Bellow this description you will find most common questions asked. Each question's permalink can be copied by right click "Copy URL".
Please note that I'm only human. I can't satisfy all wishes and requests.
Differences between AdvancedTomato and Tomato by Shibby?
AdvancedTomato is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) and it does not bring any new features to the router it self. This project is a fork of Tomato by Shibby project but sadly it can't be simply installed
to a existing Tomato by Shibby based router due to differences in web handler ( HTTPD Service that runs and executes GUI). AdvancedTomato is using double versions format which looks like: 2.5-124.
That means that in this case version of GUI is 2.5 and Tomato by Shibby version is 124.
Do you support or plan to add support for my router?
I have received numerous of requests for device support, questions when the device will receive support and questions when I can make specific router builds and so on.
Answer is NO! While I may be a developer my knowledge is limited to web development while Tomato is a mostly based on
C language which is not my area of expertise.
So with that in mind I only develop GUI (Graphical User Interface) which is the front-end of Tomato and is the actual way for you to see and modify router settings.
My work is based on
Tomato By Shibby who is the one releasing router support and most Tomato related updates.
Please address questions related to the way router works, missing software, bugs and issues to Shibby. He is the one with enough knowledge to help you further.
How do I flash AdvancedTomato on my router?
Flashing AdvancedTomato varies by the device, router in this case. Asus for example has the same flashing software for each device while NETGEAR and Linksys have different options
for flashing per device. Easiest way to find out "HOW TO" is on Downloads page. I did my best to add as much tutorials as possible!
How recent are AdvancedTomato updates?
Updates are not specific to a date (e.g. Monthly updates). I code and fix issues in my free time so if my schedule is busy, the project must wait.
Remember that I am not paid to do this, I do it of my free will. Also take a note, if Shibby releases update e.g. 124 it does not mean AdvancedTomato will jump right up to it. I have to wait for
Shibby's sources so its up to Shibby how fast I can update AdvancedTomato.
How to set custom HTTPS Certificate?
To get the custom cert stored in Tomato and survive the reboots, here's what you need to do:
1. Check both - the "Regenerate" box and the "Save in NVRAM" box - and then hit "Save".
2. Replace "/etc/cert.pem" and "/etc/key.pem" files by your own cert files.
3. In terminal session, execute the following command:
tar -C / -czf /tmp/cert.tgz etc/cert.pem etc/key.pem
4. Save the created /tmp/cert.tgz file to nvram:
nvram setfb64 https_crt_file /tmp/cert.tgz
nvram commit
5. Restart the httpd service:
service httpd restart
Remember, that if you ever save the settings on the "Admin Access" page with the "Regenerate" box checked, or with "Save in NVRAM" box unchecked,
you will loose your certificate and you will have to do these steps all over again.
In some cases setfb64 is unavailable so you can simply use this command to store certificate into nvram:
nvram set https_crt_file="$(base64 /tmp/cert.tgz)"
OR (should be cross-compatible)
nvram set https_crt_file="$(tar -C / -cz etc/cert.pem etc/key.pem | openssl enc -a)"
Required packages to build AdvancedTomato
Please understand AdvancedTomato uses exactly the same packages as Tomato by Shibby that's because its a fork (project base). As I stated many times before AdvancedTomato is only GUI modification
and will most likely always stay only that. Shibby uses Debian 8 to compile firmware however I use Ubuntu 16.04 so both will work. Bellow you will find list of required packages and those who may mess the compilation process.
Base packages with all depends
sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf m4 bison flex g++ libtool sqlite gcc g++ binutils patch bzip2 make gettext unzip zlib1g-dev libc6 gperf sudo automake groff lib32stdc++6 libncurses5 libncurses5-dev gawk gitk zlib1g-dev autopoint shtool autogen mtd-utils gcc-multilib gconf-editor lib32z1-dev pkg-config libssl-dev automake1.11 libxml2-dev intltool libglib2.0-dev libstdc++5 texinfo dos2unix xsltproc libnfnetlink0 libcurl4-openssl-dev libxml2-dev libgtk2.0-dev libnotify-dev libevent-dev mc git texlive nettle-dev nodejs nodejs-legacy
Packages to remove if installed (breaks PHP compilation)
sudo apt-get remove libicu-dev
Install i386 elf1 packages (x86 bit)
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get install libelf1 libelf-dev:i386 libelf1:i386
Install required automake packages (version 1.13.2 and 1.14.1)
sudo dpkg -i automake_1.13.2-1ubuntu1_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i automake_1.14.1-2ubuntu1_all.deb
If bison version is above 3.0 downgrade to 2.7.1
sudo apt-get remove bison libbison-dev
sudo dpkg -i libbison-dev_2.7.1.dfsg-1_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i bison_2.7.1.dfsg-1_amd64.deb
That should be enough to get you started. If you have issues please don't contact me, but rather visit
and post it there.
Should I clear NVRAM when switching from Shibby 124 to AdvancedTomato 124?
If you switch from Tomato Shibby firmware with same version number as AdvancedTomato you do not need to clear NVRAM. But I do suggest clearing NVRAM settings every time
you upgrade router to the newer version (E.g.: 124 to 125). Usually updates bring new WiFi or WAN hardware specific fixes/modifications which could go wrong with older NVRAM values.
What happened to ATTD (AdvancedTomato Themes Directory)?
When I first got idea to build better themes directory as Shibby (people could easily submit themes, no need to mess with zips much, etc...) It took me few days to code
proper ATTD. But once I did, no one was using it. So I felt I wrote it for nothing. Shibby also asked me to merge ATTD with TTB and as nothing is happening I decided to temporally wait with this project.
So currently there is no ATTD.
What happened to AdvancedTomato RT builds?
When I started AdvancedTomato back in January 2014 I supported all routers as Shibby did. But after a while I realized that process required to make all images was extremely slow!
That is when I decided to drop support for older (smaller flash size) routers and make AdvancedTomato V2 which actually requires more Flash size but offers better Icons, Fonts and SVG graphics.
Where do I find source code?
AdvancedTomato is based on many open source projects which are licensed under GPL license which requires me to offer source as well.
You can read discussion about it
here. Sources are available on Github:
Is your question not listed above? Feel free to contact me!