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Kusotoko's avatar

Little Witch Academia - Akko Kagari

I wish this was a full anime kdjfghdfjgsakffasdaafasfd
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931x1200px 209.25 KB
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mamashibalover's avatar
tophxomi's avatar
OrigonStory2000's avatar
Well don't lose hope friend. With Studio Triggers kickstarter campaign overshooting it's mark by more than half a million dollars in six days, it looks like this little project may be hitting our screens far sooner than you might expect.
JackTheMaverick's avatar
As do I, the world they presented is very interesting and I would have loved to have see it expanded upon. Although, I'd be concerned about what other stuff Sucy would start to create, especially after seeing the effects her poison has on creatures, haha.

This is nice, did a fantastic job on the shading and reeeally impressed with how you pulled off the glow effects on the bow!
Kusotoko's avatar
oh thank you, man! A Sucy fan, I take it? It's an impressive piece of work and I'd definitely want to see more from Trigger, specifically more LWA.

Also thanks; I was pretty happy with how the glow turned out myself!
JackTheMaverick's avatar
I imagine keeping with the smooth animation must be quite the task for them to do, but it is certainly helping their work stick out from the crowd. Also, yeah, absolutely! A girl that's clearly hiding more than what you know and the "hair over one eye" look made for a very interesting character in my eye.
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