Immigrant store owner in Detroit and Muslim prayer leader dies of coronavirus

Niraj Warikoo
Detroit Free Press
Abdelfattah Abdrabbo, known as Abu Rami, died April 27 of the coronavirus at the age of 65. He was a Palestinian immigrant who owned a store in southwest Detroit, Sunrise Import & Export, and often led mosque prayers.

This obituary is part of “We Will Remember,” a series about those we’ve lost to the coronavirus.  

Abdelfattah Abdrabbo would often be the first one to arrive before sunrise at Masjid Bilal, a mosque in Canton where he led the dawn prayers known as Fajr. He was trusted to have the keys to the mosque and opened the doors after 4 a.m.

"He was a devout Muslim," said his daughter, Amali Abdrabbo Elabed. "Never missed a prayer."

As a Palestinian immigrant who arrived in the U.S. with few resources, Abdrabbo — known to family and friends as Abu Rami — worked long hours often with no vacation at an import/export store he owned in an industrial area of southwest Detroit. His hard work helped put his six children through college and graduate school, giving them the keys to the American dream to become a doctor, a pharmacist and a teacher, among other professions.

Known for his warm smile and laugh, the Canton man was familiar in metro Detroit's Muslim communities as both a prayer leader and a generous donor to charities, poor people and mosques. He was quick to donate items in his store for needy people. 

On April 27, Abdrabbo died at the age of 65 after testing positive for the coronavirus. He had been ill for about four weeks and on a ventilator for 21 days at University Hospital in Ann Arbor. Abdrabbo had no underlying conditions, Elabed said.

His condition had been improving early in the day on April 27, his children said.

"My heart pounded with joy to hear the doctor say: 'Your dad's lungs are more compliant. They are responding to the (medical) FiO2/Peep settings and we are happy with where we are at. ... give it four days and he will be off the ventilator,'" said Elabed, who has a doctorate in pharmacy, recalling her father's final hours. "I couldn’t believe we were almost at the finish line."

But "just a few hours later, God had a different plan," Elabed said. "Doctors couldn’t make sense out of anything that was happening. They had zero explanations. His blood pressure went through the roof, his respirations were heavy and fast. Blood gas after blood gas was being tested and ventilator settings changed to numbers we couldn’t believe. It didn’t feel real. It was his last hours."

His wife, Aziza Abdrabbo, who also had tested positive for the coronavirus but was released from the hospital after a week, was able to visit him along with one of her sons. 

She was screaming "I know a miracle is going to happen. I just know" as she rubbed her husband's face with her hand, Elabed said, describing her mother's account. But he "was slowly dying."

"Our world has completely crumbled," Elabed said. "Our life will never be the same. It was his time and his heart completely submitted to you, God."

Immigrant journey to America

Born in a small village near Jerusalem, Abdrabbo immigrated to the U.S. at the age of 20, said one of his sons, Dr. Mohammed Abdrabbo. He first lived in New Jersey, then moved to Dearborn in 1990 and then Canton in 2010. 

"He lived his early life mostly with absolutely nothing," Abdrabbo said. "He started selling bartered goods from the back of his minivan in the parking lot of mosques."

He stocked groceries after arriving in the U.S. and opened his import/export and wholesale store in Detroit about 25 years ago.

"God blessed him with a business of his own where people from all around the United States would eventually flock to," he said. 

"He worked ... seven days a week, 365 days a year," Abdrabbo said. "Holidays and weekends are when he worked even harder. All for his children."

"Abdelfattah made this a reality for his children and his grandchildren by the help of God."

Abdelfattah Abdrabbo (on right) with his son Dr. Mohammed Abdrabbo (center) and his wife Aziza Abdrabbo at his son's commencement at Michigan State University's Medical School in 2017. Abdrabbo died on April 27, 2020, after testing positive from the coronavirus .

Located on Central Avenue north of John Kronk Street, Sunrise Import & Export is in an area with scrap metal shops, junk yards and a Catholic church named after Our Lady of Guadalupe. The store, which remains open, had faded letters in front that read: "SHOPPING CENTER" with the words "RUGS AND MORE" below it. 

It's a slice of Detroit's diversity, in an area where the Latino and Arab American communities sit close to each other. In his parking lot was a taco truck run by Latino immigrants that serves Mexican specialties.

He sold everything from home goods and sportswear to carpets and kitchenware to toys, shoes and clothing.

"Almost anything you can imagine," Elabed said. "He had it all, which corresponded with his personality."

A faith leader 

Outside of work, he was active with prayer and worship, "loved by all of the Canton, Dearborn, and Detroit imams and sheikhs because he supported them all," Elabed said. 

After he died, about 16 mosque leaders paid tribute to him during on online Zoom memorial services, she said.

"Local imams were sharing stories how they used to come to his business and ask for gifts for children who excelled at school," Elabed said. "He would tell them just take whatever you want. He was a constant giver."

He also led a rich family life.

"So loving, so fun," Elabed said. "When he comes home from work, our world stopped and revolved around him. ... He was just a magnet to everyone."

A fundraising effort in his memory on the Detroit-based crowdfunding site, LaunchGood, has raised more than $65,000 to help orphans and masjids, some of whom have been suffering financially during the pandemic.

Abdelfattah Abdrabbo with his daughter, Amali Abdrabbo Elabed, at Tomb of the Virgin Mary in Jerusalem.

Elabed said this past month "has been the most heart-wrenching moments of my life. These weeks have dropped me to my knees hysterically begging the Lord for mercy."

"My dad looked so peaceful on the ventilator. That ventilator gave us so much hope. We would gather around my dad virtually. We couldn’t hold or kiss him physically but I could feel his energy emanating through FaceTime," she said. "We read his favorite verses from the holy Quran. We prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed. We would stay on FaceTime 5 hours each nurse shift until the battery would give up. We would call again the next shift." 

Elabed said she and her siblings "called the doctors and nurses around the clock. We had charts of his labs and vitals, analyzing blood gases, ventilator settings, heart rate, blood pressure, liver and kidney functions every second of the day. We were obsessed. We never gave up and always remained hopeful. So very hopeful even though there were nights where I couldn’t stop shaking. We were terrified." 

But Elabed's faith — which she learned from her father — has been helping her cope. 

Abdelfattah Abdrabbo, known as Abu Rami, reads the Quran on March 27 in his Canton home. He died April 27 of the coronavirus at the age of 65. He was a Palestinian immigrant who owned a store in southwest Detroit, Sunrise Import & Export, and often led mosque prayers.

Before he was admitted into the hospital, Abdrabbo had read about half of the Quran during the self-quarantine. 

"He loved reading the Quran," she said. "My mom was so hopeful and kept reminding him while he was on the ventilator that he has to come home to finish the other half."

After he died, members of his congregation drove to the Canton mosque where he often led services, offering prayers while remaining inside their cars. 

"God is the best of planners," she said, citing a Quranic verse. "We may never understand His Wisdom. ... Regardless, we say, Alhamdulillah (all praise to God). Although it hurts so much to lose our father, we’re content and accepting of God’s decree." 

She recalls of her father: "The phrase of 'Alhamdulilah' never left his tongue. I pray to be an embodiment of him every day." 

Standing in front, Abdelfattah Abdrabbo, of Canton, leads prayer at Masjid Al-Salaam, a mosque in Dearborn. He died of the coronavirus on April 27, 2020, at the age of 65.

In addition to his daughter, Amali Abdrabbo Elabed, he is survived by his wife, Aziza Abdrabbo, children Rami Abdrabbo, Lena Abdrabbo, Dr. Mohammed Abdrabbo, Sara Abdrabbo, and Abdelbassett Abdrabbo. 

He also is survived by six grandchildren, brother Bob Abdrabbo, sister Nazmia Abdrabbo, sons-in-law Fahmi Elabed, Ahmed Abdelsalam, and Ibrahim Kadri, and daughter-in-law Widad Alchurbaji.

If you have a family member or close friend who has died from COVID-19 and you would like to share their story, please visit our memorial wall and select “Share a story.”

Contact Niraj Warikoo: or 313-223-4792. Twitter @nwarikoo