Power lines runs parallel to I-45 Wednesday, March 4, 2021 in Webster.
Steve Gonzales, Houston Chronicle / Staff PhotographerIf you got a chance to catch the movie adaptation of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s “In The Heights” streaming on HBO — before ERCOT ordered you to turn off your TV, that is — you may have been gripped by the plot’s dramatic build up to a summer blackout that sends fates spiraling in the New York City neighborhood.
“We are powerless, we are powerless. … It’s getting hotter in the street. Everybody is nervous,” laments a wilting chorus of characters, knowing they have no shelter from the swelter.
But even Texans who enjoyed the scene enough to sing along probably have no interest in being drafted into the chorus.
Alas, that’s the looming prospect we face this week as the state’s power grid operator, ERCOT, is issuing statewide energy conservation alerts, apparently prompted by an unusually high number of plant outages that came just as rising temperatures sent demand for electricity surging.
ERCOT, of course, is the infamous ringmaster of February’s tragic power grid failures, which killed at least 194 people and left millions without electricity or heat during some of the year’s coldest days.
Back then, officials blamed a snow storm in a state not accustomed to frigid temperatures. It was a sorry excuse, but at least it had a flake of truth.
What’s the problem this time? This is Texas. In June. Scorching temperatures are as commonplace as a backyard brisket and they can just about cook it for you, too. If there’s anything our power grid should be prepared for it’s rising mercury and cranked up ACs in the summer.
Yet, here we are — technically not even in summer yet, and already we’ve got the state warning of “tight grid conditions” and telling homeowners to turn off lights and stop using washing machines, instructing businesses to limit the use of electric equipment and urging large consumers to consider shutting down nonessential production. This isn’t the first warning this year, either: an April alert was issued when it wasn’t even hot, leaving officials to blame an anticipated cold front that never arrived and temperatures that stayed in the 80s.
Now, conservation in general is something Texans should do more of, certainly. And we’re happy to have a warning from ERCOT considering that in February, warnings were few and far between — or penned in pig Latin.
But what happened to assurances that ERCOT could meet peak demand this year? Why on Earth are so many power plants offline — and why does ERCOT have to investigate to find out the answer? (Lest anybody blame wind turbines, 75 percent of those offline are thermal generators such as natural gas facilities.)
In this investigation, the Chronicle documented how 20 million Texans lost power in a deadly freeze after state lawmakers brushed aside a decade of warnings about the increasingly vulnerable electric grid.
'Collective amnesia': Texas politicians knowingly blew 3 chances to fix the failing power grid
'I lost my best friend': How Houston's winter storm went from wonderland to deadly disaster
Fixing Texas' unreliable power grid won't be cheap or easy. Can we trust politicians to get it done?
“We will be conducting a thorough analysis with generation owners to determine why so many units are out of service,” said ERCOT Vice President of Grid Planning Operations Woody Rickerson, noting: “This is unusual for this early in the summer season.”
You don’t say.
Actually, here’s what you don’t say if you’re Gov. Greg Abbott, who presided over the deadly February mess. You don’t get on Twitter last week and brag about the two bills you signed into law to address the grid and proclaim: “Bottom line is that everything that needed to be done was done to fix the power grid in Texas.”
All he needs is a “Mission Accomplished” banner — but in this case, sub out the aircraft carrier for a Carrier AC unit in quiet conservation mode as the mercury hits triple digits.
Just like President George W. Bush’s premature declaration of victory all those years ago, Abbott must know that lawmakers didn’t resolve the vulnerabilities of Texas’ power grid.
They were far more interested in dividing Texans with culture wars than connecting our power grid with enough generation, including new capacity, to keep up with demand and build an apt cushion for crisis.
Yes, lawmakers did some helpful things worth noting - and we have. They mandated weatherization of plants - though not all plants and not with substantial penalties for those who don’t comply. Lawmakers also established a statewide emergency alert system, and they passed provisions aimed at improving industry communication and fixing basic oversights, such as making sure natural gas facilities won’t have their own power cut during a crisis.
But, as we’ve noted, lawmakers failed to pass substantial reforms that would prevent another crisis such as the one we saw in February from happening again. Texas’ power grid is still isolated from the rest of the country. The Texas market still carries a perverse incentive for generators to profit off misery.
Something’s got to change — or something’s got to give. And Texans would rather it not be our lives during a winter freeze without heat or a stifling summer meltdown without AC.
Texans must demand lawmakers address the issue more thoroughly in the next special session.
We must demand our leaders cease with the unfounded confidence that got us in this mess, the kind of chest-puffing arrogance that U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz exhibited on Twitter during a particularly hot spell in California in 2020: “It’s hot everywhere - try Texas every summertime - but the rest of the country doesn’t have such a dysfunctional state govt that you can’t turn the lights on or run A/C. That’s a policy failure of the Dems.”
Nope. In Texas, it’s a policy failure of Republicans who lead this state. And the policy is called hubris.
“It’s getting hotter in the street. Everybody is nervous.”
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