Check PESCO Online Bill at
PESCO Online Bills-Duplicate-Print Download . There is a possibility that you miss your pesco bill. So you need not to worry about your pesco bill just Check out pesco online bill at Enter your reference number below to check pesco bill online.
Click On Link Below and Enter Your Reference Number To Check Your Pesco Online Bill.
Click Here To Check Pesco Online Bill
Enter Reference Number
Here you can get a duplicate copy of pesco Bill for the month of January 2022, and if you have already paid pesco bill and are looking for a fresh pesco electricity bill for month of December 2021 & January 2022, then enter your reference number to get latest duplicate copy. You can check the bill amount and download pesco online bill PDF or jpeg format. If you would like to check if your bill has been paid or not, you can call the pesco hotline, give them your reference number and they will confirm that the pesco bill has been paid. Also, if you are using a banking app that supports bill payment, you can check if your bill has been paid. You can also calculate your approximate bill by clicking Pesco Online Bill Calculator.
If you are away from your home and don’t know about your pesco bill Just visit PESCO Online Bill website to check your online pesco bill, So you can pay it from anywhere. From you can check your online bill all around the world with out any delay is a free website for the costumer of Peshawar (KPK) and all other companies under PEPCO.
What is PESCO Bill Reference Number?
To check PESCO online bill you must have Pesco bill Reference number. First for all you must have to know what is Pesco Reference Number. Lets check it out. Pesco bill reference number consist of 14-digits
For Example: 01 26663 1234567
Batch No+ Sub-division+ Account Numbers
01 Shows your Batch number. it consist on two can be different according to the area. It shows your record will be in this batch. Batch number only can be changed but not often.
26663 it consist on five digits and it represent your sub-division. it means your area of electricity. A division may be divided into various sub-division for the easement of pesco consumer.
1234567 last 7 numbers belongs to the consumer. These are permanent numbers which are assigned to a Pesco consumer.
So, the reference number look like this
01 26663 1234567
How to Check PESCO Online Bill?
You can check your PESCO online bill using the 14-digit reference number found on any old copy of your PESCO Bill. If you don’t know where to find the reference number, see the highlighted area in the image below:
Use this reference number to inquire about your pesco Online Bill. You can view online bill details and all other information about your online bill by entering the reference number in the input field above. Simply enter the reference number, click View Full Bill , then click Download to download the pesco online bill in pdf format.
Here is a list of all other WAPDA Bills, So you can get all the stuff at the same platform. Click the company which bill you want to see and download.
Taxes Applies in PESCO Bill:
Here is the list of common taxes that you usually see in the PESCO bill:
Electricity Duty = @ 1.5% to all units consume in the billing month.
TV fees Rs 35 for single TV if you have more than one then it will be multiply with the number of TV set you have. For commercial consumers the TV FEE is Rs.60
General Sale Tax (GST) @ 17% . This tax is calculate by adding E.D and Variable Charges.
Income tax is applies on all commercial consumers as well as now a days on the domestic consumer who consume 1000 and above units in a billing month.
EXTRA TAX: Exempted
Sales tax is only applicable to the commercial consumers
FPA stands for Fuel Price Adjustment. FPA (Fuel Price Adjustment) price in pesco bill belongs to rental power companies that generate electricity from Crude Oil . FPA for the month of October 2021 has applied with rate @ Rs.4.746 per unit and all taxed also apply on that rate. You can see this amount in your bill when there is fuel price fluctuation according to the table.
QTR Tariff Adj / DMC
This is quarterly tariff adjustment amount. You may see this amount in your bill after every 3 months. This tax applies on the domestic consumer when they across limit of 300 units . Then this tax applies, where as in case of commercial consumers it applies on a single unit.
TR Surcharge:
This tax is applies on Industrial consumers. Its kind of subsidy. Some time it is credit to the consumer and some time debited to the consumer as per rule defined by NEPRA. T.R stands for Tariff Rationalization Surcharge. This is NEPRA and GOP tariff difference. If difference is positive, it will be payable by GOP as “Subsidy”. However in case of negative difference, the Distribution Company will pay to GOP as “Inter DISCO Tariff Rationalization Surcharge ( IDTR SUR )”.
FC Surcharge:
To maintain the debt other words to collect the revenue from consumers . FC means Financing Cost. The officials decided to charge 0.43 paisa per unit as FC Surcharge, to secure collection of debt servicing of the Power Holding Private Limited.
Deferred Amount:
Deferred amount is the disputed amount which have some conflict in it. It may be court case or any other disputed matter b/w consumer and the authority. This amount remains in the deferred box until the matter come to conclusion. In other sense it also called set aside amount.
Peak / Off Peak Timings
Peak / off peak timing are important for the commercial and industrial consumer of pesco. PESCO consumer can save electricity and their bill amount with the help of the given table. The rate per unit vary with the time as defined by be the PESCO. Peak hours are with high rat per unit and off peak are with low rate per unit. So make Sure to use less electricity in the peak hours,
Season | Peak Timing | Off-Peak Timing |
Dec to Feb | 5 PM to 9 PM | Remaining 20 hours |
Mar to May | 6 PM to 10 PM | -do- |
Jun to Aug | 7 PM to 11 PM | -do- |
Sep to Nov | 6 PM to 10 PM | -do- |
About Peshawar Electric Supply Company (PESCO):
The Peshawar District Electricity Council was transformed into a similar legal entity called the Peshawar Electricity Supply Company (PESCO) for business purposes and subsequent privatization. It is located at the Peshawar Electricity Company (PESCO ). Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provides power distribution services to more than 2.6 million customers in all urban areas of Pakistan. At PESCO Networks, we have a KPK power distribution system served by 132, 66 and 33 kV substation lines, 11 kV and 440 V low voltage substations and lines that connect your home or business to electricity.
PESCO Strategic Vision
Good for the environment and society pesco strives to provide leadership in identifying practical and alternative sustainable approaches to integrating sustainability and sustainability principles and reducing environmental impact. PESCO strives to create and promote an environmentally sustainable and responsible culture and strives to continually improve its performance in the context of its environmental profile. Pesco is committed to ensuring the health and well-being of its employees. This includes health and safety services, employee support programs, stress management policies, and a revolving wellness program. Pesco strives to provide global health insurance for its employees and their families and to provide protection against financial health risks through affordable, effective and transparent measures. At the same time, pesco adheres to the principle of fairness.
PESCO Jurisdictions:
PESCO consist on eight (08) Circles covering about 1,204,621 Hectares of land . Pesco circle are as under.
BANNU Circle | HAZARA Circle-1 | HAZARA Circle-2 |
KHYBER Circle | MARDAN Circle | PESHAWAR Circle |
SWABI Circle | SWAT Circle |
PESCO Bill Checking Requirements:
To check your pesco electricity bill online, you must have a reference number. All you need is a reference number to get a duplicate pesco online bill. It is not possible to confirm this with a name or national identification card (NIC / CNIC). If you would like to receive a pesco online bill using the CNIC or by meter number, you will need to contact your nearest customer service center where the appropriate staff can assist you. You can check the pesco one line bill on the website (, but at we have made it easy for pesco WAPDA customers to simply enter the reference number. It can be viewed on any device. (Mobile / Desktop PC). In addition, they can view the online bill in full and Download PESCO Online bill for free.
How to Pay PESCO Bill Online?
Method to Pay pesco bills online: If you are a bank account holder, So you can download related bank app form paly store if that app supports pesco online bill payment. Below the list of banks that support pesco online bill payment:
- Online Banks Account
- Jazz Cash Account
- Easy Paisa Shops
- NADRA Collection Points
- One Link ATMs
Of course, you can pay pesco bill offline by visiting any bank with hard copy of the bill. If you did not get copy of your bill, or lost it, you can download duplicate copy by just clicking here.
Following are the offline payment options:
- All Commercial Banks
- All Post Offices
- Meezan Bank (MBL)
- Allied Bank (ABL)
- Habib Bank Ltd (HBL)
- National Bank of Pakistan (NBP)
- United Bank Limited (UBL)
- Bank al Habib (BAH)
- Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB)
- Standard Chartered Bank (SCB)
PESCO Bill Tarif Guide
CHARGES Rs./kWh | |
a) | For Sanctioned load up to 5 kW | – | – | |
i | Up to 50 Units | – | – | 3.95 |
For Consumption exceeding 50 Units | – | – | ||
ii | 1- 100 Units | – | – | 9.42 |
iii | 101- 200 Units | – | – | 11.74 |
iv | 201- 300 Units | – | – | 13.83 |
v | 301- 700 Units | – | – | 21.23 |
vi | Above 700 Units | – | – | 24.33 |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
What is PESCO complaint number?
Call on 111-000-118 to contact PESCO headquarter. Read more about PESCO Helpline Here.
Can I calculate PESCO bill online?
Yes, you can calculate estimate bill amount by entering consumed units by using PESCO Bill Calculator.
How can I get duplicate PESCO bill?
You can get pesco duplicate bill at pesco -bill/ by entering 14 digit reference number.
Can I check pesco Oline bill without reference number?
You can not check pesco bill with name, CNIC, address or meter number. Reference number is necessary to check pesco bill online, otherwise you can call helpline or visit the nearest office.
How can I change name on my bill?
You can apply for name change in pesco office. The process to change name is same like New Connection.
How to check if my bill is paid or not?
Currently this feature is not publicly available. However you can call helpline to confirm the bill payment.
What is FPA in PESCO Electricity bill?
FPA is Fuel Price Adjustment. It’s a variable amount that can be added to your bill based on fuel prices fluctuation.
Can I check old bills online?
No, currently this feature is not available online. But you can visit the PESCO headquarter to get old bills record.
What is PESCO detection bill?
A ‘Detection Bill’ is served for:
1. Illegal abstraction of electricity or consumption of energy.
2. Direct hooking or electricity theft.
3. On account of slowness of electricity meter.
How do I download PESCO Electricity bill?
Visit pesco, enter reference number to check quick bill, then open full bill and there you can download pesco wapda bill for free.
Can I get PESCO bill via SMS?
Currently we are offering bill email service. You can subscribe to monthly bill by entering reference number and email address.
What is NET Metering In Pakistan?
For Pakistani consumers who intend to build or own a renewable energy facility, electricity policy is called a net meter in Pakistan.