

Blood & other medical supplies, of course, suggests Russia's getting close to building the capacity to attack & sustain one. Ukrainian officials told me & other reporters they hadn't yet seen this & it seemed to be a key part of their assessment that an attack isn't imminent.
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EXCLUSIVE: Russia's military buildup near Ukraine has expanded to include supplies of blood along with other medical materials that would allow it to treat casualties, a key indicator of Moscow's military readiness, three U.S. officials tell @Reuters 1/5
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Chet Mitchell
Replying to @mitchellreports and @RichardEngel
Russians won't attack during China Olympics as they want a strong relationship with China & don't want to step on China's Olympics toes. They won't attack during mud season as mud will bog down Russia's tanks. Attack window is between end of Olympics FEB 22nd & B4 March thaw.
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Blood is imported, and Europe supplies donors?
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So they spend time and effort trying to say an invasion isn't imminent, even saying "we're here so we know better", and turns out the country with the best intel-gathering capabilities in the world is more accurate in their assessments than the country who doesn't have that.
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100,000 troops need some sort of medical aid. When I go for a field trip here in US, I take with me Tylenol, Band Aid, digestive meds, etc. I assume those soldiers also need some medical help. Nothing special. By the way, how do we know they have blood supplies? Who saw it?
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