Defend yourself against tracking and surveillance
No Cookies prevents the use of Cookies in the browser to stop tracking your identity.
No Storages prevents the use of Javascript Storages in the browser to stop tracking your identity.
No Scripts prevents the use of Javascript in the browser to stop tracking your identity.
No Object prevents the use of HTML5 Canvas in the browser to stop tracking your identity.
Hide Browser Version prevents browser information been revealed to stop tracking your identity.
Compress Webpage compresses the webpage before receiving the page for faster loading time and to use less data on your device.
Padded Webpage prevents traffic analysis by increasing the webpage size to protect against revealing your website.
HTTPS Only allows you to visit HTTPS secured websites only.
Alternating URL prevents a webpage url from been the same while previous urls still remain working.
URL Encryption encrypts page urls to prevent traffic analysis.
Language selects what language for the browser to request.