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The 2021 Leakies Awards Results Are In!


The 2021 Leakies Awards Results Are In!

Before we engage in today's award ceremony, please join us in kicking off the event with our National Anthem.

First up in the show we have the "They Fooled Us All" award. This award will be given to a leak that everyone was onboard with. Everyone was convinced it was happening until it all fell apart. The winner is...

They Fooled Us All Award
Winner: Blue Box Fiasco with 37.1% of the votes
Runner Up: Switch Pro Announcement Imminent with 31.6% of the votes
Voting Results

Next we have the "Under the Radar" award. This award is given to a leak that flew under the radar and didn't get much traction until after we all realized it was true the whole time. The winner is...

Under the Radar Award
Winner: "Twitter user leaks Star Wars Eclipse before TGA" with 46.3% of the votes -/u/MattTheMLGPRo
Runner Up: "Sora in Smash 4chan leak from 2020" with 29.8% of the votes
Voting Results

The "Worst Kept Secret" award is pretty self explanatory. This award goes to a leak that was pretty much confirmed the whole time, and then it was revealed as if we didn't already know it was coming. This year's winner is...

Worst Kept Secret Award
Winner: "Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy" with 50.5% of the votes
Runner Up: "Halo Infinite Multiplayer Launch" with 24.5% of the votes
Voting Results

"Most Anticipated Unconfirmed Leak" award is what the community has voted on as their personal most anticipated leak that they hope comes true. Winner is...

Most Anticipated Unconfirmed Leak Award
Winner: "Kojima/Silent Hill Project" with 31.9% of the votes
Runner Up: "Bloodborne PC" with 28.8% of the votes
Voting Results

The "Best Unofficially Official Leaker" award goes to an official source, but not one you would expect to be the one doing the leaking. I can NOT believe you guys didn't let Pringles win. Smh. Winner is...

Best Unofficially Official Leaker Award
Winner: "Microsoft Store" with 30.5% of the votes
Runner Up: "Pringles" with 24.8% of the votes
Voting Results

"We Prayed It was Fake" award. Name says it all. The winner is...

We Prayed it was Fake Award
Winner: "Battlefield 2042 in Development Hell" with 31% of the votes these posts were organized by /u/Dangerman1337
Runner Up: "Ghost Recon Battle Royale" with 28.9% of the votes
Voting Results

"Comment of the Year" Award goes to one of our Reddit members that received the most votes for a quality comment on the sub. This year's winner is...

Comment of the Year Award
Winner: "No Bloodborne? It must be legitimate." -/u/KingBroly with 43.3% of the votes
Runner Up: "This is, without exaggeration, the worst day of my life." with 20.6% of the votes
Voting Results

"Leak of the Year" award will be handed out yearly to the best leak of each calendar year. This year there was never a doubt. The winner is...

Leak of the Year Award
Winner: "GeForce Now Leak" with 81.4% of the votes by /u/OnkelJupp
Runner Up: "Elden Ring Trailer Leaks" with 8.6% of the votes
Voting Results

The mod team has also decided to give out yearly awards (useless flairs) to members we see as top contributors for the year. This year we are giving out three "Top Contributor 2021" flairs. These flairs will be given yearly to members who go out of their way to spend time making quality posts and keeping this sub informed and active in a positive way. Thanks for all that you guys have done this past year.

Top Contributor 2021 Awards
Winners: /u/Crusader3456, /u/FlannOff, /u/timmmy8

Thanks again for another great year on r/GamingLeaksandRumours. This idea came up literally weeks ago, and it was a last second decision to go with it. Next year we hope to improve on this idea a lot with more awards and more flair/s.

Thanks for being such a great community and everyone have a Happy New Year!!


As we roll the credits, here are some lovely things some anonymous people said in the optional comment box at the end of the voting poll form:


Man! You guys do a great job filtering stuff. Keep it up!


hello :)




More Bloodborne PC posts pl0x.


Y’all did great this year, happy holidays and happy new year!!! Hope we get another year of silly rumors in our weird community.


Thanks for the amazing server and amazing awards idea


So far it's been a great Subreddit to visit daily, all I'd comment is keeping in check new threads created with absolutely zero source and credibility, and that'd be all. Good work and thanks.


I hate this place I'm here every day



i want more leakies


I love tacos 🌮


You guys and gals are awesome, keep up the great work you do :)


Leak gta 6 and send nudes pls


My foreskin is crusty


Where is Skyrim 2 ?


love u


these awards are awersome idea, keep it up. I visit this sub daily. :)


All mod are gay


Peter Griffin Fortnite




I really hope worthwhile Zelda leaks or news happen soon.


Honestly, the idea for these awards is super fun! It’s a cool way to engage the community beyond just regular old speculation. Keep up the good work!


Sexy fortnite sex boobas and vagana


😎 hi mods


Put sex in among us. I'm begging you. Please put sex in among us. Fuck. Please. Begging you.


Damn daniel


Thanks for keeping everything running :) Love this subreddit. Keep it up!

96% Upvoted
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level 1

“I hate this place I’m here every day”


level 2

yeah uh idk if its sad or not that i had 106 hours on this subreddit alone…

Like how did i manage that

level 1

Honorable Mention to Joe Biden for leaking a Nintendo Direct.

level 2


level 2

people be like fuck joe biden

yet he leaked a nintendo direct thats how you know they arent thinking straight

level 2


level 1

"It's just an honor to be nominated"

  • Peter Griffin, probably

level 1

I love this, good shit.

level 1

This was fun. Congrats to Geforce Now and Microsoft

level 1
· 2 days ago
Leakies Awards Winner 2021

This wouldn't be possible without Nvidia's leaky ship. If only it leaked the Switch 2 as well.

level 2

They probably did leak the Switch 2 lol. That’s why so many insiders were talking about it.

level 1

Ayo? Sex in... Amogus??? 😳

level 2

Kinda Sussy

level 2


level 1

Yall not giving Pringles the recognition they deserve smh

level 2

The fact it was completely unintentional on their end should've made them the winner.

level 1

Pringles got robbed

level 1
· 2 days ago · edited 2 days ago
Top Contributor 2021

Awesome to be recognized!

I plan to have my Xbox Game Studio and Bethesda Softworks Mega Thread updated some time in Q1 2022.

level 1
· 2 days ago
Top Contributor 2021

Aw thanks guys, I really appreciate the recognition <3

Fantastic little community here, every URL in this subreddit is purple for me. I hope many realize the amount of work you mods put in, and leaks and spoilers you are subject to by being a mod.

Edit: Just saw the flair <3

level 2
· 2 days ago
Top Contributor 2021

I noticed my flair too. Congrats to you!

level 1
· 2 days ago
Leakies Awards Winner 2021

Great job everyone, finally the ''Misleading'' tag can rest ;)

level 1
· 1 day ago
Top Contributor 2021

In 2016 I've said fuck the Oscars and now ugh... actually in a way the Oscars got fucked because the r/GamingLeaksAndRumours awards are getting better so...

level 1

One of the only good communities on Reddit. Cheers folks, let's get that Bloodborne PC announcement next year 🍻

level 1
· 2 days ago · edited 2 days ago

I mean the Geforce Now leak is probably goes down in history as one of the biggest leaks of all time XD A LOT OF AAA GAMES AND UPCOMING PROJECTS GOT LEAKED for upcoming 2022-2025

level 1

This is fun.

But how did the Sora leak lose to Star Wars Eclipse?!

level 2

Sora in Smash feels like something someone could guess but Eclipse was so out of nowhere and included a ton of info about the game

level 2

Recency bias.

level 1

God I love this community

level 2

Easily the best gaming community on reddit

level 1

Shouldn't the Blue Box fiasco win on technicality because it was separated into two, or am I dead wrong here?

level 2
ModModerator Achievement · 2 days ago · edited 2 days ago

Bruh I honestly have no idea how I've looked at this sheet so many times and not noticed that, and we had some 2000 votes and nobody said anything about it, but you're totally right lmao.

We changed the poll to include a different link for the example post in parenthesis, but it replaced that option with another. So it only shows up in the results. Tallying up the votes, Blue Box fiasco wins by a slim 94 votes. Same with the Battlefield images link but that one wasnt even close.

Good catch, we don't want Kojima or Blue Box in our DMs saying he they were scammed out of the highly coveted Leakie Award

level 1

Surprised Dealabs didn't win something. That site has leaked the correct PSplus games for about the past 4-5 months I think.

level 1

joe biden

level 2

Wake up

level 1

"We Prayed it was Fake Award" was so close. All that disappointment...

level 1

This was a very fun read and brought back memories

level 1

This was fun to read and nice little throwback to the community. Happy holidays everyone!

level 1

Wiggler in Mario Golf. Just wow

level 1

Could we get links to all of those? In the pictures it has the URL but it gets cut off. I'd like togo back and read all the leaks or not leaks or whatever.

level 1

This wins the award for awards given for things I didn't know needed awards and I am glad they got awards.

level 1

This was fun.

Although I’d say that the Destiny Pastebin leak was pretty killer. This entire year plus the next 3 expansions leaked? Crazy

level 1

Love you guys!

Silent Hill?

level 1

Peter Griffin was robbed

level 1

Been a very funny year on this sub.

Can imagine Blue Box zealots are seething rn

level 1

Never forget what Epic Games took from us

level 1

Yo did that Abandoned fake Kojima game ever come out? Wtf happened with that shit? Wasn't it supposed to come out months ago?

level 2

They said that more news will be coming on Spring

I doubt that State of Play is gonna be next month

level 2

It's probably never coming out.

level 1
· 2 days ago
level 2

bruh someone reported me for this shit I got banned. lmao. it's a reference to one of the survey comments in the OP you jabronis...

level 1

Alright bois, when are we getting the next bloodborne leak

level 1
· 19 hr. ago

This is awesome ahahaha

level 1

You guys should do this every year.

More posts from the GamingLeaksAndRumours community


  • Eclipse originally started as an MMORPG nicknamed Project Karma that Sony rejected for Detroit. Quantic Dream then used the assets from Karma to pitch Lucasfilm a new Star Wars game.
  • Quantic Dream was looking to sell itself after Detroit to get more resources but the workplace accusations drove away all the buyers.
  • QD's engine is causing problems for Eclipse cause it was only designed for confined levels and limited amount of NPC's.
  • Studio is struggling to create the multiplayer side of the game.
  • Game has been in development for over 18 months but the studio still has no playable version.
  • QD is having staffing problems due to allegations.
Posted by
Top Contributor 2021
3 days ago

Halo Infinite. One of the bigger games I have been looking forward to exploring it's pre-release headlines. Arguably the biggest game of not only the year, but depending on who you ask, is the headline game of the generation so far.

The follow up game to 2015's Halo 5: Guardians was always going to be massive. While 343 Industries let down many fans who adore the story these games have offered, the general consensus is that the game's online component was a near must-play experience.

So, where does this journey take us? An interesting toy leak, some "leaked" screenshots, and rumours of a shadow launch dominate the pre-release this time round.

Without further ado, let's jump right in.


June 10, 2018 - Halo Infinite Announced

Here is the gorgeous trailer.

April 7, 2019 - Budget: Infinite?

Xbox Dynasty is our first major source of information for the game, sharing that the game will have a $500 million USD budget! The article is referencing a podcast where game producer Ralf Adam is having a discussion and is asked specifically about the budget, to where he also confirms that the budget is only accounting for development costs - not including any marketing. This was apparently overheard at GDC, which he allegedly triple checked that it was true.

For comparison, Cyberpunk 2077 is officially the most expensive released video game at $173 million, however there are unconfirmed high budgets for other games. Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption 2 comes in at an estimated 200-300 million, Grand Theft Auto V at $265 million, and Square Enix's disappointing Marvel's Avengers at $170 million. So, what does this mean for Infinite?

Nothing. This is all debunked by Frank O'Connor, saying how hearing something at GDC is about as reliable as the claim that your uncle works at Nintendo.

Outcome? Claimed to be false, but is Frank lying?

April 19, 2019 - Infinite to Feature Battle Royale

YouTuber Brad Sams has the next juicy claim for the game, cllaiming that now he has overhead that the game will have a Battle Royale mode. It is interesting to note that he is also saying he has heard the $500m budget rumour as well. Battle Royale was beginning to become the next biggest trend in gaming after the success of PUBG, Fortnite, and Apex Legends.

Frank O'Connor once again chimes in on ResetEra to share his two cents on this matter;

We will not talk about the launch content of Halo Infinite until we're ready. I haven't watched the video so if I am misinterpreting the headline as "'Halo Infinite is launching with/as a Halo Battle Royale mode" that is still not the case. You can probably make your own Battle Royale mode in Forge even right now though. It's a mode not a genre. And all the variants out there now are in my opinion quite radically different from my perspective. Apex vs Fortnite is chalk and cheese - one focuses on movement and map traversal and the other on building and budgeting. Like CTF. BTB Super Fiesta (for example) contains a lot of the shenanigans and emergent fun of that kind of large experience but big sandbox modes are not Battle Royale any more than Oddball is CTF. The launch modes for MP are not 100% defined and are subject to change till quite late in the process - but Battle Rifle will still be there. So you can have BR. But are we interested in big social modes with loads of organic shenanigans? Yes. Specifically A blimp full of survivors heading to an Island after a (metaphorical) lecture from Beat Takeshi? No.

We are NOT doing this as of now - and no plans to -- but Battle Royale could be made for any of the Halo games in MCC or 5 with some content and scripting additions, because it is a mode. It would have limits based on each engine. I'm pointing that out to be clear that it's one of the ways we think about gameplay possibilities rather than a single direction for a title.

Outcome? Debunked.

December 9, 2019 - Infinite to Feature a Grapple Hook?

Our first real juicy leak for the game comes in the form of a "leaked screenshot". The screenshot was shared to the Halo subreddi] from a now deleted account, and shows a rather early development screenshot of what many will recognise as some form of Halo. There does seem to be that all familiar sniper rifle, as well as the comforting UI for the player's shield. However, the most noteworthy item on this screenshot seems to introduce something never seen before in a Halo game - a grapple hook ability.

Fans were quick to dismiss this leak, claiming that the assets were from a previous Halo game, and that the ability icon was way too familiar to one from Overwatch. The OP of the leak also claims that the leak was 7-9 months old at time of posting, placing this screenshot in around February, 2019. Hold that thought.

A few months later, 343 Industries put out a behind-the-scenes video, where some internet sleuthing was able to piece together something interesting. It seems that the video has a tiny glimpse of a developer working on a game, one would safely assume Halo Infinite. Due to some clever detective work, the HUD elements of the footage released by 343 identically matches up with the original leak back in December, especially the shield and compass elements. This seemingly confirms the addition of the grapple hook. While there is a viewable thread of this discovery on Reddit, I don't feel comfortable fully crediting the OP in that post as the discoverer (however if it was the case I will happily edit).

Franchise Director for the series Frank O'Connor even responded directly to a tweet about this. While his tone seems to come across as him disputing this leak and claiming it to be false, he doesn't actually deny that this is Halo Infinite. It is important to note what he doesn't say, as much as what he does. Take a look;

You know we scrub these for accidental leaks right? (Thanks for nothing 4k!) gray box/forge thing you’re looking at doesn’t show anything meaningful and isn’t even necessarily content from Infinite. Sometimes they’re just test environments or cut outs of H5 prototyping work...

...and sometimes just stuff from dev that we decided doesn’t constitute anything meaningful or meaningful intended to ship.

Further, if this confirms that the original leaker for the screenshot was a reliable source, we have a couple more interesting claims. OP also claims that the game is open world - or at least semi open world - and that the game will feature enemy outposts for the player to clear..

What is interesting is that reputable industry insider Kloberille shares in a forum that while there is a grapple hook equipment pickup in the game, that this screenshot was indeed fake

Outcome? Genuine leak.

April 24, 2020 - Multiplayer Screenshots Leak?

Some very blury and out of focus screenshots made their way onto image hosting site Imgur, showing off an intense CQB scenario in a tight corridor. Straight away, there was a divide of fans arguing if this was a genuine leak, or if it was fake. The biggest clues for it being fake were that the pictures featured an assault rifle model from Halo Reach, and that the map location seemed to be an area from Halo: Combat Evolved.

However, reddit user u/M1ghty_boy did some excellent sleuthing, where they compared the leaked screenshots to previous Halo media, to help deduce if it is original or fake. The album is viewable right here, and is well worth a look.

Myself? This is tricky. There is evidence for this to go both ways, but I lean on the side that it is fake. While it is possible that the models used and the map itself are just assets used from another game, I genuinely believe that a few months before it's original release date that it would not be using these assets. While yes the game did release in 2021, it is important to note that the game was targeting a 2020 release date. However, I have also spoken to people who believe that this was real, due to the models of characters and weapons, as well as the HUD elements.

Outcome? I believe to be fake. I know this one will have some discussion in the comments...

April 24, 2020 - Mega Construx Toys Make Online Appearance

A bit of an odd leak, but a couple of Halo figurines managed to make their way online through Imgur. While they do not directly brand these figures as Halo Infinite, a quick look at the Mega Construx websites suggests otherwise. For the description for the Spartan Gungnir, it says;

Buildable Halo Infinite inspired Spartan Gungnir micro action figure with deluxe decoration

For the Brute Warrior figurine, the website shares;

Designed as it appears in Halo Infinite, this Brute Warrior micro action figure is equipped for combat

However...every single set in the Halo collection by Mega Construx has the same description saying "based on their appearance in Halo Infinite". Nothing to see here.

Outcome? Irrelevant.

April 25, 2020 - Halo: Infinite Campaign to Feature Time Travelling

According to a leak on 4chan (screenshots available here, and here, the story will feature time travelling. Yup. Apparently, Chief will have to go back in time to the events of Reach to defend the planet, save Noble 6, and prevent the war from ever happening. But, why just have the summary, here is the leak in it's entirety;

Chief in the present manages to save Cortana from rampancy, but the damage to the galaxy has already been done with violent civil war erupting everywhere due to Cortana instigating it at the end of Halo 5/Halo 6 by controlling all AI and computers in the galaxy, even those used by aliens. The only way to save this is to use a forerunner tool and activate all the Halo rings at once to create a time rift that sends Cortana back in time to when she was created, and her current state with all her experiences and knowledge will get downloaded into and merge with her self in the past. Chief and all life in the galaxy dies in the present as all the Halo successfully activate, and Cortana finds herself on the UNSC computer that Dr. Halsey made Cortana in. This is how present Cortana knows that her and Chief's plan succeeded. Present Cortana talks to past Cortana and assimilates with past Cortana, giving her all of Present Cortana's experiences and memories. Cortana then tells Halsey who tells the rest of the UNSC to expect and prepare for the Covenant threat.

The final playable location is on Reach where you successfully mount a defensive across the planet and defend against the Covenant to cause them to retreat. You play as Chief during this, and the final cutscene consists of 3 things, Chief meeting Noble 6 who survived and also fought in the Reach defense, the Arbiter with other Sangheili warriors who say that they have to take this threat seriously (It's like the "Fine, I'll do it myself" Avengers Age of Ultron post-credits scene with Thanos), and Cortana talking to Halsey about there being "one more thing I need to tell you..." as it shows the Flood containment on one of the Halo Installations as you hear a faint sound of Gravemind laughing.

Halo Infinite is basically a reboot for the series which is why it also has that specific subtitle.

What you have here is someone just finishing their rewatch of 2019's Avengers: Endgame and applying that exact same storyline to Halo. A somewhat interesting piece of fan-fiction, but nothing more.

Outcome? Fake.

June 2, 2020 - Funko Pop! Name Leaks

It seems that reliable Funko Pop! insider anerydad shared some interesting information on Instagram, discovering the names of three Halo Infinite Pop figurines.

The names listed in the picture are;

  • Master Chief

  • Mark VII

  • Mark VII with Vakara

The most interesting one corncerns the Mark VII with Vakara, with fans trying to figure out what this is. Was it a no companion AI, was it a weapon, was it a brand new vehicle? As it turns was just a new weapon-specifically the new commando rifle. It's also fun to guess what he will look like in Mark VII armour, but that is also viewable in the previois link. Spoiler - it's his best yet.

Outcome? Genuine leak.

July 1, 2020 - Toy Leak Hints at Character's Fate

Another toy leak again from Mega Construx seems to raise some questions about the fate of a certain character from the previous game. First discovered on reddit, the image shows a Brute with what appears to be helmet of Spartan Locke added to his warsuit. The full set is viewable here, and names this character as Hyperious. The real question hereis Mega Construx just taking some creative liberties, or is this design really based on the game? If so... does this mean that Halo 5 Guadian's main playable character bites it in Infinite, or perhaps just loses his helmet in an encounter?

Outcome? Accurate, and fixed based on comments below! Turns out there are audio logs and dialogue that suggests that did happen, and that the big Brutes design does actually feature this helmet!

July 18, 2020 - Wallrunning, Arbiter, No Sprinting

An interesting 4chan leak makes some pretty audacious claims for the next entry in the franchise.

this is open world, one massive Halo ring rendered to scale. Thrust and clamber are the only returning abilities from H5. Wall running, crawling and dual wielding are in the game. In campaign, Chief gets a grappling hook, a double jump, and some new visor modes. Campaign wise, it's a mix between classic Halo and Metroid. Chief can find permanent upgrades in the world (many of his Spartan abilities are hidden in the world), and there's puzzle elements to solve as well. He has a scan visor, which fills a lore book in the pause menu. You can bring up a world map at any time. There's no fast travel, but there's enough vehicles to let you travel pretty fast, including air vehicles. Weapons are pretty customizable in the campaign, I was able to deck out my assault rifle with a 4x COG scope, a heavy barrel for increased accuracy, and an underbarrel grenade launcher. As for enemies, there's "Normal" Covenant, aka classic style Covies, and there's Banished. Prometheans are very rare, typically only found found in hidden Forerunner buildings, and they have been significantly revised to be much more challenging to fight. There's more, but I won't spoil it. The story is . . . not horrible. Don't expect an amazing story from the game, it's fairly simple, does what it needs to fairly well, but it's not Halo 2 tiers of storytelling. Arbiter is involved quite a bit.

Later on in a reply, he mentions;

Yes, sprint is gone. There's a shit ton of vehicles, even stuff from Halo Wars, like the Wolverine and Locust

He also goes on to mention some new weapons, some gameplay details, and doubles down on the wall running aspect. All of this sounds incredibly ambitious, and some large deviations for the Halo franchise.

Unfortunately, it seems to be another completely made up Halo leak. There is no double jump feature, wall running doesn't feature and dual wielding isn't in the game. Seems to just be your typical 4chan leak!

Outcome? Fake.

July 20, 2020 - Halo Infinite Multiplayer Free-to-Play?

According to a report from Windows Central, Infinite's multiplayer component might be available for everyone. While the article itself is discussing the game's ten year plan, they do make an interesting inclusion;

[...] It's also in line with some unconfirmed rumors that sources close to Windows Central have disclosed, including the strong possibility of Halo Infinite's multiplayer being free-to-play

Outcome? Keep reading.

July 24, 2020 - Infinite to Launch without Multiplayer

As 343 were tight lipped about the multiplayer offering at this stage of pre-release, there was a rumour doing circulation that the game might actually launch without multiplayer. While eventually they did have a split release, the rumour was that the single player would launch well before the multiplayer would. Luckily, 343 Community Director chimed in on Twitter, saying;

Nothing to see here folks, this is not true.

Outcome? Inaccurate.

July 31, 2020 - Multiplayer F2P, Support 120fps

Thanks to a leak from UK retailer Smyths Toys, they accidentally let slip a rather massive piece of news. They managed to break that the multiplayer component would actually be free-to-play, and that the game could support up to 120fps. This supports the earlier claims from Windows Central that the game might launch this way. This is also quickly supported by Klobrille, who also quickly adds that the game will have a battle pass system and feature customization that the franchise has never seen before.

Outcome? Genuine leak. Confirmed later that day by 343.

December 29, 2020 - Arbiter To Return?

Famous voice actor Keith David (who voiced the Arbiter in the Halo franchise), was a bit bored on Twitter so decided to answer some fan's questions. One fan asked;

Are you able to tell us if you're in Halo Infinite?

To which David responded;

I'd have to kill you

It isn't out of the realm of possibility for the Arbiter to feature in Infinite following his role in Halo 5: Guardians, especially after the ending of the game. However, other than appearing as a plushie, the Arbiter does not make an appearance. However, who knows what the future holds with the game...

Outcome? False

January 11, 2021 - Big Team Battles to be Bigger Team Battles

Klobrille once again makes headlines, as he shares on Twitter (screenshot courtesy of u/jackthegreat8). Klobrille begins by denying the existence of a battle royale mode, and then goes on to what he refers to as "Big Team Battle 2.0";

I know there won't be a Battle Royale mode

To my limited knowledge, instead the team is creating a "Big Team Battle 2.0" mode, which is a better fit for Halo, including massively enhanced vehicular combat, squad spawning, incoming Pelican drops and many more surprises.

It does seem that elements of this did mostly make their way to Infinite's launch, with just one of these features lacking - a squad spawn. Having said that, there is evidence that this was once implemented due to the heavy presence of the pre-game and post-game cutscenes displaying squads. Outside of these cutscenes, squads are useless, so it is possible that there was a different purpose for them. Pelican drops do feature, as does the much larger emphasis on vehicular combat. In terms of what Klobrille meant by "more surprises" - no idea.

He does also nail the fact that there is no BR mode, to a shock to no-one.

Outcome? Confirmed.

March 21, 2021 - Spartan Griffin Voice Actor Leaks Scene with Chief

In an interview that is shared on YouTube, voice actor Verlon Roberts has let slip that the game is not supposedly coming out in November 2021, but that he actually has a speaking role as Spartan Griffin. He confirmed that he has also done motion capture for the game, particularly in a scene with Master Chief;

I was acting opposite the actor that does the motion capture for Master Chief. He wears a baseball cap with a stick on it with a tennis ball and that's what you're looking at and you're talking to while you're doing the scenes

As we know based on the earlier leak, Spartan Griffin does feature in the game, and this confirms that it is at least a noteworthy appearance if they were doing motion capture with voice.

Outcome? Genuine leak. View the scene here (courtesy of Game Clips.)

March 25, 2021 - 343 Teasing Return of Popular Enemy?

As a series of blog posts leading up the game's release, 343 Industries were revealing many development tricks they have used and how they have built the game as we know it today. In particular, the March blog post was focused around the audio design and how audio has evolved for the game's world.

In a video that was included in the blog (but has interestingly since been deleted), 343 are showing off their ambient audio for a Forerunner interior location. While the video is unviewable, we can listen to the audio right here (start at the 15 second mark). What does this sound like? Unless I (and thousands others around the world are mistaken), we believe this strongly resembles something that the notorious Flood would sound like.

Naturally, this sends the internet into a frenzy, with many both excited and horrified about the potential return of the Flood. Having said that, unfortunately the game does not feature this enemy yet, although I am quite confident that this will change at some point. Perhaps setting up for the future? Maybe another leak will shed light on this...

Outcome? Unconfirmed.

July 30, 2021 - Battle Royale Leaked?

As discovered by DukeBlueBall over on ResetEra, there seems to be a voice clip of the famous game announcer for Halo saying two very interesting words - "Battle Royale". It is available to be listened to right here in all its glory. This clip came to surface after 343 allowed players to play the technical preview for the game, and of course naturally meant that the game would be datamined.

As we know, the game does not have a battle royale mode, but interesting that 343 had the game announcer say it and even put it in the game.

Outcome? Genuine leak. A real piece of information leaked, but nothing to show for it...yet.

July 30, 2021 - Halo Infinite Campaign Leaks

As the technical preview is live, more people are able and willing to datamine the files that developers have left in the code. Unfortunately for 343, it seems that they forgot to take out some files that contained key plot elements for the Infinite campaign. I am not sure who leaked the information, but the whole campaign leak is viewable right here. It does not write it out in linear fashion, and does include some other pieces of seemingly random information, but the text strings all seem to relate to objective markers in the game. Reddit user u/Con0rr wrote a great summary of it right here on reddit

Sounds like Chief gets “The Weapon” (new cortana) early on, she doesn’t know she’s a Cortana clone.

Chief early in the game sees a Hologram of Escharum, challenging him to defeat him and his subordinates. The Pilot is sorta helping throughout the game as you hunt down his Chief’s and rescue Marines and Spartans on the Halo rings.

Side Missions to kill Banished leadership throughout the campaign. Sounds like each has a modified Banished/Covenant weapon, likely similar to the Halo 5 weapon variants.

The Banished are kidnapping Humans and taking them somewhere for some reason, sounds like a mystery early in the game.

At some point The Pilot gets taken. Causing Chief and The Weapon to go further into The Halo and discover more and more Forerunner artifacts and weird things going on. I’m guessing the Human kidnappings are related to The Palace of Pain.

For the sake of spoilers (and more honestly my character limit), I recommend taking a read in the original thread linked above. However, it does contain spoilers so be warned! The leak is given further credibility when Joseph Staten tweets;

Hey folks, heads up: we unintentionally included a small number of #HaloInfinite campaign files in the tech preview build. Unfortunately, these files contain spoilers.

Leaks like this are painful for the dev team and can ruin the campaign experience for everyone. So please, keep you eyes peeled for spoilers and don't spread them if you see them

A real shame for 343, but unfortunately these things happen in the industry.

Outcome? Confirmed.

August 10, 2021 - Battle Royale Will Spoil Campaign

Yes, that headline is to be believed if you trust industry insider Tom Henderson, who has made quite some bold statements over on Twitter, saying;

The #HaloInfinite Battle Royale is also heavily connected to the campaign in a lot of ways. So avoid BR leaks if you don't want campaign spoilers.

I'm not entirely sure what it means for Halo, but I'd imagine it's to incentivize people to purchase the full game in some way.

He then adds in a follow-up Tweet;

Just to be clear, I'm not sure if it's been scrapped on not or when/if it will release, but it's been in development for years.

These claims seem to have honestly come out of nowhere...the Battle Royale rumours had largely quietened after 343's constant refusal of the mode. Add in the fact that there are now alleged leaks (which I couldn't find any around this time frame) and that they will allegedly spoil the campaign seems a bit...outrageous. While Tom Henderson historically did provide some accurate leaks for Battlefield 2042, seems like that should be where he specialises...for now. The backtracking about not being sure when/if there will be a release and he is not sure if it's scrapped seems to be a bit questionable too. What do you guys think?

Outcome? Fake.

August 21, 2021 - Announcer "Flood" Files Leak

More datamining has lead to some more discoveries, this time finding more evidence that the Flood will make an appearance of some form in the game. The audio that was found shows the game's announcer saying a bunch of phrases containing the word "Flood". The audio is posted here on reddit, and is great to listen to. To me, it seems that it is a multiplayer mode and all of the announcement are reference to awards that the player can earn during the game. The mode though? Keep reading to find out more.

Outcome? Plausible.

August 22, 2021 - Warzone to Return?

Leaked data code discovered by u/ItsYaBoi-SkinnyBum implies that there might be a return of debatably the best part of Halo 5: Guardians - the PvPvE multiplayer mode, Warzone. The big list of referenced modes can be found here, and makes reference to a couple of interesting "modes". A couple of notable highlights are "Hunt the Hunters", "SWAT-holds", and of course "Warzone". There is also reference to something called "Warzone Olympus", with myself having no idea what that could be about. Many do believe that this is to be left over Halo 5 code, and it's hard to disagree with it - 343 surely would have featured this at launch considering it's popularity in the previous entry. However, they could also be waiting for a Halo 5 "season of content" to bring it back. Who knows!

But "Hunt the Hunters" sounds wicked fun.

Outcome? Unconfirmed.

September 25, 2021 - New Multiplayer Maps Leak

Courtesy of another leak by "Halo Infinite News & Leaks", we have our first look at three new maps. The maps depict a beautiful night time city scape, a giant AA gun in an outdoor environment, and somewhere that resembles a training environment for the UNSC. As it turns out, these leaks were very reliable, as they all are three of the maps that launched in the game, Launch Site, Deadlock, and Streets. Not much else to see here!

Outcome? Confirmed.

September 30, 2021 - Season One Battle Pass Leaks

As shared on the Halo Leaks Discord channel, it seems that the unlock path for the first season of content for Infinite has leaked. This screenshot details just exactly what is achievable, with a large emphasis on Halo Reach and the armour kits for those characters. The leaked pass features 120 tracks, whilst the released version only has 100. Other than that, it seems to have nailed it - largely cutting out the challenge swap tokens.

Outcome? Confirmed.

October 8, 2021 - Forge Features Leak

Twitter account "Halo Infinite News & Leaks" has discovered the gold mine of Forge's features that have yet to be revealed to the public. There are a series of Tweets that go into great detail just how powerful the new Forge tool can be for Infinite, allowing players to go from building a simple map, do potentially creating a whole new game.

The Tweets show just how powerful and creative players can be with this version of the tool, with one feature allowing creators to trigger events "on players spawn", "on grenade pickup", or "on weapon no ammo". There are a seemingly list of events that can be linked to an item. This is just one tiny aspect of the tool creation kit - you can create areas that kick players out of vehicle, you can create areas where vehicles are destroyed. Add in the always familiar tools that let you build maps, create modes, edit spawns, weapons, visual filters, absolutely anything, and you can really see the potential for this version of the Forge - no wonder it has been delayed from the game's launch. Yes, it totally seems that players can build their own battle royale... if you're into that.

No doubt fans with better ability to understand what these tools mean will have their opinion and what can be achieved!

Outcome? Likely leak.

October 10, 2021 - Flooooooood!

"Flood! Survive against the Flood to win. Incoming! 1 v horde!. Yep, someone has found audio files of the game's popular announcing saying those lovely words Flood and horde. The earlier leak (with knowing the context of the horde mode), makes me believe that there is a game mode somewhere in the game that will allow players to fight against wave upon wave of the horrifying enemy. It definitely seems to be something coming at some stage during the game's release that this will amount to, however at the time of writing there is nothing.

There is also the possibility that this is a scrapped concept - but as this is a platform for Halo for the next 10 years...anything is possible.

Outcome? Plausible

October 29, 2021 - Early Access Bundle DLC Leaks on Microsoft Store

Discovered by reliable store sleuth Aggiornamenti Lumia on Twitter, it seems that 4 new DLC packs have made their way onto the Microsoft Store. HaloDotAPI, a very reliable leaker for anything and everything Halo, did some sleuthing of their own and discovered the name of the bundle "Early Access Digital Bundle". This led to many to speculate that while 343 haven't announced anything for Infinite in regards to staged releases or early access, this seemingly suggests otherwise.

Outcome? Continue reading.

November 11, 2021 - Infinite to Launch on November 15?

According to a couple of Halo leakers, HaloDotAPI and Surasia4, Halo Infinite will launch it's multiplayer on the 15th of November, celebrating both 20 years of Xbox and Halo. This is first met with scepticism, naturally, however, as the day and week rolled on, there seemed to be more and more evidence supporting this claim.

First, EvilBoris on Twitter discoveres in Microsoft Store code that the multiplayer component has a release date of November 15, and NateTheHate2 also confirms it on Twitter.

Next, HaloHub confirm on their website that after some tips from reliable insiders, they were to do some digging and discover the new release date as well.

As many of you are aware. we’ve been researching the possibility of integrating Infinite & MCC stat tracking into HaloHub for some time… So many months ago we figured out how to pull data from 343i’s servers. A number of other people have already done this including our friends @HaloDotAPI.

Some of our sources (That we can’t name to protect their identities) told us to have a dig around in the data that we can pull from 343i’s servers and here is what we found!

  • Halo Infinite Data Services are now Online!

  • Halo Infinite Season 1 “Heroes of Reach” starts on November 15th

  • There is more still too!

The data we found also listed start dates for the newly announced “Fracture” events, along with a name “Tenrai” for this seasons fracture events. The dates we found are as follows.

  • Week 1: Nov 23rd – Nov 29th, 2021

  • Week 2: Jan 4th – Jan 10th, 2022

  • Week 3: Feb 1st – Feb 7th, 2022

What is interesting is that the article also takes a look back at a Gamescom conference with Joseph Staten suggesting that they might have something to show at the Xbox 20th Celebration.

Then you have almost every insider in the industry saying that it is happening, right up until the conference held by Microsoft.

Outcome? Confirmed. However, just in case you needed anymore confirmation...

November 13, 2021 - Pringles Leak Halo Infinite MP Release Date read that right. Pringles - who partnered with Infinite to provide their customers with multiplayer boosts - seemingly leaked through a countdown on their website that Infinite would have an early launch for multiplayer. A screenshot is available right here, and shows the site having a countdown that ends on the 15th of November, the same day as the awaited Xbox Celebration.


As it turns out - this was purely a coincidence. According to a marketing partner at Halo (who I guess can be considered a reliable source), this was a countdown to Pringles own promotion - a "Snack Safe" campaign and nothing to do with the game's release. Read about it here;

Let me tell you a little story about Pringles. This weekend, Pringles had no idea about our surprise. They just took it upon themselves to put up a timer to the announce of their #Halo Snack Spots campaign, coming soon. Ha. what a fun time! HA!

to their credit, they again, had no idea. These poor dudes. Poor us. Poor everyone. But what a time to be alive, right? What was anyone supposed to do. lol

Many on reddit claimed that this statement was just covering Pringles ass because they did leak something, to which she responded;

I saw someone on Reddit doubt this was the case because it said “Snack safely in Halo combat” on top of the timer. This is explained because Snack Spots campaign and streams, if you watch the announce video, is all about finding a safe place to Snack in the midst of Halo combat.

Outcome? An extreme coincidence, but not a leak.

November 15, 2021 - Halo Infinite Multiplayer Launches!
December 8, 2021 - Halo Infinite Launches!
Closing Thoughts

Well, there you have it. The biggest wall of text yet for a series of leaks and rumours, which honestly could have been split into a two-part post. However, if I were to include every single piece of datamined information (most of which is not interesting), I could write a book! I can't write a whole tonne in this section as my character limit is exhausted, but if you enjoyed this I recommend checking out my other posts;

Thank you for taking the time to read! <3


so a twitter user has noticed some cryptic messages from the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater twitter page where the message "12 < 312" is present in not only in their recent Christmas art they did, but also in their Halloween post they did months prior.

Not only is this message used in both their Christmas and Halloween art pieces, but in their Thanksgiving post they teased another Activision game 'Wumpa League' (which has been teased and talked about on the internet this year.) so pretty much the twitter page has been teasing two games in the Activision library that have yet to be officially announced.

here is the evidence provided by the user

this is also not the first time a new entry to the Tony Hawk series has been hinted, as CKY drummer Jess Margera has went on a podcast and said the band is gonna have their songs used "for a new one coming up" ( However he later backtracked his statements once the news blew up and stated he only said it out of rumors he heard and deconfirmed the rumor.

it's unknown on who will be responsible for this hinted game, as Vicarious Visions (developers behind the remakes) are now working on Blizzard franchises moving forward. but only time will tell on whether or not a new game is legit.


Take this with a massive bucket of salt because I have no idea who the original source is, but the images do look pretty convincing. These were posted in a private Discord I’m in and apparently they’ve been spreading around certain circles for a few weeks now. I’ve tried asking around and I can’t seem to find a solid answer of where they originally came from.

Link to the image album

For anyone not familiar with COD stuff, every Treyarch game is internally titled TX. So BO3 is T7, Cold War is T9, etc. Black Ops T10 is presumably COD 2023.

The game seems to be using 99% Cold War assets but that seems pretty typical for a COD alpha. Then again it could just be fake since stuff doesn't tend to leak this early

I would recommend archiving/downloading the images just in case they get DMCA’d. I guess time will tell if they’re legit

Posted by
Top Contributor 2021
3 days ago

The thread can be seen here.


This is talked about at around 56 min by Nick and Jeff Grubb XboxEra Podcast link


According to ps game size on twitter God of war Ragnarok has a release date of September the 30th however this may just be a placeholder.



According To Playstation Database , Sonic Frontiers Coming November 15th 2022

Could be Just Place-Holder


open world

progress through agent ranks like a leveling system different backgrounds give different starting stats/abilities, eg background of cop gives a more physical character, background of chef gives better buff items, etc

weapon upgrade system, starting gun is the Cricket

you are free to neurolyze random civilians who might see you in the course of your missions but you're encouraged to do them covertly and if you abuse the mechanic too much you'll be penalized, one of the penalties is a demotion in agent rank

day/night cycle, aliens are more active at night, not all of them are hostile

you can attempt to recruit certain PCs if you happen to see them performing some kind of impressive feat; if they pass the test and are accepted you get recommended for promotion (agent rank up)

plot involves a classic 50s alien abduction pandemic where aliens are kidnapping humans for experimentation, but there's a twist



With the previous PSN database leak and now this. Q2-Q3 2022 seems likely


In the latest XboxEra podcast, Jeff Grub has stated that everwilds development is still In a messy state, even a few months after the reboot (21 minutes in)

He has also stated that he believes that Obsidian's Disco Elysium style game may release in 2022. (Lead by Josh Sawyer)

Alongside that he also believes that "Belfry" might also be a 2022 release (27 minutes in)


Sets up some interesting story implications. Curious why it was removed. Maybe the planned story was canned?

The Morse code apparently translates to Spirit of Fire Not accurate, nevermind


Main Gate route:

Back Route:

Godrick the Golden/Grafted Arena:

Behind Godrick's Arena:

Also this channel will keep posting datamined content for awhile. So heads up.

  • Tl;dr - Several things cancelled, so original trilogy remasters outsourced for 2022 anniversary and new adventure spin-off MK title between 2023/2024.

  • A lot of people seemed to have expected an appearance from NetherRealm Studios at the Video Game Awards and were disappointed they were a no show. There are quite a few internal factors behind their disappearance. Firstly, development on Mortal Kombat 11 was cut short and a fourth DLC pack was scrapped due to disappointing returns on the sales figures of its second repackaging dubbed Ultimate Mortal Kombat 11 as well as stand-alone sales for its DLC, Kombat Pack 2.

  • On top of that, what was initially supposed to release after Mortal Kombat 11 was a new IP - an entirely new franchise from NetherRealm Studios and their first non-fighting game - that has had its development seemingly put on ice for the time being. So within' one calendar year, two separate projects from the team, one DLC and one new game, have been halted mid-production. Since the merger, WB Games and their developers have been changing course and these changes heavily slammed down onto NetherRealm. They, being the new corporate overlords, want to see massive returns on their upcoming projects and some DLC for a two year old game and an unknown property were deemed unnecessary risks at this time.

  • So, the most basic gist of it is that NetherRealm shifted their entire release schedule so that a new Mortal Kombat could release next. Unfortunately for us, that means they started from scrap and thus the rather unusual large gap between releases. On the flip side of that, what I am hearing is that they will still celebrate Mortal Kombat's incredible 30'th anniversary next year with a remastered release of the original three games that is being handled by an outsourced development team.



Chrono Cross remake/remaster rumors don't make it seem like it's gonna be anything too crazy so I'd personally scratch that off the list.

Do you guys have any ideas on what the remake might be ?



Take this with a grain of salt. I'm more skeptical than not. But this was posted on a reputable (for a grey market vendor) key store. I messaged support and asked where they got their info and they told me that all they were allowed to say is that their sources only come from the people that sell the keys to them- in other words- I'm pretty sure that means the devs or publishers.

I have never seen anything like this. Never seen an unannounced game appear on a 3rd party key retailer so this is very odd. I'm hoping it's legit but even store fronts have misinformation sometimes cough Amazon France cough

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