
COVID-19 公費疫苗預約平台,預計於 111 年 1 月 15 日重新啟用,提供第三劑預約服務。

目前已開放各地方政府指定/安排合約醫療院所或衛生所提供疫苗預約接種, 民眾可至衛生福利部疾病管制署全球資訊網,運用 「COVID-19 疫苗接種院所」「COVID-19 接種院所地圖」 等資訊,就近前往接種。

【The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC)】

The CECC will restart the 1922 Vaccination Appointment System on January 15, 2022 for booster shots.

Meanwhile, local governments will update information about the brands of vaccines available and the location of participating hospitals and clinics for you to schedule your COVID-19 vaccination appointment. Additionally, you can visit the vaccine map of Taiwan showing all relevant information about COVID-19 vaccines.