Just tested recieve official Vista updates only on Starter. It is working - downloaded and installed a few missing updates. A small cosmetic issue - after clicking Install in the WU window, it goes grey for a couple of seconds, then continues as normal.
Working on Vista Business with Vista+2008 aswell , although why is the windows update sign not showing? like the old legacy WU
It is the old look. Doesn't matter, it works well. I had already installed the relevant cabs with dism++, so it only offers what was missing - the net frame stuff
Seems to work as expected but it has the side effect to bump the vista version to 6.0.6003 (because of the servicing stack update pre-requisite). Question: Does this help somehow to properly install server 2008 updates on vista instead of only partially? (for example, powershell 3 included with KB2506146)
What side effect? other than WU which is fixed no, full installation of S2008 updates require manipulating CBS packages, and have downsizes i wonder why they restricted that to Server 2008, long before Vista EOL
Tested on x64 Home Premium. First receive official Vista updates only, then receive Server 2008 updates only . It worked very well, no duplicates.
Looks like it doesn't work on x86, installed everything including ESU and the long search updates manually, but checking for updates gives an indefinite loading bar. Edit: had to leave it on for like 25 minutes and it finally found updates, now I'll try the vista + 2008 method. Edit 2: picking the third option and re-checking for updates doesn't make it see new ones and installing the old ones will just make it hang at 0%. As a result I couldn't install neither the vista nor 2008 updates. Edit 3: Reinstalled Vista, installed all the updates mentioned in this post and picked the 3rd option, stuck at "checking for updates" for an entire hour, until it just stopped and asked me to check again. So yeah, I don't think this works on everyone, it either doesn't load at all or stops at 0% downloading. Maybe it's just my 32 bit laptop because it worked very well on my 64 bit VM. I'm not sure, but I would rather stick with offline updates for now.
Left it on for some time, got an 8007000e error ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Nevermind, as you said it only works on clean installs and it did!! The 3rd option works perfectly now, thank you so much!!!!
Method works after following alvaro's help post, BUT my friend said it failed to check for updates for him and the XP wu fix seems to be broken as well.
I installed this update and edited the .bat file so it doesn't complain, when trying to update I got an error code(80070057) so I dont think this will work