minutes ago
Those So-Called Terrorists - The Village Voice
Those So-Called Terrorists - The Village Voice www.villagevoice.com
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
52 minutes ago
[Maybe those Particular?] 5 Guantanamo detainees cleared for release as prison marks 20 years - KTVZ
5 Guantanamo detainees cleared for release as prison marks 20 years - KTVZ
5 Guantanamo detainees cleared for release as prison marks 20 years - KTVZ
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
55 minutes ago
[Maybe that Particular?] Adolf Eichmann - Murderer of [Perhaps those Particular?] Millions Documentary
1 view
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
57 minutes ago
[Maybe that Particular?] Roman She-Wolf Symbol - History And Meaning - Symbols Archive symbolsarchive.com
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
58 minutes ago
How [Maybe those Particular?] Octopuses and Squids Change Color
How Octopuses and Squids Change Color ocean.si.edu
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
one hour ago
Adolf Eichmann - Murderer of Millions Documentary
1 view
1 person reacted
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
two hours ago
And also Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "In the Beginning, Father God Created the Heavens and the Earth." And Maybe for example.
1 person reacted
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And also Paraphrased, Summarized, and Abbreviated, "In the Beginning, Father God Created the Heavens and the Earth." And Maybe for example.