The Star Wars universe is overflowing with incredible characters. There are, of course, a variety of Jedi and Sith who are generally at the core of most of the goings-on in the galaxy. Another prominent group is the bounty hunters, which seems to be the most prolific profession around. On top of that, there are Clones, droids, and a lot more.

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It's hard to build a science fiction franchise without a wide range of alien species to work with. As odd a world of characters and stories as Star Wars can host sometimes, there are alien species that are still incredibly strange even by Star Wars standards.

10 Dugs Evolved With A Weird Way Of Moving Around

The alien race called the Dugs appeared for the first time in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. The character's name was Sebulba and he was young Anakin Skywalker's podracing nemesis. Sebulba would ultimately lose to Anakin, which in turn allowed Qui-Gon Jinn to get the parts to fix their ship.

Dugs hail from the planet Malastare, but their design makes little or no sense. They walk using small legs that extend from their shoulders while using larger arm-like appendages that extend from their hips. It just seems an unnecessary and awkward evolutionary development.

9 The Kubaz Look Like Plague Doctors

Kubaz were spies and traitors

When it came to introducing audiences to new aliens, Star Wars: A New Hope came at fans with a lot really quickly. Things got revved up when Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi got to the Mos Eisley cantina, which was filled with a huge variety of aliens.

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One of the stranger alien races would be the Kubaz, who are bipedal but have faces reminiscent of a cross between an anteater and a plague doctor. They also seem to be rather nefarious as they're usually up to no good when they appear, such as selling Han Solo and friends out to the Imperials.

8 Gran Are Three-Eyed Goat Aliens

A Gran on Resistance

Some alien species seem to be prolific background and secondary characters. The Gran are a deceptively major species, having popped up in movies, TV series, comic books, and more. What makes them interesting is that those appearances have been to Jedi, criminals, and everything in between.

But they're pretty hard to miss regardless of the scene they are in. Gran have goat-like faces with three eye stalks sticking out of their foreheads. On top of that, there are also a pair of antennae popping out of their heads. And they sometimes have six fingers on each hand.

7 Ortolans Are Born Piano Players

Max Rebo showing his charm

Despite being desolate and sparsely populated, Tatooine still had some popular musical acts. A big one was Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes who were known to play Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina in Mos Eisley. There was also The Max Rebo Band who worked out of Jabba the Hutt's palace.

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The band was led by its namesake Max Rebo, a male Ortolan who played something that was vaguely similar to a piano. Ortolans were bright blue aliens who bore a striking resemblance to balloon animal versions of elephants.

6 Shistavanens Seem To Be Space Werewolves

Shistavanens are warriors

If there's one thing that every science fiction story needs, it's space werewolves. Naturally, Star Wars fans can find them in the Cantina in Mos Eisley, which makes sense because it's a hive of scum and villainy. It might say that on the sign out front.

Shistavanens have not appeared with great frequency over the years. After first popping up in A New Hope, they have made sporadic appearances, mostly in comic books and novels. Their more-than-passing resemblance to werewolves makes them stick out like a sore thumb.

5 Kowakian Monkey-Lizards Are Just Plain Freaky

Kowakian's are always nasty

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi took fans back to Luke Skaywalker's home of Tatooine. This time, the gang was there to rescue their friend Han Solo from being a permanent wall art installation in Jabba the Hutt's throne room.

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The most unsettling part of that entire operation was Jabba's pet Kowakian monkey-lizard. These semi-sentient pets look like weird, scaly monkeys with some sort of beaks. Jabba's was caught tearing out C-3PO's eye at one point. The worst part is they've been known to use blasters from time to time.

4 Did Star Wars Need Geonosians & Toydarians?

Toydarians and Genosians

The prequel trilogy introduced several new alien races to Star Wars fans, many of which have rarely come up again. The Geonosians were key members of the Separatists, designing and building their droid army. The Toydarians, on the other hand, sided with the Republic.

But they were actually quite similar species. Geonosians and Toydarians were both insect-like races who flew pretty much everywhere. Having one of these species around was odd enough, but having two of them in the galaxy was just plain strange.

3 Hutts Should Not Be Able To Survive

While Jabba the Hutt made his first Star Wars appearance in Return of the Jedi, he was originally scheduled to pop up in A New Hope. This legendary and vicious crime lord was the bane of the galaxy, employing some of the greatest bounty hunters to commit horrific acts to maintain his power base.

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But what doesn't make sense about Hutts, in general, is how they survived at all. They are basically giant slugs with arms that are largely incapable of moving on their own. It's amazing that they made it out of the swamps of Nal Hutta, let alone reached the levels of power and wealth so many Hutts have.

2 Gamorreans Are Walking Green Pig Monsters

Hutts maintain their improbable power base thanks to a lot of hired goons. At the foundations of many Hutt security details are Gamorreans, a race of green aliens who look and sound like pigs and only seem to pop up as brain-dead muscle.

While they appear imposing, Gamorreans are generally extremely ineffective in combat. They are slow-moving and have terrible reflexes, making them borderline useless. It wasn't until Season 2, Episode 1 of The Mandalorian that Gamorreans were actually depicted as being remotely capable fighters.

1 Whatever Alien Species Yoda Is?

After spending more than four decades building the Star Wars universe across multiple media forms, there are inevitably a lot of unanswered questions lying around. And more than a few of them relate to an extremely popular character, Jedi Master Yoda.

No one seems to know what species he is and only a grand total of three of them have appeared. Additionally, all three of them have been powerful Force users. That's probably good as these short green things would get immediately eaten by the first predator that wandered by without the Force on their side.

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