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Jumping in the New Year with a joint-partner exercise

 Jan. 19, 2022:  日米合同演習 「降下訓練始め」Jumping in the New Year with a joint-partner exercise 

 459th Airmen deliver important COVID tests on Christmas Eve                                     


 Jan. 13, 2022: 第459空輸中隊、クリスマスイブにCOVIDの検体を空輸 459th Airmen deliver important COVID tests on Christmas Eve




A loadmaster completes her first Operation Christmas Drop

 Dec. 21, 2021: <クリスマスドロップ作戦> ロードマスター 初参加体験記 A loadmaster completes her first Operation Christmas Drop
 374th Airlift Wing and allies support the 70th Anniversary of Operation Christmas Drop                                                     Dec.17, 2021: 第374空輸航空団と同盟国 70周年のクリスマスドロップ作戦に参加 374th Airlift Wing and allies support the 70th Anniversary of Operation Christmas Drop
 PACAF AIRPS keeps people connected during holidays                             Dec. 10, 2021: 太平洋空軍航空郵便中隊 ホリデーシーズンに人を繋ぐPACAF AIRPS keeps people connected during holidays


374th Airlift Wing and allies prepare for Operation Christmas Drop

 Dec . 6, 2021: <クリスマスドロップ作戦>同盟国と作戦を準備 374th Airlift Wing and allies prepare for OCD

 The First OCD team tekes off at Yokota          

 Dec. 1, 2021: <クリスマスドロップ作戦>第一陣が横田を出発 The First OCD team takes off at Yokota

新型コロナウィルス感染症対策について COVID-19 Prevention Measures

健康保護警戒態勢 Health Protection Condition


基地内の感染者発生状況 COVID-19 Community Update

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